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Halo news back Monday, September 13, 2004 Halo news forward

It's Aht, Dahling.
Another day, another Miscellaneous Art batch. Again, 10 items, ranging from sketches to animated gifs. See what you can find! (Louis Wu 19:28:32 UTC) (permalink)


The State of Halo CE
Last night was the first attempt of a weeklong push to get over 1000 people playing Halo CE simultaneously. It was a failure; total players never climbed above 400. Captain Spark suggested that the problem might be that there aren't enough non-passworded servers to even SUPPORT 1000 players... but I don't think that's the case. (Even this morning, when some servers that were up last night are offline, there are over 90 freely-joinable servers online... more than enough to support the needed number of players.) The problem, it seems, is much deeper; a year after the game has been released, it's still FULL of bugs that make it unplayable for the casual visitor. (I jumped on last night for 3 hours or so. I sit on a T1 here, and during my playing time there was never less than 1200 kbit/sec bandwidth available. I played the entire night on a single server, a relatively fast server sitting on a 10 Mbit line in a pretty fast datacenter. And I was lagging all night long.) Gearbox says they're willing to put the effort in to fix some of these problems - but only if they can be shown that there's interest in the game. And at this point, a year after release, folks aren't interested in even trying. It's a shame, really, because CE has HUGE potential. Some of the mods I've tried are mind-boggling. The community contains enough core creative people that if the game were playable by newcomers, it WOULD be self-sustaining... but the developer says 'we can't justify fixing it because there aren't enough customers' and the customers say 'we can't justify playing it because there are too many bugs.' If you have any hope for Halo CE at all, jump on and play tonight, at 7 pm EST (4 pm PST, midnight GMT)... this might be the last gasp. Update: for those who don't even HAVE Halo CE yet, you can download it from one of the links on our Halo Custom Edition Mirrors page. (I doubt they all work any more, but many do.) (Louis Wu 17:43:20 UTC) (permalink)


Alexander Did A Similar Thing In Gordium.
What? You thought I was punishing Stuntmutt for all the news posts last week? Nah. There's still a One One Se7en today. Whether you think I'm now punishing you, the reader, is yet to be seen... (Louis Wu 17:29:29 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's Musings
Nine new pieces for you in the Fan Fiction section; as soon as I can figure out how to import these into MySQL without errors, I'll be moving the entire section to a new and more robust machine. I hope. In the meantime, go read. (Louis Wu 17:24:34 UTC) (permalink)


Gamespy Dishes out the Answers
Warlock points out another Reader Feedback Followup article at Gamespy; they go to Frankie to answer a few questions they couldn't answer themselves. Some tasty info in there! (Louis Wu 17:11:26 UTC) (permalink)


Zyos - King of SF
Dolbex sent along word that Zyos continues his reign as Grand High Pro Player Poobah by winning the FFA competition at MLG San Francisco, and also being on the 2v2 winning team (with Tsquared) and the 4v4 winning team (Team Yesss!, made up of Zyos, Tsquared, Slim, and Scythe). Details can be found on the MLGPro.com website. (Louis Wu 16:46:11 UTC) (permalink)


Halo models for UT2K4
ShoTro points out a Halo Model Pack for Unreal Tournament 2004. It's 70 mb; give it a look! (Louis Wu 16:28:52 UTC) (permalink)


Cover Art Contest ends
Blade has sent along the winning entries for his Halo 2 Cover Design Contest (last mentioned here). We've put them up for display, along with the scoring. You can follow the link to the original contest thread on Blade's forum to see other entries. Again - we have nothing to do with this contest; contact Blade for prize information. (Louis Wu 14:06:03 UTC) (permalink)


Face the Chief
Halo: Blood Covenant is a pretty slick Halo side-scrolling game that made its first appearance back in March. It was playable by June, in demo form. They're back now, with a new contest; Face the Chief. They're looking for the features of the man beneath the helmet; if you can provide them, you can win a place within the game. Details can be found in the press release linked above. Check it out! (Louis Wu 13:27:59 UTC) (permalink)


New Leyk Character Profiles
Tina Leyk continues to make Character Profile sheets for players; there are two new ones on her Fan Art page here. Dre'al looks like someone you DON'T wanna mess with... but Peeps, you could take home and feed Kibbles to. Well, except for the needler. (Louis Wu 13:09:28 UTC) (permalink)


The Resistance - remixed
Ultrash has whipped up another remix of his older 'Halo: The Resistance' track; we mentioned it here. You can find the new piece (9.6 mb, 7:03 long) hosted on files.bungie.org. (Louis Wu 12:47:03 UTC) (permalink)


Boxer tells us that Adventures in Disaster Episode 9 is up over at akba.info... I think it has something to do with reflective fecal material. Give it a look. (Louis Wu 12:12:55 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Halo Internet RPG
Halo 2: Pong Evolved
PoA 0 Shot
1000 Player Push
Free (PAL) Halo 2 at Xbox Resource
Dewin' it
Chipps Dubbo Memorial Tournament
Halo Ar7 Database
Halo Theme Tab

Saturday's news in brief:

Saturday Artwork
Fan Fiction
GI Plays Their Own Game
Real Halo
GameDaily's Deeper Content
The Fall of Reach
The end of an error
The Big Screen
TXB Checks The Menus
Bangin' Choons

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
