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Showing results 51 - 75 of 203 matches

July 27, 2008 Link to this post

Hints of an upcoming Halo-only Event
geekinabox noticed a couple of articles (an interview tidbit at Eurogamer and commentary at Joystiq) which picked up on a comment made by Frank O'Connor at the San Diego Comic Con - apparently, there's a possibility of a 'HaloCon' event in the future. Hmm... (Louis Wu 11:54:42 UTC)

July 13, 2008 Link to this post

Gamespot Gets In on the Rumor Game
Gamespot has its own wild rumors about what's going to be announced this week - their guess involves a squad-based tactical shooter without the Master Chief at all. Hmm... thanks, BlueNinja. (Louis Wu 21:15:32 UTC)

June 4, 2008 Link to this post

The Return of the Prequel Rumor
Remember this rumor about a Halo prequel? It's popped up again, in a different form - CVG is reporting that the latest issue of EGM has some info about something that sounds the same - but there's no mention of Gearbox. Hmm... same game, different developer? Different game altogether? Totally false rumor? Your guess is as good as ours. (Louis Wu 20:54:10 UTC)

June 3, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars - a Chumpion?
Game Guru, in India, has listed their 6 'Chumpions' of 2008 - games that have no chance of living up to the hype. Halo Wars is on their list, because they don't believe a Real Time Strategy game will work on a console. Hmm... (Louis Wu 20:28:14 UTC)

May 12, 2008 Link to this post

Life Boat
Halo Action Figure Theater got an update today - Episode 146 has Col. O'Hara and Brad waking up in a strange place. With a strange... person. Hmm... (Louis Wu 15:44:38 UTC)

February 25, 2008 Link to this post

The Riot 88
Sigafoos let us know that The Riot 88 is now up at Second Foundation - 31 minutes, 12.5 mb, your standard community news/challenges/Halo stuff, plus zombies and Rambo. (Hmm... a zombie Rambo sounds scary!) Go listen. (Louis Wu 14:27:07 UTC)

February 6, 2008 Link to this post

What About His Power Level?
Halo Action Figure Theater has been updated with Episode 123 - can chains really control zombies? Hmm... (Didja notice how I didn't even deign to mention the power level reference? ...DOH!) (Louis Wu 14:18:40 UTC)

December 13, 2007 Link to this post

Psst... buy your NYC VGL tix early
Hmm... not totally sure about this, but... cannon1iron let us know that tickets for a New York City performance of Video Games Live next April go on sale tomorrow, officially... but you can get in on an internet presale by using the password HEHALO on this page. I checked, and there are some great seats available! (Well, right NOW.) Beat the rush - prebuy now. Update: Mig has an opinion you might want to read. (Louis Wu 16:10:49 UTC)

December 6, 2007 Link to this post

PG takes Bungie in the Humpday Challenge
It'll be interesting to see what the Bungie.net writeup says about this week's Halo Humpday Challenge... because only three games were played, and Bungie lost two of them. Will Luke be able to wring a 'Win' out of those stats? I'd say 'no'... except I know Luke. We'll wait and see. In the meantime, you can read the PraetoriaGuard writeup of the event, over at their website (they even changed their site theme to celebrate the victory). If you're reading this after Thursday, December 6, you might want to read it on their forum; it's unlikely the frontpage link will still work. For some really odd reason, they didn't include links to the games themselves... so we'll do that for you: Game One | Game Two | Game Three. (Frankie disappeared before Game Three, so LordGideon played on the Bungie side. Bungie won that one. Hmm...) Update: LG has added links to the carnage reports, as well as saved films. (Louis Wu 17:40:55 UTC)

December 2, 2007 Link to this post

A Controversial Subject - tackled with Halo
Hmm... when I saw this in my email this morning, I figured there was no way I was front-paging it. But then I read Hawty McBloggy's intro, and watched the film in question... and I changed my mind. Joshua Garrison has used the Halo 3 engine to make a video about the Virginia Tech Massacre last April. He's done a pretty good job of keeping it tasteful, as well. Go read, and watch. (Louis Wu 15:44:00 UTC)

