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Halo news back Wednesday, December 1, 2004 Halo news forward

New Playlists on Xbox Live
Thanks to the 8 million people who pointed out that Bungie has updated the XBL Matchmaking playlists; visit the news post for an overview of what has changed, as well as links to the full list of gametypes. (Louis Wu 21:53:54 UTC) (permalink)


Net reviews
A few website reviews for you today:

(Louis Wu 17:05:35 UTC) (permalink)


The Brick Gulch Chronicles
Wow. Buxton has recreated the first episode of Red vs Blue... with Lego bricks. It's nearly flawless - attention to detail is amazing. So here's a game (Halo) that was so good it inspired a group of guys to make a movie based on (and using) it... which was so good it inspired someone to reproduce that movie in an entirely different medium. It's an onion, I tell you. Thanks, Legolaso111. (Louis Wu 16:22:03 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Too.
A few days ago, Randy Glass put forth his thoughts about Halo 2 - and they inspired one community member to... well, go postal. The thread got locked soon after (before I had a chance to weigh in), and after calming down, the same fan started a new, calmer thread. It's so far generated quite a bit of insightful commentary about Halo 2, and how it differs from Halo, and is worth a read if you've already finished the game. (There are a number of posts in the thread containing spoilers.) The incident also, however, inspired Stuntmutt to look at the entire issue through the lens of One One Se7en - can humor defang the rabid fans? Let's see. (Louis Wu 15:57:14 UTC) (permalink)


The Flood
Last week, David Galindo made a name for himself with three separate videos - one which took you on a tour of some of the prettiest places in Halo 2, a second which looked at your compatriots, the Marines, and a third which showcased the Covenant. He's back with a fourth film - this one looks at the Flood. As usual, fantastic camera angles, nice blending of video and music. It's available in WMP9 format (19.3 mb) from both mythica.org and bungie.org, and QuickTime format (16.3 mb) from mythica.org and bungie.org. Nice work! Update: David's own website is back online, and contains some pretty cool information, including a tutorial on how to make movies like this. Check it out! (Louis Wu 10:58:36 UTC) (permalink)


Michelle Rodriguez Interview
Michelle Rodriguez, an actress who supplied some of the marine dialogue to Halo 2, talked pretty frankly to 1UP.com about videogames in general, and her contribution to some of them (including Halo 2). Nice read. Thanks, Voodoo Extreme. (Louis Wu 09:53:27 UTC) (permalink)


Enrichenation Schemes Wanted
Wonga. New Letters to the Webmaster over at Bungie.net; along with the usual ridicule and scorn is word of the possibility of customized shirts (emblazoned with your gamertag). Hmm... the ridicule and scorn is pretty fun, too. (Louis Wu 02:38:35 UTC) (permalink)


Skulls at High Impact Halo
Ducain has whipped up a gorgeous little section with information about the 15 bonus Skulls strewn throughout the single-player game. If you don't know what this means, go read the page. If you DO know what this means, but have been looking for an easy-to-use guide (including levels, effects, and methods for finding - including video), this page is for you. (The info isn't new; it's been built up at HIH over the past few weeks. The PRESENTATION is new.) (Louis Wu 01:15:25 UTC) (permalink)


Job Openings
While you're at Bungie, picking up new desktop images, be sure to check out the latest job openings - they need an Art Production Manager, a Graphics Programmer, a test tool builder, and a Tools programmer, as well as some temporary positions. If you think you've got what it takes, send 'em a resume! (Louis Wu 01:11:32 UTC) (permalink)


ODSTs and the Beast
Two new wallpapers to be found over at Bungie.net - put together by Shishka, they do a great job of showcasing both the ODSTs and Tartarus. Available in 4 sizes each. Go get 'em! (Louis Wu 01:08:14 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Can we PLEASE put this one to bed?
Cairo Station, Legendary - in 10 minutes.
Nebular rocks.
A Weasel's View
There once was a Spartan from Reach...
Art and film at Halo Babies
Forget the shows - watch ads
Buy it. They'll love it.
DLC coming soon?
Everybody's drawing the guy.
The Wipeout Chronology
Fan Fiction. Again.
Escapism and Playing God
The high cost of stats storage

Monday's news in brief:

Bungie.net stats for all
Northeast Halo Tourney
A hardcore fan speaks up
Patience is a virtue.
Don't Monkey With Him.
No Real Ending
CGN says Halo shines
TriXie and crew116
CAL adds Halo 2
Halo stunts outside the community
G4TechTV - doing it again

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
