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Halo news back Thursday, December 9, 2004 Halo news forward

Anti Ninja on Fire 1.0
foxygrandpa117 and friends put together a tricks video (WMP9 format, 10:56 long, 26 mb) showing some random gameplay in Halo, plus stuff like sword-flying and glitching in Halo 2. It's being hosted by Toby Dillman, who says bandwidth is unmetered... so go ahead and grab a copy. (I've only seen about half of it, so if there's something truly amazing and innovative in the last 5 minutes, I apologize for not highlighting it.) Warning - turn the music down before the 6 minute mark, or risk ear damage. Comments can go in this forum thread. (Louis Wu 21:05:35 UTC) (permalink)


Cane Wielders Go Wild
So it looks like Frankie interviewed Jamie Tisdale, a founder of a group known as the Geezer Gamers, folks in their 30's (or higher) who play Halo (and other games) for fun, rather than stats. Good writeup, except for the gratuitous shot at the end. I think Frankie's jealous that I have more hair than he does. First heads-up goes to Black Six. (Louis Wu 20:38:09 UTC) (permalink)


His dad's gonna be so mad...
Calvin is willing to hand over the planet for WHAT? Go read Calvin and Halo to find out. (Louis Wu 15:21:48 UTC) (permalink)


Stuntmutt should get royalties.
When you're out of time for a birthday card, do what Jillybean and her sister did... crib. Mum will love it. (Louis Wu 15:02:59 UTC) (permalink)


Net news
A few articles around the net today:

(Louis Wu 14:25:55 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 Story Summary up at R.net
Narcogen reminded us that he recently posted a Halo 2 Story Summary at Rampancy.net; it's not a walkthrough, but it WILL spoil the story for you if you haven't finished the game yet. If you're looking for an overview, though - go to it. (Louis Wu 13:57:00 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Mac update coming soon
Inside Mac Games put up a note a couple of days ago about Mac Halo, and its parity with the PC version. Macsoft is aware that the PC update in November broke parity, and they hope to have a replacement soon. Thanks, Mig. (Louis Wu 13:54:22 UTC) (permalink)


GruntKilla points out an article at 1UP.com that looks at the road that lead up to Halo 2 - Bungie's History. For folks not steeped in the lore, it's a decent read. (Louis Wu 02:24:55 UTC) (permalink)


Epilogue Response at IGN
Yesterday, IGN posted a post-mortem, of sorts, on Halo 2. They received a ton of reader feedback. Today, they've posted some of that. Long read, lots of opinions. Again - beware of spoilers. (Louis Wu 01:58:28 UTC) (permalink)


Bungie on G4
Interesting - Icons, a show on G4TechTV, will be airing a show on Bungie, tomorrow night at 10:30 Eastern (7:30 Pacific). Hopefully, someone can record this... thanks, Shorty. (Louis Wu 00:53:51 UTC) (permalink)


Page of Woah
Finn, one half of our Halo Story Page team and a pillar of Team 7hr33, has posted his own musings about Halo 2 (with input from the rest of Team 7hr33). He struggled with the effort to cover the points he considered important without dragging the overall tone down too much - you decide how well he succeeded. It's a good read. (Louis Wu 00:48:41 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 Stats App Contest - update
Last month, Mike Chambers, Product Manager over at Macromedia, held a contest to build a Flash app for displaying Halo 2 stats, based on Bungie.net RSS feeds. The contest ended a few days ago - today, Mike posted a list of all the entrants. The winners are coming soon - but check out the entire field! There are some really cool choices in there. (Louis Wu 00:45:03 UTC) (permalink)


Life Lesson of the Day
Hehe - Fever Dream, a webcomic at Keenspace, looks at what doesn't translate from in-game to real life. Thanks, Quackmoo guy. (Louis Wu 00:41:56 UTC) (permalink)


Melissa, by the numbers
Ouch. Penny Arcade mentioned that a piece of artwork donated to their upcoming Child's Play charity auction was Halo-related... to be specific, it's a wonderful depiction of Melissa, the Operator from the I Love Bees game. If you couldn't make it to the auction, this image was available for sale on the creator's website. Unfortunately, the traffic they sent to that site managed to shut it down. Luckily, I grabbed copies of the pics before that happened - the overall picture is here, and a closeup is here. Maybe once the furor dies down, you can get in and buy this, if you're so inclined. Thanks to Ross Mills for the first heads-up. (Louis Wu 00:28:25 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Escher? Gesundheit!
Another Halo Suit
SpikeTV Awards - again
Afterwar Episode 8
Counting Stuff
How to draw Elites
Net Stories
Third Person View, FOV Increase
GotY voting open at Gamespy
Pick your favorite Halo MP map!

Tuesday's news in brief:

I don't wanna know what the Kiwis get.
Cursorily speaking
Max Hoberman talks to Major League Gamers
The Art of Halo in the Spotlight
The Power of Halo 2
The Halo Art world continues to grow
Better Broadband in Britain - thanks to Halo 2
Bungie.net forum outage
All Halo, All the Time
He reminds me of Yoda, sometimes.
But what happened next?

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HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
