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Halo news back Wednesday, February 13, 2002 Halo news forward

The REST of the new TandR content
DOH! SO enthralled was I by the McLees interview that I missed the OTHER new stuff - Rob's artwork is on display in the Weapons Gallery, and a seventh page has been added to the Concept Art section (MAJOR story spoilers). Check 'em out! (There's some serious Story Page fodder in there, actually...) (Louis Wu 22:31:39 UTC) (permalink)


Rob McLees interview posted at TandR
Took a bit longer than expected... but the Rob McLees interview is finally up at Bungie.net's Tru7h and Reconciliation site. There's an interesting mix of material - gun stuff, mysticism, and getting set on fire - twice. Rob's focus was on the guns of Halo, since he was responsible for most of them:

Q: What was your favorite gun in halo? Why?

A: The Elite's energy sword. Because it's the only one that behaves like a real weapon - you get hit with it, you die.

Overall, a very good read. Check it out! (Thanks to Lophan for the first heads-up.) (Louis Wu 21:11:55 UTC) (permalink)


Standing on the shoulders of giants...
Frogblast, aka Metafire, in his continuing quest to go where no man has gone before, has touched the face of God. Wait... no, that's not right - he's touched the ceiling of the Truth and Reconciliation... from the inside of Keyes. (No, it's not the same. Yes, it's pretty cool anyway.) Check out the details in our Gameplay Tricks section! (Louis Wu 17:58:56 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Orbit previews Halo
Xerxes writes to say that Halo Orbit, a German Halo site, has put up a preview of Halo (out in just over a month in Germany). If you read German, check it out! (Louis Wu 14:16:13 UTC) (permalink)


Ring configuration diagram updated
Confused about where you stand on Halo? poena.dare #CP#g created an updated version of his Ring Configuration graphic (originally posted here, a week ago), giving you some sense of perspective for the size of the ring, and your position on it. (The 300 km value at the bottom was chosen because that's how far Cortana tells you the Truth and Reconciliation is from you at the end of the level Halo - it's just used to handle the thickness details.) Incidentally, the first post, while having a now-outdated ring config diagram, also has a handy-dandy flowchart showing your travel through the various levels - this can be pretty helpful in deciphering where you are. Nice work! (Louis Wu 13:51:58 UTC) (permalink)


Warthog Jump demand is overwhelming
Warthog Jump movie update: heavy demand has cost two mirrors - maserati.ca and the Junkyard have both dropped out of the hosting ring. (Lots and lots of you grabbed files at those two places - we're seriously indebted to both of them for the bandwidth!) Additionally, Bravehamster has moved his copy of the movie to a new link. Our Warthog Jump Mirrors list has been updated with all of these changes. Update: Deimos™ tosses his bandwidth into the ring: from 2100 to 0730 EST, he's got a Hotline mirror of the file running here. During the day, the server is doing other things... but at night (his time), go for it! (Louis Wu 03:26:45 UTC) (permalink)


Tweeter LANfest described
Lophan has posted a Halo @ Tweeter Day postmortem on our forum, detailing the goings-on this past weekend of the Philly Halo Anonymous chapter of the Seventh Column... if you weren't there, you missed up to 15 players fragging each other on huge bigscreen HDTVs for over 6 hours. (Freewill, another attendee, posted a couple of pics recently.) Wow... a 2 hour, 6x6 CTF game... ouch. Go read it! (Louis Wu 03:00:47 UTC) (permalink)


The top of Keyes falls
Nemesis_007 posted a detailed description explaining how to get to the top of Keyes... and Frogblast took him up on it and got up there, taking pictures all the way. Together, they bring you a pictoral record of the first melee attack on the Truth and Reconciliation (from the outside, anyway). The Gameplay Tricks section shows all. (Louis Wu 02:52:06 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Bungie does well in IGDCA nominations
One-Shots page goes live
New vids mirrored at forerunners.org hl
Potential Spoilers
You will burn next, human
The Junkyard's gotchyer movies
Potential Spoilers

Monday's news in brief:

Potential Spoilers
Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted
Halo Music Video at Cole Protocol
That first one made me crack up!
She's a cold one, ain't she?
Potential Spoilers
Gimme that bookbag!
The Wallpaper continues...
Warthog Jump goes WMV
Potential Spoilers

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
