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Halo news back Tuesday, December 7, 2004 Halo news forward

I don't wanna know what the Kiwis get.
Secrets from the inside! Check out today's Calvin and Halo for the lowdown on bentllama's inspiration. (Louis Wu 16:44:45 UTC) (permalink)


Cursorily speaking
Tired of your standard Windows cursors? Looks like BOLL and Stuntmutt teamed up to give you another choice. (No comment on whether it's a step up or a step down...) (Louis Wu 16:41:53 UTC) (permalink)


Max Hoberman talks to Major League Gamers
This was posted yesterday - but Dolbex didn't make a lot of noise about it. Max Hoberman, Multiplayer and User-Interface Lead for Halo 2, answered a bunch of questions asked by MLG forumgoers over on the MLGPro.com website. Info about weapon balance, downloadable content, and Bungie involvement in the community are all addressed - plus lots more. One of the most interesting (and perplexing) answers:

WLT asks: "Why did you guys [take] out the fall damage?"

Unfortunately falling damage didn't play nice with the energy sword, which made it into the game pretty late. If you lunged at someone below you you'd get accelerated so fast that when you hit the ground you'd die. We had to make a last minute decision whether to keep it like this or to turn off falling damage in multiplayer. We'd been playing without falling damage for quite some time anyway, and it didn't bother us too much, so we chose the latter.

Go read the interview for much more info. Update: This interview is no longer avialable at MLG - but you can read a copy of it here. (Louis Wu 15:43:03 UTC) (permalink)


The Art of Halo in the Spotlight
News from Eric Trautmann, former keeper of the Halo Bible Flame, and author of 'The Art of Halo' - there's a new article at Xbox.com on the book, including several sample pages (though they're not even close to what I would have picked to showcase the book's strengths), and there's an interview with Eric, conducted by Halo novelist Eric Nylund, over at Del Rey Online. Thanks once again, Narc. (Louis Wu 13:13:20 UTC) (permalink)


The Power of Halo 2
There's a story in yesterday's Seattle Post-Intelligencer that looks at the creator of the Excel Worksheet mentioned last week for dealing with Halo 2 RSS stats. When was the last time a spreadsheet created for looking at videogame stats rated a full column in a major metropolitan newspaper? Thanks again, Narcogen. (Louis Wu 13:04:47 UTC) (permalink)


The Halo Art world continues to grow
Wow - there's a mountain of new artwork over at Halo Babies - including the beginnings of a Halo graphic novel, and a new work in progress by Tina Leyk! (There's plenty of other stuff in there to see, as well - check every link!) Thanks to Narcogen, at Rampancy.net, for the heads-up; I guess I fell off mrsmiley's mailing list. (Louis Wu 11:52:01 UTC) (permalink)


Better Broadband in Britain - thanks to Halo 2
deftangel points out an article at vnunet.com - it looks like Britain's conversion to broadband might be boosted a bit by Halo 2. Broadband traffic in general quadrupled after November 9 - a statistic that is rather astounding, when you consider how many uses there are for broadband. Looks like ISPs are upgrading in order to keep up with the XBL demand. Update: Bah, I have to learn to read more carefully. Broadband usage hasn't increased fourfold... just Xbox Live traffic has. Sort of kills my spin, doesn't it? Thanks, Robin Osborne, for setting me straight. (Louis Wu 11:41:21 UTC) (permalink)


Bungie.net forum outage
There's a note over at Bungie.net about an upcoming outage - starting around 1:30 pm Pacific time today, their forums will be down for roughly 12 hours for maintenance. Remember - they have a LOT of new visitors these days... they see a LOT of new posts, and all of them need to be adjusted right now. Thanks to lots of people - Michael S was first. (Louis Wu 11:37:06 UTC) (permalink)


All Halo, All the Time
haloTV has 12 new movies for you right now - some have been available as regular downloads, others are completely new. If you're not familiar with haloTV, this is a great way to get to know 'em! (Louis Wu 11:34:24 UTC) (permalink)


He reminds me of Yoda, sometimes.
21 new pieces added to the Fan Fiction section this morning. I don't make a habit of singling out individual stories - but vector40 doesn't come around much any more, and his stuff is worth seeing when he does. Take a look at his 4-part (unfinished) final HBO fan fiction tale, and be sure and stop by the link listed at the top of the first part! (Louis Wu 11:31:44 UTC) (permalink)


But what happened next?
Web comic The Day it Snowed figures out that William Dietz had a pretty tough job... thanks, Druff. (Louis Wu 10:55:46 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Bungie don't like cheaters
I wanna see what Cortana's wearing.
The Halouvre
Loading Times. Not The Only Thing That's Down.
That didn't take long.
The Junkyard looks at BOLL
Halo Net News
I haven't seen THAT for a while...
Superlative Artwork

Sunday's news in brief:

MSN to talk at GDC
Holiday Cards from Bungie
Konfabulator widgets - now for Windows, too
New Toys.

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
