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Halo news back Friday, February 8, 2002 Halo news forward

Press Scans archive comes online
At long last, our Press Scans section comes online. Here you'll find 40 print magazine articles, collected from a variety of countries over the past two and a half years. Larger articles are available for convenient one-shot downloads, or can be read page by page online. (Smaller articles are not bundled up.) Quality, in general, is pretty good, though a few are hard to read - use this resource as a way to see what's been said about Halo in the past! (Translations of foreign-language articles, where available, are included.) You'll find some treasures in here, as well - for example, the January 2002 article from the Official Xbox Magazine contains a full walkthrough of Halo... Feedback on useability is always welcomed - if there's a feature you'd like to see implemented, drop us a note! (Louis Wu 22:10:52 UTC) (permalink)


Danish X-Byte reviews Halo
Jesper Nielsen, of the Danish Xbox site X-Byte, let us know of a review of Halo there. They liked it - 9/10, which Jesper says is very good - this site is pretty discerning. (We thank him also for the quote translation - there aren't a lot of good Danish translators out there on the net...) We've added this to our Reviews database. (Louis Wu 20:18:11 UTC) (permalink)


Do YOU know what it's all about?
mnemesis went on a posting spree yesterday - the Halo Story page is a veritable hotbed of speculation. Check out the latest news... and add your OWN thoughts! (Louis Wu 14:07:08 UTC) (permalink)


Halo in Wired
Call me lazy - or call it late. Noah "migraineboy" Brimhall said it just fine, though, so I'm just gonna quote him.

In the March 2002 issue of Wired magazine there is an interesting article on AI in games called "Wild Things" and in the article there are several mentions of Halo, including a great quote from Chris Butcher.

"One of the things that makes Halo's AI interesting is the sense that the AI doesn't cheat. It doesn't regard you, the player, as anything special, nor does know special things about where you are," explains Halo AI engineer Chris Butcher. "The NPCs all have their own unique knowledge model, which means that any given character in the world doesn't know where the player is. All they know is where they last saw him."

The article gives Halo a lot of credit for its very good AI and has a screen shot from the game also.

My copy hasn't arrived yet - Guess I'll be looking at this tomorrow. On the upside, I got a significant distance towards finishing the Press Scans section today - one more day of grunt work ought to do it... then it's off to Gameplay Tips. (Yes, I know, Miscellaneous Resources is still empty, too... geez.) (Louis Wu 04:30:39 UTC) (permalink)


More Ardan Landings
MaxThndr's Chapter 4 of Halo II: The Ardan Landings has been submitted - it's Part 3, due to the fact that I combined chapters 2 and 3 into a single part, but don't be confused - you can always read the series en toto. The Fan Fiction section is nothing if not flexible! (Louis Wu 04:21:33 UTC) (permalink)


Warthog mirror dances
You lose, you gain... Brian Towne had to bow out of the Warthog Jump mirroring - after well over 10,000 downloads (more than 200 gigs), the demand was still so high that it was saturating his (rather large) pipe. (He hasn't removed any of the OTHER movies he's mirroring - if you need any of them, they're still there.) Jumping in to fill the gap is Bravehamster =PN=, a longtime community member - we've added bravehamster.com to the mirror list. Thanks, Brian, for all your help... and thanks, Mike, for jumping aboard the mirror train! Update: Vector40 tentatively throws his hat (and The Junkyard's pipe) into the ring - another mirror added. The entire mirror list thanks you, Vec. Another update: Firfin, of Halo Game (a French Halo site), has added the hi-res version, as well. Thanks, Firfin! (Louis Wu 01:53:40 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Potential Spoilers
More vehicle antics
Difficulty symbols, bigger
Two bottles of jack and a basket of twinkies
Another Warthog Jump mirror
Halo finalist for 8 AIAS awards
The Doomsday awakes

Wednesday's news in brief:

Potential Spoilers
Dukes vid mirrored at psyjnir.com
He was a good kid...
Battle of the Bay
Try and do that with a REAL tank!
Reach falls again
Halowars - Play Halo, win money (maybe)
Halo Online puts up a forum
FAQ updated to deal with movies

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