November 29, 2007 Link to this post

Creeping Death
Due to some true foolishness, Another Halo Comic Strip has been offline for several hours - but it's back now, with a new funny. Hmm... I'm not sure 'funny' is the right word, in this particular case... in fact, some of you may wish I'd kept the site broken after reading it. In any case, though, it's up, and you should look. (Louis Wu 20:34:15 UTC)

November 21, 2007 Link to this post

Sometimes, it pays to comparison-shop
As mentioned previously, the Halo 3 Official Soundtrack went onsale yesterday, in record stores everywhere (well, everywhere in the US, anyway). For those having trouble finding it locally, it's also available via download - you can swing by the iTunes Store, and spend $19.98 for it (you'll get DRM-encoded 128kbps AAC files)... or visit the Sumthing Digital store, and grab it for $9.99... and get 192kbps totally DRM-free MP3 files, instead. Hmm... (Thanks, kapowaz, for the heads-up on the better deal.) Update: the Sumthing Digital files are not 192kpbs... they're actually 320kpbs. Thanks to Sorahn for noticing. (Louis Wu 15:45:13 UTC)

October 5, 2007 Link to this post

Bungie - still stacking the deck
The first real Halo 3 Humpday Challenge (that is, between Bungie and people outside Bungie, with filmz you can download and everything) was played this week; five Bungie guys went into the Social Slayer matchmaking list, and barely squeaked out a win over a bunch of randomly selected casual players. Hmm... I wonder what's going to happen when they play a real TEAM? Thanks, CheckMate. (Louis Wu 12:32:05 UTC)

September 20, 2007 Link to this post

Video Walkthrough of Construct (unauthorized)
Hmm... this is the sort of thing I'm not sure if I should be mentioning. Someone has created a reasonably high-quality film of a walkthrough, in Forge, of the multiplayer level Bungie announced yesterday, Construct. There are no spoilers in the film - it's just a guy running around the map, no voiceover at all - and it shows off the gorgeous graphics of the level to nice effect... but it IS content that hasn't been released by Bungie yet (though they HAVE announced it, and released screenshots). It's up to you whether you visit or not; it's a really pretty level, but you'll get to run around it all by yourself in just 4 days. If you want to see it now, visit GameTrailers. I found this at Planet Halo. Update: Brodingo points out that there are runthroughs of The Pit and Isolation, as well. (While the multiplayer environments match locations in the Campaign, these cannot be said to contain spoilers, because there is no context for what you're seeing. No part of the STORY is spoiled by seeing the environment, in these cases. That said - these were created by people who got their hands on the game before they were supposed to, and have been uploaded without Bungie's approval; if you want Bungie to decide what you see, and don't see, before launch, don't visit these links.) (Louis Wu 10:43:23 UTC)

September 12, 2007 Link to this post

Museum Delivers
Wow. The press for the 'Museum' ad is simply amazing. Joystiq says "we're not sure if we've ever been so moved by a Halo commercial". Ars Technica says it's "stunning". Be A Design Group says it goes way beyond marketing to gamers - It's "emotionally bigger, and almost too big at that" than Halo. I'd agree - with all of these. It's a very powerful piece, and one that has much wider appeal than a game-specific ad. 2OpGaming (thanks, Avateur) and GamesIndustry.biz both have informational articles about the piece itself, that go into greater detail than the simple page at Yahoo. There's also a nice description over at Xbox.com's Believe page - thanks again, Avateur. If you haven't watched this one yet, do so. And show it to your non-Halo-playing friends/family, and see what their reaction is. Update: Hmm... maybe it isn't ALL positive. Delta found this commentary at Canada's National Post - you can't please everyone. Update 2: GhaleonEB pointed out that the full press release (visible at Gamerscoreblog, Kotaku, 2OpGaming) contains a new campaign shot (local mirror). (Louis Wu 19:48:13 UTC)

September 9, 2007 Link to this post

Right up there with Felix and Oscar.
Hmm... this is sort of weird. World Wrestling Entertainment's website has put up an 'Oddest Couple' list - and MC and Arby make it. Thanks, Yo5lut. (Louis Wu 14:19:36 UTC)

