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Halo news back Thursday, September 16, 2004 Halo news forward

More pretties for your desktop
I do believe I can see the bottom of the art queues. (I'm not sure that's a great thing; I know from experience that when you empty a barrel that you've been using continually for a long time, you find all sorts of nasty growths you never really needed to see.) Anyway, today's batch has been placed in the Wallpaper Section - 10 images that range from a spectacular reworking of a Tina Leyk piece to some peaceful views of an earthlike part of the Halo... and lots of stuff in between. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 22:20:01 UTC) (permalink)


CVG Part 4 - Pete Parsons Talks
Computer and Video Games has put up the fourth part of their in-depth look at Halo 2 - this one is an interview with Bungie's Pete Parsons. Aside from one obnoxious paragraph (right after explaining how their guide asked them politely not to look at certain things, they described exactly what they DID see - there are potential spoilers in here for those of you who really, absolutely, don't want ANY spoilers at all), it was a great interview - positive, but once again proving that Pete's a master at making his point without giving anything away that he wants to keep secret. Go read! Thanks to John Houlihan of CVG for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 20:58:26 UTC) (permalink)


German Scans - up finally
Last month, Marc Friedrichs of Halo Universe sent along a couple of magazine scans of German Halo articles; somehow, they got lost in the flood of content. They're up, now, in our Press Scans section, however; if you read German, check out June's Video Games Aktuell and August's Xbox Zone. Thanks, Marc! (Louis Wu 19:53:23 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's Themes
Seven new pieces for you today in the Fan Fiction section - apologies for the outages earlier this morning. (Looks like a router got swapped out without the datacenter being warned... SOMEONE got chewed out pretty good.) Go read some Halo fiction and relax. (Louis Wu 17:21:23 UTC) (permalink)


I was shooting for gumdrops.
Today's Calvin and Halo looks inside alien races... and what it finds isn't pretty. (Louis Wu 12:55:57 UTC) (permalink)


Contest Pages Outside the US
The country-specific Backstage Pass pages are beginning to appear; a little searching turned up 'Coming Soon' pages for Great Britain and France. I'm happy to set up a list for these, if folks want to point them out when they appear; in a lot of cases, I can't read the page well enough to figure out what I'm looking at, so I'm dependent on locals in each area to find their own. Thanks! Update: With a little help from this GamesIndustry.biz article and some judicious guessing, I've found links to the rest of the European options for this contest - Germany, Finland, Denmark, Austria, and Switzerland. Still to come (I'm guessing) - asian sites like Japan, and possibly Australia. (NONE of the non-US ones have real info yet - just a placeholder page. Be patient, though.) (Louis Wu 12:28:32 UTC) (permalink)


Raging for Road Rage
Subzero Rivalries has posted another episode; this comic looks at hwo much more important attention is than, say... winning. Pointed out by MarkHawk. (Louis Wu 12:14:44 UTC) (permalink)


TeamXbox Profiles the Known
Nice article over on TeamXbox - bios of the Halo 2 cast (at least the cast known to date), both human and covenant, as well as rundowns of known weapons and vehicles. Some pics seem to be new. Worth a read! Thanks, Recoil. (Louis Wu 12:11:11 UTC) (permalink)


HBO PAL - Your New Bestest Friend
Ever feel like you just don't have enough easy ways to access the information available here at HBO? There are so many different search areas - news, art, forum, updates - or maybe you just wanna find posts by your friends. Or maybe you want better access to the subsections of HBO, without having to go to the main page first. Well, BOLL is here for you. He's created the HBO PAL, a small popup window that gives you access to an enormous swath of HBO info in one little strip of real estate. Stick it in a corner of your screen, see if it makes your life any easier. (If it doesn't... hey, just close it.) Don't forget to thank him. (Louis Wu 00:40:35 UTC) (permalink)


Backstage Pass Contest - Clarified
We don't normally like to post the same news item twice, but this one deserves a double-post, because of the confusion. A couple of hours ago (but yesterday, by this site's clock), we announced a new contest in which Xbox Live subscribers would get a chance to win a 3 day/2 night trip to Bungie Studios to play Halo 2 before the rest of the world. Several threads immediately popped up on our forum, pointing out that while the sweepstakes page at Xbox.com states that "Twenty lucky winners from around the world (five in North America)" will be going to Redmond, the official rules page states that the contest is open only to "legal residents of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, and Canada (except Quebec)". Residents of non-North American countries - fear not! Each country sending people will have its own sweepstakes page, with its own eligibility requirements and rules. Once they're all live, you'll be able to see whether you meet the requirements in your country - but for now, remember that the contest doesn't close until October 15, so there's plenty of time. Sorry for the confusion! (Louis Wu 00:00:01 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Go to Bungie - on their dime!
CVG uses Weapons
Halo for Habitat
Talks tough, but can he back it up?
Miscellaneous Queue Clearout
The Flood Gates
Battle of Reach: Help Needed
Halogen Update
Prosthetic Luma, eh?
The Fansites Weigh In
'Blast' All Right.
Congrats, Shishka... and you suck.
No. Way.
No gelatin body parts, unfortunately.
Halo Theme, Arranged for Piano
Madonna as The Corruptor
Bungie.net Screenshot Gallery Updated
Games Domain looks under the hood
Dem Grunts, Dem Grunts
More Hands-on from GameDaily

Tuesday's news in brief:

Halo 2 MP, Summarized
Wallpaper Windfall
Lethal Rage 4
Halo 2 on NPR
The Right Stuff - or at least Attitude
CVG talks Halo 2
No Bots in Halo 2 - Confirmed
Three Towers highlight reel posted
Halo CE Push - Quick Update
Halo Theme - Tabbed Again
Sprinkle the bait, and they will come (back!)
Wanted: One Jjaro-Boxer Equipped Eternal Hero
Good things are coming...

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
