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November 30, 2004 Link to this post

Fan Fiction. Again.
32 new Fan Fiction pieces written in the past 5 days - I guess the Thanksgiving holiday meant people had extra time on their hands. This section is an enigma to me... why is it, in the area of HBO where words are MOST important, that such a huge percentage of participants can't be bothered to read the huge 'READ THIS OR ELSE' directions? Why is it, in this most-often-updated section of the website (except for the front page, I guess), that I receive more complaints from submitters impatient to see their work online than anywhere else? (And often rude complaints!) Why do these people, who spend so much time trying to get inside their characters' heads, have so little empathy (or gratitude, for that matter) for the people who work hard to showcase their writing? Mysteries for the ages, I suppose. Sure makes me tired, though... (Louis Wu 03:07:07 UTC)

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