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Halo news back Monday, November 29, 2004 Halo news forward

Bungie.net stats for all
There are a whole bunch of new solutions for displaying Bungie.net stats on your website currently in development... but most of them are either not out yet, or not for public use. Jay Roberts found a site that converts RSS to Javascript, allowing easy inclusion with very little effort. He put up an example including his own stats. If you can't wait for the fancy stuff, give this a look - it's easy, and it works! (Louis Wu 19:10:34 UTC) (permalink)


Northeast Halo Tourney
Cavmn pointed out a Halo tourney being held at a chain of paintball centers in northern Massachusetts/southern New Hampshire. 1v1 this Saturday, December 4, with a $5 entry fee and a first prize valued at $500. Phone numbers can be found on the info page. (Louis Wu 17:35:17 UTC) (permalink)


A hardcore fan speaks up
Randall Glass, a cornerstone of the Halo online community since his release of the Warthog Jump video in early 2002, has written a frank and honest review of Halo 2 - campaign, multiplayer, and the Limited Edition DVD. There are some really, really good points in there. (There are also some major spoilers; don't read this until you've finished the game.) Thanks to Ducain for the tipoff. (Louis Wu 17:22:26 UTC) (permalink)


Patience is a virtue.
Almost 2 years ago, Racing Champions Ertl (the parent company of Joyride Studios) announced that they'd be creating Halo action figures - and the first thought from Stuntmutt was 'we need Halo-based Twisted Toyfare Theatre!' (There's a link in that post if you've never heard of this.) Sometimes these things take a little while. Toyfare released their first-ever Halo photo price guide recently... and included in it 3 'Big Shots' - exactly what Stunt was asking for. One... two... three. Wheee! (Louis Wu 16:49:57 UTC) (permalink)


Don't Monkey With Him.
Today's One One Se7en points out the danger of humor in the wrong situation. (Louis Wu 10:57:11 UTC) (permalink)


No Real Ending
Gyser points out a new Little Gamers webcomic with Halo 2 content. Spoilers, I suppose. (Hardly, because the joke is pretty well-known at this point.) (Louis Wu 10:28:09 UTC) (permalink)


CGN says Halo shines
The Cyber Gaming Network has reviewed Halo 2 - they gave it a 5/5 - though they're still waiting for Halo 3. Thanks, Jarrett Lantz. (Louis Wu 10:21:01 UTC) (permalink)


TriXie and crew116
About a week ago, Justin Long sent us a link from Xbox.com - TriXie intereviewed crew116, a Microsoft-based Halo clan that did extensive beta-testing of Halo 2 multiplayer. We forgot to post it. The interview itself focuses on the guys in the clan, their likes and dislikes - but there's also a Tips and Tricks summary from many of the members. Thanks to AgentMunroe for the reminder that we missed this. (Louis Wu 10:18:10 UTC) (permalink)


CAL adds Halo 2
the DJ points out that CAL (The CyberAthlete Amateur League) has picked up Halo 2, starting in January. There's no news yet - but the Halo 2 Division exists. More details to come! (Louis Wu 10:12:52 UTC) (permalink)


Halo stunts outside the community
Interesting. One of the very first vids I saw in Halo 2 was someone exploiting the 6 plasma shields on Delta Halo for Tank Launching - park your tank on the shields, and if it's well-placed, it flies nicely when the shields regenerate. There have been 2 or 3 vids circulating around the community, showing this trick - but a couple of guys found that submitting their vid to Slashdot drastically increases the audience. Two things happened; their bandwidth got toasted (no big deal, because some /. regular simply bittorrented the film, and you can grab it now thanks to hundreds of technophiles), and they got credit OUTSIDE the Halo community for this stunt. (There's a third thing, too, I guess - they decreased the chances that a truly innovative film will even be MENTIONED by Slashdot. Bummer.) The vid they put out is DivX 5 format, 31 mb, almost 4 minutes long. After the first 30 seconds, you've seen it all. (Louis Wu 10:01:10 UTC) (permalink)


G4TechTV - doing it again
A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned Halo 2 Day on G4TechTV - a day devoted to Halo programming, coinciding with the release of the game. We forgot to go back and actually SUMMARIZE that content, after the fact - there's quite a bit.

In addition, there are a bunch of video offerings; the X-Play review in video format (spoilers), a movie called 'Players Playing Halo', a bit on Halo action figures, and the Red vs Blue commercials. (All of these are in Flash video format.) Lots o' stuff! (Louis Wu 09:42:06 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Halorama Redux
The Unabomber... with crayons.
Out in the Cold
Pathways Redux

Saturday's news in brief:

Content around the net
Ode to Bungie
Frankie, Do You Remember Me?
Red Feather Ranch
Who were these guys?
Now THAT'S a gun.

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