August 25, 2007 Link to this post

HaloClix - now with spoilers
An article at Ars Technica looks at the upcoming HaloClix release from WizKids - and warns of story spoilers that will be available before Halo 3 ships. Hmm... (Louis Wu 13:51:51 UTC)

August 16, 2007 Link to this post

If you make it backwards, is it original?
kornman00 ran across a Wikipedia page about a new superhero from DC Comics - her name is Forerunner, and she's been tasked with serving The Monitors. Hmm... sounds like a DC writer has been getting some naming inspiration from video games! (Louis Wu 15:24:00 UTC)

July 14, 2007 Link to this post

Recording through Socks
Mintz tells us that the next 'regularly scheduled podcast' is now available at Halo: Portable. They discuss a bunch of stuff (itemized on that link page above.) Hmm... given that the last one was in late February, I suppose you can expect Episode 10 to show up some time near Christmas. (Louis Wu 12:40:33 UTC)

July 14, 2007 Link to this post

4 person co-op... confirmed?
Hmm... Either Jeff Bell (Microsoft VP) slipped up and admitted something he shouldn't be talking about... or we're just misunderstanding the context. UNSCleric.com picked up a throwaway comment at the end of an interview Jeff gave to Major Nelson - and in it he seems to be saying that Halo 3 will have 4-person co-op. (Bungie has confirmed that Co-op will be in Halo 3 - but past that basic fact, NOTHING has been confirmed; we don't know how many people will be able to play cooperatively, and we don't know whether they'll be confined to a single 360, or will be able to play via system link, or online. So this tidbit, if true and being interpreted correctly, adds a tiny bit to our overall knowledge base.) Found this at Digg. (Louis Wu 01:11:54 UTC)

June 19, 2007 Link to this post

Zune Giveaway -Parodies Now Up!
Hmm... I think I might have done the math wrong - but the Parody selection for the Zune Giveaway is now available for voting. (I know, I said 8pm PDT - but I coded the page for 5pm EDT, subtracting 3 hours instead of adding them. Oops.) Don't worry that the Montages were skimped on - we had 3908 votes submitted for that section, more than twice the number that went up for the Original Song category. You've got until Friday morning to pick your favorite of the 7 parodies now online; go listen! (Louis Wu 22:26:30 UTC)

June 8, 2007 Link to this post

Shane Kim Talks about Halo 3
Gamespy has a sizeable interview with Shane Kim, Microsoft Game Studios' Corporate VP, about Halo 3. There are lots of tidbits that might make you go 'hmm...' - let's see if I can grab a couple of juicy quotes.

"The feeling I want people to have after they finish Halo 3 is the same feeling they had when "Return of the King" ended. Satisfied, but sad." [Sad? uh oh... -ed]

"Bungie has their plans well mapped out. You have to, when you have a studio like that, and you need to know what you're moving your people on to. So they have the collaboration with Peter Jackson on the animated series." [This quote was actually picked up by FallHammer, in our forum - misstatement by Kim, or a leak of what the next project really is?]

There's quite a bit more - go read. And then discuss. More when we know it. Update: The interview has been edited to read 'interactive series', rather than 'animated series'. (Thanks, Monochron.) It's not a coverup - it was a mistake. (Louis Wu 16:15:03 UTC)

May 20, 2007 Link to this post

Halo Leather
Another company's getting into the Halo merchandising game - by August 15, you should be able to buy Halo 3-branded leather items made by Enmon Accessories - ranging from a $10 belt to a $300 set of luggage. Hmm... (Louis Wu 13:41:35 UTC)

May 19, 2007 Link to this post

Scary Cortana
Another cool little egg on High Ground - this one has been mentioned before, but it took Foxcross and Ibeechu to get a film out to you guys. That same computer console that plays Morse Code also has some video footage... and if you don't blink, you get a nice look at a pretty scary Cortana. Hmm... (Louis Wu 14:08:11 UTC)

May 13, 2007 Link to this post

Canadian H2V review
I know there's more news out there - but it's gonna have to wait. Last tidbit for a while - the Winnipeg Sun has a review of Halo 2 Vista; they think it's more about the synergy between consoles and PCs than it is about the game itself. Hmm... maybe. (Louis Wu 13:57:27 UTC)

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