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Halo news back Tuesday, September 14, 2004 Halo news forward

Halo 2 MP, Summarized
Dolbex points out an article, written by Liquid and Fuzz, on the MLGPro.com website that summarizes what's known and unknown about Halo 2 multiplayer at this stage. If you've been feeling overwhelmed, this might be a good overview to read. (Louis Wu 18:44:05 UTC) (permalink)


Wallpaper Windfall
Another day, another 10 pieces of art gone from the queue. (You'd think that one of these days, we'd actually get to the bottom, wouldn't you?) This batch is in the Wallpaper Section, and includes spectacular pieces from notables like Tina Leyk and Adam 'Vegasmike' Vehige, as well as beautiful constructions from lesser-known (for now) submitters. Check out the whole batch! (Louis Wu 15:33:19 UTC) (permalink)


Lethal Rage 4
Pico is celebrating his 20th birthday today... and as a present to the Halo community, he's released Lethal Rage 4, not so much a sequel as another in a series of nicely filmed battle pieces. Cinematics are great (and the bloopers at the end give you some idea of how much work went into them). The bugaboo for this series has always been voice acting, and that continues to hold true here... but that shouldn't deter you from grabbing the vid. It was originally posted on Angelfire, and I'm astounded that that link survived the night - but at this point, there are a few other mirrors (including two we've supplied ourselves), and of course we're always happy to add new links to that page, if you feel like helping out. And oh, yeah... Happy Birthday, Pico! (Louis Wu 14:48:23 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 on NPR
National Public Radio's Morning Edition did a piece this morning on Madden Football, which has sold over 35 million copies over the life of the franchise. About 4 minutes into the 7 minute segment, the interviewer asks Gamespot's Brian Ekberg if there are any games that approach the popularity of games like Madden. Ekberg points out Halo 2 as a strong contender this year. You can listen to the clip by searching for 'Madden' on this NPR page (Real or WMP formats). Interesting to see a Halo 2 mention in a context such as NPR! Thanks, BrotherSwing. (Louis Wu 14:20:49 UTC) (permalink)


The Right Stuff - or at least Attitude
Looks like Finland is actively searching for the Master Chief. This news post on a Finnish gaming site explains how Microsoft Finland is looking for someone to fill the MC's shoes - and the rest of his armor. Details thanks to Scanner Darkly on our forum. Do YOU make the cut? (Louis Wu 14:08:55 UTC) (permalink)


CVG talks Halo 2
Computer and Video Games has put up a pair of articles discussing their trip to Bungie Studios last month and their hands-on experience with Halo 2. Part 1 covers the basics of what they saw, part 2 looks closely at the 5 multiplayer maps they played. (Similar, but not identical, to the dozen other hands-on experiences we've mentioned in the past week or so.) Thanks, vshields ash. (Louis Wu 13:36:56 UTC) (permalink)


No Bots in Halo 2 - Confirmed
Gamespy has added another 3 pages to their Halo 2 Reader Feedback Followup #2 (whew! Get that?). There's some solid (if not always entirely welcome) info in there from Frankie; Halo 2 will not have bot support, and there will be no low-gravity levels in the game. There's more - go read it for yourself. Thanks, Mr. Mongoose. Update: Nitpicker and HSP Factchecker Finn points out that Frankie specifies multiplayer levels in his response; there's nothing, so far, that definitively rules out low-gravity environments in campaign mode. (We're not saying it's there - we're simply pointing out that it hasn't been ruled out yet.) (Louis Wu 13:00:19 UTC) (permalink)


Three Towers highlight reel posted
Ducain has finished the Three Towers highlight video (he says 'finally' - making me feel even WORSE that the Going Nowhere Fast vid isn't done yet, thanks, Ducain), showing the best stunts of the entries for this contest. WMP9 format, 9 minutes long, 23.2 mb. If there's demand, I'll toss up a QuickTime version. Update: Due to popular demand, I've put up a QuickTime version for folks who need it. (Louis Wu 11:27:40 UTC) (permalink)


Halo CE Push - Quick Update
Well, I'll say that last night was pretty fun. I logged onto the HBO Coerce server - one of the few 16-players-full CE servers running last night - and saw a HOST of names I never see any more, including one I haven't seen on Halo CE or PC... EVER. It was a blast. But again, even with the added publicity... total numbers never rose above 400. There are still a few more nights in which the 1000 player total can be reached, in this push... but I have to tell you, I'm starting to believe that this is just too little, too late. There are many hundreds of thousands of copies of Halo PC and Mac Halo out there - but Halo CE came along too late to capture the PC crowd, and the Mac folks never even got a chance. If the combined readership of all the largest Halo fansites can't generate 1000 online players when they're BEGGING for them... it just ain't gonna happen. (Goes without saying that I'd LOVE to have that last statement proved wrong.) (Louis Wu 10:36:33 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Theme - Tabbed Again
CreepHunter pointed out yet ANOTHER guitar tab of the Halo theme he found at Video Game Jam - he liked this one better than the last one we mentioned. Again - I can't read these, so I'm not passing any judgement at all... but they're out there, if you want to use them. (Louis Wu 10:28:03 UTC) (permalink)


Sprinkle the bait, and they will come (back!)
Guess who's back? We missed you man. (Ding 04:01:50 UTC) (permalink)


Wanted: One Jjaro-Boxer Equipped Eternal Hero
Finn, the more productive half of the HSP duo, has gone and updated the Story Page again. Kings and angels, maps and timelines, there's some good stuff there. Check it out! (mnemesis 02:44:58 UTC) (permalink)


Good things are coming...
Wow. Got mail from AEG, a PR firm that handles a lot of Microsoft's promotions; there's a BIG contest launching Wednesday, September 15, at 9 am PDT. We don't have a lot of details yet... but I do know it involves Halo 2, and Xbox Live, and as soon as the full contest announcement has been sent out, you'll be able to read all the details here. Stay tuned! Update: There's been a timing change; the announcement will happen at 1 pm PDT, not 9 am. Keep your eyes peeled! (Louis Wu 01:01:15 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

It's Aht, Dahling.
The State of Halo CE
Alexander Did A Similar Thing In Gordium.
Monday's Musings
Gamespy Dishes out the Answers
Zyos - King of SF
Halo models for UT2K4
Cover Art Contest ends
Face the Chief
New Leyk Character Profiles
The Resistance - remixed

Sunday's news in brief:

Halo Internet RPG
Halo 2: Pong Evolved
PoA 0 Shot
1000 Player Push
Free (PAL) Halo 2 at Xbox Resource
Dewin' it
Chipps Dubbo Memorial Tournament
Halo Ar7 Database
Halo Theme Tab

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
