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Halo news back Tuesday, February 12, 2002 Halo news forward

Bungie does well in IGDCA nominations
Thanks to Aginor, who pointed out that the International Game Developers Choice Awards nominees were announced today - Bungie nominations are as follows: Halo for Game of the Year, Marty O'Donnell & team for Excellence in Audio, and Jason Jones & team for Excellence in Programming. Winners will be announced on March 21, during the Game Developers Conference. Kudos all 'round! (Louis Wu 17:32:59 UTC) (permalink)


One-Shots page goes live
The One-Shots page of the Gameplay Tricks section is finally open for business. Sorry for the delay! We've added a number of images which have popped up in the last couple of months... I'm sure there are more that we've missed. (We'll pop 'em in when we find 'em.) Feel free to submit your own, but remember... if it's not something new or different, it probably won't be posted. (Folks don't want to look at 800 shots of the Blood Gulch bases being stuffed with vehicles, after all...) It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway... Here Be Spoilers. (Louis Wu 16:11:59 UTC) (permalink)


New vids mirrored at forerunners.org hl
Steve Campbell writes to let us know that both the Suicide Bobs vid and the Halobodies music vid have been mirrored at the Forerunners.org Hotline server. Thanks, Steve! (Louis Wu 16:10:51 UTC) (permalink)


Alternate route to the waterfall
VoOdOo created a movie (under 5 mb, .avi format) showing how to get the Warthog back to the waterfall in Halo without getting on top of the level. Takes a few grenades, and a chunk of your health... but you'll probably be doing this after everything's already dead, so don't worry too much. (Louis Wu 10:21:40 UTC) (permalink)


You will burn next, human
Foxhound turns in Chapter 2 of his 'Apollo' series - someone better keep an eye on that Cortana... Check it out in our Fan Fiction section. (Louis Wu 10:14:15 UTC) (permalink)


The Junkyard's gotchyer movies
Movie mirrors at the Junkyard... They've put up copies of both Halobodies.mov (a music video) and BobSuicide (a snuff film). Thanks to Vector40 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 09:54:15 UTC) (permalink)


Gameplay Tricks updated with Sidewinder Sneak
We've added Nemesis_007's Sidewinder Sneak exploit to our Gameplay Tricks page - use this trick, and your multiplayer opponents won't know what hit 'em! (As several forumgoers pointed out, this is a general glitch in the Halo physics engine, and can be exploited on several other levels... but none with such dramatic results in a multiplayer game.) (Louis Wu 01:49:03 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Potential Spoilers
Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted
Halo Music Video at Cole Protocol
That first one made me crack up!
She's a cold one, ain't she?
Potential Spoilers
Gimme that bookbag!
The Wallpaper continues...
Warthog Jump goes WMV
Potential Spoilers

Sunday's news in brief:

Stop those Ghosts!
Red-hot speculation, just for you
Mac Hall and the Xbox
The dust is clearing
Psst! Hey, need a chill pill?
Just some good ol' boys...
Marines on your desktop
Weapons and slowdowns at the Junkyard
Potential Spoilers

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