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Halo news back Wednesday, February 22, 2006 Halo news forward

The Pistol, Again
AnXplayFan noticed yet another full-sized M6D pistol for sale on eBay; if you want to see someone happy with their purchase, go check out Elnea's RvB journal entry about hers last month. (Rooster Teeth just changed the site to allow unregistered people to see journal entries; I couldn't get it to work in Safari, but I had no trouble with Firefox... so you SHOULD be able to view this, even if you're not a member at RvB.) You've got a bit over 2 days to make up your mind... (Louis Wu 22:14:00 UTC) (permalink)


What was that spike?
Hrm... Slacker Entertainment posted a new tidbit, called 'Heroes & Heretics Flashback #1: Flatulon the Uncorked', on their website, recently. It's... wow. It's something else. I guess this is what happens when you put a bunch of psychologically unstable soldiers together in a remote location, without ammo. Available in lots of formats. Thanks, TheWereSloth. (Louis Wu 21:01:22 UTC) (permalink)


Halogen Vid
Halogen, the C&C Generals Halo mod, has put up a new teaser vid; pretty nice footage. High-res is 22.5 mb, low-res is 5 mb (both are WMP9 format). Go grab! Thanks, Logical2u. (Louis Wu 20:49:41 UTC) (permalink)


MC's Head - Up For Grabs
Eep - we almost missed this. Remember the Kings Cross Halo sign, that's being auctioned off in pieces? Piece 1 - MC's leg and arm - sold last week for AU$560; piece two - MC's head - is up for grabs right now, for just two more days. Currently almost AU$1000, it's quite possible it'll go higher. (It's 10 feet on a side, fergoshsakes!) Thanks to Frankie for pointing this out on B.net a couple of days ago. (Louis Wu 20:46:22 UTC) (permalink)


Custom MC
Funky - a custom-cast Master Chief, for sale on eBay. Customized with GI Joe parts and Microman parts, this mini-MC is larger than the stock mini-MC, and far more detailed. Thanks, Joseph Ryan. (Louis Wu 19:46:27 UTC) (permalink)


Jackson on Games and Movies
Yahoo Games has an interview with Peter Jackson, discussing the translation between video games and films and looking both at the King Kong game, taken from the movie, and the Halo movie taken from the game. Nothing too new, but probably worth a read anyway. (mnemesis 18:28:50 UTC) (permalink)


Joke's on you, my brain was already mush
Walshicus was the first to first notice an interview with Shane Kim (MGS general manager) over on Next Generation. Amongst other things, he speaks about the release date of Halo 3, basically reiterating the "It'll be ready when it's ready" mantra we're all so familiar with. Narcogen also picked this up on Rampancy.net and commented on the situation Microsoft and Bungie seem to be in. As always, you know where we stand on such issues. (KP 05:02:14 UTC) (permalink)


Revenge on the Brutes
Narcogen has gone ahead and posted another in his series of impressions of Halo 2, this time dishing out Uprising. This time he goes into the story more than anything else, making some solid points. (KP 04:46:36 UTC) (permalink)


His Brightness Is Turned Way Down
One One Se7en has a little trouble with cause and effect in today's comic. If Stuntmutt was referring to himself, then he either forgot all the bottles lying around, or that's the strangest pub I've seen. (mnemesis 01:00:02 UTC) (permalink)


The Balancing Act
Dedicated newshound 3Suns noticed an article on game balancing over on MLGPro. Halo and Halo 2 are both mentioned, so you might want to go give it a look-see, then come back and argue strenuously about the old pistol or matchmaking or whatever you get the most fired up about. Or not! Maybe just read it and think, "Hmmm, interesting," because it is a good read. (mnemesis 00:49:10 UTC) (permalink)


Swag or Schwag, Either Way Someone Wins
There's an article up at Bungie.Net showing off a few of the more popular items available over at the Bungie Store. It's all stuff that been there for at least a little while, but Alta's showing off some upcoming hoodies, so it's worth checking out. The prized forum "FIRST" award goes to none other than Frankie himself! Way to go, Frankie! (mnemesis 00:40:52 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Halo 2 Tourney in NYC
Needler Crystals
Stupid Halo Tricks, indeed.
Will there be cake?
Halo Babies Art, Baby

Monday's news in brief:

Most Regrettable
In Amber Clad - Growing
We know F-16s can't fly in space, shutup
War Series, Ep 1
Sketchin' Up A Storm
Apocalypse Rising Trailer

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