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Halo news back Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Halo news forward

Halo 2 Tourney in NYC
Vic De Leon writes about an upcoming tourney at Versus in New York City, on March 11. 2v2, Halo 2, max 16 teams, $400 for the number one finisher. More rules can be found at Halo2Tournaments.com. (Louis Wu 19:07:00 UTC) (permalink)


Needler Crystals
Wow. Someone built a needler - and is selling the crystals for it on eBay. Pretty cool-looking! Thanks to BARBARIC RAGE, who pointed out the listing on eBay.co.uk - but it's on the US version, as well. Currently at about $60, with a day and a half left in the auction. (Louis Wu 18:14:44 UTC) (permalink)


Stupid Halo Tricks, indeed.
Heh - you need an account at Red vs Blue to read this... but it's worth it. Burnie wrote up a journal entry showing off one of the tricks they've figured out recently; it turns off dynamic shadows in Halo 2 multiplayer - or adds them, selectively, to characters not affected. He's offered a reward (unspecified) for anyone who figures out how they did it. (I warn you now; there are over 300 comments in the thread, and most of them will numb your brain; figuring out what's already been suggested is non-trivial.) The pictures are really cool (there are more spread throughout the comments section, as Burnie has added new examples), and there's a short video showing the effect in the green room on Lockout. (Be aware that you are not seeing an unbroken stream of action there; the video was edited to show before and after, but the 'during' is gone.) Cool stuff! Update: Burnie created a new journal entry to explain the solution; basically, the 'camera' looks at the target in the desired lighting, and then the target moves to the new location (with different lighting) without the 'camera' watching. Once there, he stops moving - and when the camera gets there, he sees the target in the original lighting. There's a movie showing this at work if this is too confusing. Pretty cool glitch, and really useful in some machinima situations! (Louis Wu 14:22:19 UTC) (permalink)


Will there be cake?
Foo Mo Jive wrote to tell us that Podtacular has released their monumental 50th episode. This episode is completely devoted to various tips, including a few good ones regarding Terminal. They've also asked us to mention their new Podtacular Clan structure, which they've briefly outlined. Congratulations on your 50th episode, guys! (KP 06:14:35 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Babies Art, Baby
mrsmiley drops by the forum to mention a huge update to the art section over at Halobabies.net. Some awesome stuff over there, go check it out! (mnemesis 04:49:25 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Most Regrettable
In Amber Clad - Growing
We know F-16s can't fly in space, shutup
War Series, Ep 1
Sketchin' Up A Storm
Apocalypse Rising Trailer

Sunday's news in brief:

Creamed Corn
I like to say schematics.

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