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Halo news back Tuesday, November 30, 2004 Halo news forward

Can we PLEASE put this one to bed?
A million people have been sending us mail about the last page of the upcoming XboxWorld magazine in Europe. It says 'Halo 2. Didn't think there was more? Think again!' And then, below that, 'Plus! If all goes to plan, a massive world exclusive first look... NEXT MONTH!' Folks have been theorizing that this refers to everything from downloadable content to Halo 3, coming out next month. Looks like Spong got the lowdown... the Halo 2 'more' is a Multiplayer guide booklet, and the 'world exclusive' is the new Medal of Honor title. Sorry for any burst bubbles. (Louis Wu 18:33:43 UTC) (permalink)


Cairo Station, Legendary - in 10 minutes.
Last week, a few people turned in speed runs of Outskirts - and I mentioned that I'd really love to see a speed run of Cairo Station, on Legendary. Today, Cody Miller obliged. I was amazed. It's not perfect - he dies twice (in the same place both times), but man... it's beautiful. 10:19, from start to finish. The film is QuickTime format, 64.8 mb, 480x360 (just like the GNF speedruns). Grab a copy, and check out the shortcuts you missed! (Louis Wu 15:36:29 UTC) (permalink)


Nebular rocks.
The ongoing saga of Calvin's meeting with the Covenant continues in today's Calvin and Halo. I'm thinkin'... Calvin might have just gotten himself into something big... (Louis Wu 15:24:58 UTC) (permalink)


A Weasel's View
Frankie has finally gotten around to writing up last week's Halo Humpday Challenge - I'm guessing it took so long because they got so badly beaten. (He even tried to blame the lack of players on 'tryptophan poisoning' - but his Scottish heritage betrayed him; he forgot that Thanksgiving is on THURSDAY, so those folks should have been turkey-free on Wednesday afternoon. NICE TRY, FRANKIE.) They played the Bungie.net mods - and then after they lost, they tried to claim that since 2 of the mods were Bungie employees, they actually DIDN'T lose. Interesting to see how THIS week's challenge goes... (Louis Wu 15:20:51 UTC) (permalink)


There once was a Spartan from Reach...
Quick note - Mhaddy wanted to remind you that the Junkyard's Poetry Contest (mentioned recently) is now open for entries. (Louis Wu 15:15:04 UTC) (permalink)


Art and film at Halo Babies
Large art update over at Halo Babies - plus a movie. (Apologies to zero, the movie's creator - he submitted the link to us a few days ago, but I let it slip.) I'm not sure I get it, entirely... it's a whole bunch of Halo 2 clips strung together, but I was having trouble finding a theme. However, that's for you to decide, not me. Go look at the art, download the movie, enjoy the day! (Louis Wu 15:12:58 UTC) (permalink)


Forget the shows - watch ads
Gamespot is running a 'Commercial Challenge' - vote for the best commercials of 2004, win prizes. Halo 2's TV spot is in the running. Thanks, Nathan. (Louis Wu 15:07:24 UTC) (permalink)


Buy it. They'll love it.
Hehe - amidst all these doom-and-gloom articles about how Halo 2 will cause your child to become a Satanist, it's nice to see that SOME places are still recommending it. People Magazine has a Top Ten Games to buy your kids for Christmas - and Halo 2 is #8. Thanks, Alexander. (Louis Wu 15:05:29 UTC) (permalink)


DLC coming soon?
Total Video Games, a UK gaming site, has an article up claiming that the first Downloadable Content Update for Halo 2 is coming soon. We haven't seen this confirmed anywhere yet - so at this point, this is rumor - but it sure is INTERESTING rumor. (Louis Wu 15:03:30 UTC) (permalink)


Everybody's drawing the guy.
KP was just browsing through sketches made by Tim Buckley, of the webcomic Ctrl+Alt+Del... and ran across this very nice pencil drawing of the Master Chief, done in honor of Halo 2's release. Coolness! (Louis Wu 15:00:19 UTC) (permalink)


The Wipeout Chronology
It's the end of the month, and the end of our bandwidth; we've had a MOUNTAIN of movies submitted to us over the past 60 days or so, and I've been a bit lax at getting to them, partly for bandwidth reasons, partly because the flood of new Halo 2 content on the website has overwhelmed me. I went back over some of them today - and found one I liked a lot. It's nothing new, film-wise; it's just Halo gameplay. However, it fits the music quite well, and it's... I dunno, I just liked it. It's called 'The Wipeout Chronology', and it was submitted by Mick Lacy, of Team A.G.R.O., sometime back in September. It's available in both WMV (25 mb) and QuickTime (21.4 mb) formats. There won't be that many more of these made, I bet... enjoy it! (Louis Wu 03:13:51 UTC) (permalink)


Fan Fiction. Again.
32 new Fan Fiction pieces written in the past 5 days - I guess the Thanksgiving holiday meant people had extra time on their hands. This section is an enigma to me... why is it, in the area of HBO where words are MOST important, that such a huge percentage of participants can't be bothered to read the huge 'READ THIS OR ELSE' directions? Why is it, in this most-often-updated section of the website (except for the front page, I guess), that I receive more complaints from submitters impatient to see their work online than anywhere else? (And often rude complaints!) Why do these people, who spend so much time trying to get inside their characters' heads, have so little empathy (or gratitude, for that matter) for the people who work hard to showcase their writing? Mysteries for the ages, I suppose. Sure makes me tired, though... (Louis Wu 03:07:07 UTC) (permalink)


Escapism and Playing God
Chris Butcher was interviewed by a hometown- er, home-country media outlet, the New Zealand Listener, about his current job at Bungie and how he got there. It's a pretty nice piece - go read! Thanks, Frankie. (Louis Wu 01:25:10 UTC) (permalink)


The high cost of stats storage
There's a news post over at Bungie.net talking about an upcoming purge of the Stats database; if there are particular games you want to keep track of, you need to grab the info now, before it's gone. More details can be found in the post. (Louis Wu 01:07:40 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Bungie.net stats for all
Northeast Halo Tourney
A hardcore fan speaks up
Patience is a virtue.
Don't Monkey With Him.
No Real Ending
CGN says Halo shines
TriXie and crew116
CAL adds Halo 2
Halo stunts outside the community
G4TechTV - doing it again

Sunday's news in brief:

Halorama Redux
The Unabomber... with crayons.
Out in the Cold
Pathways Redux

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
