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Halo news back Sunday, February 10, 2002 Halo news forward

Stop those Ghosts!
The second part (of four) of dyoung92's 'Halo 2 Story' came in today... nice example of cliffhanger writing. Check it out in our Fan Fiction section. (Louis Wu 16:27:00 UTC) (permalink)


Red-hot speculation, just for you
mnemesis single-handedly keeps the Halo Story page alive, bringing you speculation about the various races involved in the game, and how they might be related. (Okay, not single-handedly - he couldn't do it without your submissions. You know what I mean, though.) (Louis Wu 16:20:43 UTC) (permalink)


Mac Hall and the Xbox
Not fully Halo news... but it's pretty funny: This week's Mac Hall comic at Inside Mac Games focuses on the inline safety release built into each Xbox controller from Microsoft. (Interestingly enough, the Mac Hall general response to this feature characterizes them strongly as PC (as opposed to console) gamers - almost every console gamer I've talked to about this thinks it's brilliant, and that every controller should contain this feature. Hell, I thought it was silly... until the first time I backed away from the screen, trying to avoid that charging Hunter, and accidentally knocked my chair over backwards; that inline release saved a lot of equipment that day (as well as my game; instant pause until I reconnected, giving me time to regain my equilibrium.) It's a good thing, I think... but that doesn't mean it's not fodder for the Mac Hall Funny Machine. :) Plus, it gives 'em a chance to take a shot at the size of the Xbox...) Thanks to Vector40 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 16:03:12 UTC) (permalink)


The dust is clearing
Corbantis turns in the next installment of his Tides of War series - Chapter 2 is action-packed! check it out in our Fan Fiction section. (Louis Wu 15:54:03 UTC) (permalink)


Psst! Hey, need a chill pill?
Matt Soell stops in to explain (again) the lack of news on the PC and Mac versions of Halo. Bottom line - he'll talk when there's something to say. This was nice, though:

I'll say this much: the last time I talked to Alex and Michael about what's happening with PC/Mac Halo - probably about two weeks ago - their answers buoyed my spirits considerably.

Just be patient, and when there's news, we promise... we'll make a big stink about it. (Louis Wu 15:39:19 UTC) (permalink)


Just some good ol' boys...
Reidbo stops by our forum to give out a new server location for his 'Dukes of Halo' video - you can find it here, in both sizes. (Louis Wu 15:36:45 UTC) (permalink)


Marines on your desktop
Xcruiser turns in a Silent Cartographer-based wallpaper - you'll find it in our Wallpaper collection. He's willing to make other sizes, for those who want them. (Louis Wu 15:33:31 UTC) (permalink)


Weapons and slowdowns at the Junkyard
Junkyard news: Vector40 writes to say that the Halo Weapons Guide has been updated with Strategy information for each of the weapons. It's well-marked for spoiler info, so you don't have to avoid the Weapons Guide if you're avoiding spoilers. Additionally, Ryan 'Mhaddy' Matthews, the JY's head honcho, writes to explain some of the slowness you might be experiencing there - it has nothing to do with an overloaded connection; it's a runaway mySQL process (the database that handles all the back-end stuff). They're working on it... but please be patient. (Louis Wu 15:12:11 UTC) (permalink)


Sidewinder Sneak
Major multiplayer tip for Sidewinder: This was discovered (apparently by accident) by Nemesis_007 - but I've made a film of it, to prove it actually works. :) If you strafe sideways in a Ghost towards the grate where the invisibility and shield powerups are sitting, a well-timed dismount will actually get you pushed THROUGH the grate by the still-sliding vehicle. (Nemesis_007 says it works with the Warthog, as well, but it's harder to time right.) Jump too early, you'll get crushed like a bug. Jump too late, and you'll exit the wrong side of the Ghost. Time it perfectly, though... and through you go. What's more, the Ghost sits there, next to the grating... if you walk up to it (from the other side of the grate, mind you), you'll get the 'Press X to enter Ghost' message, and pressing X will cause you to magically pass through the grate. CTF in Sidewinder just became a whole new ballgame. If you want to see this in action (and have QuickTime 5 installed on your computer), grab this short movie (750k), showing the pass-through in action (in both directions). Yowsers. (Louis Wu 01:22:29 UTC) (permalink)


Saturday's news in brief:

OXM tidbit posted to the net
Potential Spoilers
Screenshots db updated
Legendary Walkthrough of PoA posted

Friday's news in brief:

Press Scans archive comes online
Danish X-Byte reviews Halo
Do YOU know what it's all about?
Halo in Wired
More Ardan Landings
Warthog mirror dances

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HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
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Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
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Bad Cyborg Movies
