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Halo news back Friday, September 17, 2004 Halo news forward

The Bungie Update Needs You!
Wonga. Today's Weekly Bungie Update is gonna be different than any other... and it needs YOU. This one's gonna be interactive; the New Mombasa forum is going to be the focus of a Q&A session between Sketch and Frankie... and you, the fans. Jump on the forum (the thread's already picked out for you), ask a question about Halo 2 (multiplayer-only)... and in roughly 2 hours (2 pm PDT, 5 pm EDT, 9 pm GMT) Sketch and Frankie will log on and begin answering questions. There are some basic rules; read the news post for details. (Pay attention to the news post, even.) Now get to thinking! UPDATE: The question period is over, and Frankie and Sketch have begun posting answers in a separate thread here. Tons of juicy info, but, again, read the rules. When they say "do not post in this thread", they aren't kidding. (updated by CZ) (Louis Wu 18:52:51 UTC) (permalink)


Unyielding Teaser
Mothergoat has posted a 'one minute, barebones sample of where I am going' with his new tune, 'Unyielding. It's in zipped .wma format, 5.2 mb. Cool monks and hard guitars. Grab it today! (Louis Wu 18:02:55 UTC) (permalink)


European Dev Tour pics
Soulblighta found a writeup on a Belgian site of the Halo 2 European Developer Tour. This, as well, is in Dutch (though he's offered a translation - yes, please, Soulblighta :) ). It chronicles an event that took place in Paris on August 20, and the size of the screens they played on made me drool. Take a look! (Louis Wu 17:25:52 UTC) (permalink)


It ain't no Klondike Bar
Ernst Sandelowsky points out an article he wrote (in Dutch) for the Xboxarena.nl website, about his experience at Power Unlimited Gameplay last weekend. I can't read Dutch, but his description of the experience wasn't very inspiring; people interested in trying out Halo 2 were forced to perform degrading acts for the crowd in order to get in. What were they thinking? (Louis Wu 17:13:57 UTC) (permalink)


Live Forever
A few days ago, MereCatfish posted a short (1:52, 4.9 mb, WMP9 format) teaser for an upcoming video known as 'Live Forever'; it wasn't until today that I got word that it's got sufficient bandwidth to be front-paged here. It's exactly what it sounds like - a teaser - but from the looks of things, the final product (a team-based battle in heroic style) could be fun to watch. Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:02:07 UTC) (permalink)


That's why they call it weekly, right?
Gah. Once again, I've forgotten to update the Bungie Weekly Update archive until the end of the week. It's updated now, with last week's quickie from Halo Babies. Just in time for today's NEW update. Erk. (Louis Wu 16:08:35 UTC) (permalink)


Pro Halo player profiled in Ontario newspaper
Thanks to Andrew, of Xbox Ottawa (and half of the FTC team) for sending in a (monster) scan of an article in yesterday's Ottawa Citizen newspaper (877x3809, 587K); it focuses on G-Spot, a pro Halo player from Canada who will be representing his country at the World Cyber Games next month. (The reporter writing the story lost 125-7 in 1v1 slayer matches - with some of the gameplay from G-Spot being performed with his controller flipped upside down.) Interesting read, and amazing quantity of coverage in a mainstream newspaper. (Must have been a really slow news day in Ottawa.) Check it out! (Louis Wu 15:31:57 UTC) (permalink)


n.2. An Unskilled Or...
I really, really hope Stuntmutt's offbase in today's One One Se7en... cause that sort of behavior would make me want to shoot someone. A grunt, maybe. (Louis Wu 11:25:31 UTC) (permalink)


Revenge of the Spark
A couple of days ago, Captain Spark released a video in which he finally, after years of abuse, FINALLY got some revenge on the uncooperative Marines who have made his dialogue-collecting sessions so difficult. It was funny enough that we're hosting it for him now; I'd like to apologize in advance for the odd-looking text. Some weird setting on the original video CS sent me had screwed up the aspect ratio of the film; everything was squished. I fixed this, but in doing so, made the text look a bit... odd. Blame me, not CS. The video is available in two flavors, both 480x360: there's a 4.2 mb WMP7 version, and a 4.7 mb QuickTime version. Grab the one that suits you! (Louis Wu 11:06:27 UTC) (permalink)


Mark VI
Halo Babies has revamped their Baby MC, and he's unveiled in the latest strip. They've also tipped a hat to... well, go read it. (Louis Wu 10:43:40 UTC) (permalink)


Desktop Countdown
Tyrian points out a customizable desktop countdown clock called PhanTim3 - it runs under pretty much any flavor of Windows. What makes this Halo-relevant is the existence of a set of 9 Halo skins for the clock; you can use this as a countdown to Halo 2. Freeware. (Louis Wu 10:38:44 UTC) (permalink)


TheManRoom looks at Halo's Characters
TheManRoom has posted its own Character Preview, and described the Halo 2 Media Tool Kit it received containing this information. For folks wondering where TeamXbox got its information and pictures for yesterday's Bios Blowout article... now you know. (No, HBO isn't on whatever list you have to be on to get this toolkit, so we can't show you unwatermarked versions of these files... sorry.) (Louis Wu 10:25:07 UTC) (permalink)


Lots of new tourney footage at MLGPro
Dolbex points out that there are over 4 hours of new video footage of gameplay from MLG Atlanta - 50k3 in the Video On Demand section of the MLGPro.com website. If you want to see top-notch pro gameplay, this is the place to get it. A VoD subscription is $20 for the year. (Louis Wu 10:19:35 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 Readiness Guide - finally
Gah. Almost a month ago, ferory pointed out a 'Halo 2 Readiness Guide' that had gone up on Xbox.com, giving information on what you might want to do to get ready for the release of Halo 2. I wrote back at the time that we'd already posted about that when it went up on Bungie.net; a couple of weeks earlier, B.net had posted a 'Prepare Yourself' article, and in that timeframe, a bunch of old B.net stories began to appear on Xbox.com, and I assumed that this was just another example of recycled content. I was wrong - it's a different article altogether, similar subjects notwithstanding. My bad for not checking more closely. Thanks to both forum posters and emailers who pointed out this article again in the last day or two, and made me look a second time. (Louis Wu 10:16:00 UTC) (permalink)


Capitalism is better with new clothes
Took a little while... but the Bungie Store is back online, with T-shirts, fleece pullovers, keychains, pen and pencil sets, and more. There's clearly more on the way - the slideshow on the opening screen shows a bunch of items not yet available. go buy, and help Bungie on their road to world domination! (Thanks, Finn - you WERE the first.) (Louis Wu 00:38:52 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

More pretties for your desktop
CVG Part 4 - Pete Parsons Talks
German Scans - up finally
Thursday's Themes
I was shooting for gumdrops.
Contest Pages Outside the US
Raging for Road Rage
TeamXbox Profiles the Known
HBO PAL - Your New Bestest Friend
Backstage Pass Contest - Clarified

Wednesday's news in brief:

Go to Bungie - on their dime!
CVG uses Weapons
Halo for Habitat
Talks tough, but can he back it up?
Miscellaneous Queue Clearout
The Flood Gates
Battle of Reach: Help Needed
Halogen Update
Prosthetic Luma, eh?
The Fansites Weigh In
'Blast' All Right.
Congrats, Shishka... and you suck.
No. Way.
No gelatin body parts, unfortunately.
Halo Theme, Arranged for Piano
Madonna as The Corruptor
Bungie.net Screenshot Gallery Updated
Games Domain looks under the hood
Dem Grunts, Dem Grunts
More Hands-on from GameDaily

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
