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Halo news back Monday, August 23, 2004 Halo news forward

It's coming...
Finn awakens from his motorcycle-induced slumber (wha?) to speculate about that which must not be named on our forum. Check the Story Page. And hold on to your hats. (Thanks to Milamber for noticing.) (Louis Wu 21:47:56 UTC) (permalink)


More Leipzig Footage
Nafe Rubeus continues his quest for Zanzibar multiplayer footage, with another german website, die-klobrille.de. There are two links; the first is a 103 mb, 19-minute file that will make you nauseous if you watch the whole thing at a shot. (It starts with some footage of the Nightmare-Armor-clad MS rep on the show floor, and then moves on to game footage... the blue flashing really got to me after a bit.) The second is a mirror of the very first clip we mentioned - but you'll have to copy and paste the link, rather than click it - there's a typo in the code. If all goes well, we might have something better for you soon... (Louis Wu 21:34:26 UTC) (permalink)


Persistence of Ignorance...
Boxer continues his Adventures in Disaster series with Episode 3, over at akba.info. (Louis Wu 21:29:42 UTC) (permalink)


Halo CE maps - on the Mac
Grenadiac points out FANTASTIC news for the Mac community - bobindashadows has found a way to port Halo CE maps to the Mac. The system isn't complete yet - it requires modifying the way bitmaps are stored, so they can be tacked on safely to the existing bitmaps.map file (so that multiple mods can coexist) - but he's got a working prototype, with some great screenshots. Head on over to MacDev and read all about it! (Louis Wu 21:27:53 UTC) (permalink)


Free - and Solid. What more do you want?
Fluffy, over at HaloPlanet, points out (once again) that they've got an awesome, though underused, resource available to all Halo CE modders. They will host your map/mod/website, with unlimited bandwidth (and they mean it - they've got the MASSIVE pipes of Fileplanet to back them up), pre-built forums (and other systems), tech support, haloplanet emails, and even pre-built website templates to use. Why would you turn this down? Read their Hosting FAQ, check out the Application, and watch your bandwidth problems disappear! (Louis Wu 21:03:37 UTC) (permalink)


Checkpoint... Done
Wronchi put up a Flash animation at Newgrounds, dedicated to all those who found certain aspects of the Library... repetitive. It's a bit over a meg, and nicely done. Thanks to Gil27 for pointing it out. (Obligatory Spoiler Warning, for those keeping track.) (Louis Wu 17:56:21 UTC) (permalink)


Location, Location, Location
nico, the guy behind Red vs Blue's music, sent along a picture (74k) of his Powerbook, running Halo on the back deck of his family's house in St. Barths, in the French West Indies, as the sun begins to set. I can't think of a nicer place to kill Covenant... (Louis Wu 17:49:32 UTC) (permalink)


Ooh - upcoming game hype
The latest Gamespotting column at Gamespot is about upcoming games... and it contains a poll - 'Which upcoming game will be the greatest?' At the moment, Halo 2 is in second place... behind Half-Life 2. Hmm... (Thanks to GruntKilla for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 16:31:03 UTC) (permalink)


Weekly Bungie Update Archive - Improved
We've added last Friday's Weekly Bungie Update to our Update archive, and maybe made the archive a bit easier to use. I noticed that the full update list was getting a bit unwieldy (260k of text, plus pictures), so I uncovered a part of the search page that's always been there, but not documented; you can now view updates individually, by date, from the main Archive page. Should make life easier if you want to point out a specific date... (Louis Wu 16:11:40 UTC) (permalink)


Almost 50 new entries in the Movie Database
For far too long, the Movie Database has languished, victim of limited time and shifting priorities. Uriel offered to compile much of the data required to build this database, greatly reducing the amount of work needed to create updates; even WITH his help, it took much longer than it should have. However, we've passed the biggest hurdle - the horrendously messy collection of videos that were released during E3 this year. The database now runs through the end of June (yes, still a couple of months behind, but it should be MUCH simpler to catch up at this stage), and contains links to all the E3 data we could find (as well as all the movies we mentioned in the month following E3). Stop by and see what you missed! (Louis Wu 14:44:45 UTC) (permalink)


Sticks and Stones
Today's One One Se7en shows what a good headset can do to a polite individual... I suppose the real funny would be if that cord behind Cortana weren't plugged into anything. Oh, wait... (Louis Wu 11:16:47 UTC) (permalink)


It's the Way of the Shakeycam
The footage from the Leipzig Games Convention continues to appear... and disappear. The Game7 footage we mentioned on Saturday is offline already (they ran out of bandwidth, it appears), but there are new clips to fill the void. Nafe Rubeus found a thread on a clan forum with a link to a large (but EXTREMELY slow-downloading) video - I have no clue what this one looks like. And Demden, of Halo Orbit, pointed out 5 QuickTime clips recorded with a digital camera on a different clansite - video quality is the best we've seen from the convention, but there's no sound, and the filesize is 5 times what it should be. (This might change.) For folks looking for footage that was online but is no longer... we're not going to be hosting this sort of footage; there is going to be a surfeit of it in the next few weeks, I'd guess. If you get it, great, if you don't, grab the next one. Update: Luis Carrillo found a new link for the Game7 video, in a GameFAQs forum thread. (Louis Wu 10:37:41 UTC) (permalink)


Kiwis get a shot at Halo 2 in September
B Ball Master is embarrassingly insistent that we mention that Halo 2 will be playable next month at the Armageddon Pulp Culture Expo in Wellington, New Zealand. Under $15 NZ (per day) gets you into the event, taking place on September 25 and 26. Yet another venue for some Halo 2 lovin' before November 9... (Louis Wu 03:16:06 UTC) (permalink)


Early Monday Musings
Oops - haven't updated the Fan Fiction section since Thursday, so there are 20 new pieces for you to read... Gotta be careful about that. Go get 'em! (Louis Wu 03:12:29 UTC) (permalink)


Official confirmation of the new Halo 2 Headset
On August 2, we got word of a new Halo 2-branded headset, made by Plantronics, that would be coming out this fall. More details emerged a week later. Now, thanks to Team Xbox, we have official word, in the form of a Plantronics press release. Looks to be a classy piece of equipment! (Louis Wu 02:35:05 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Escaped Convict
Homefront progress
Better than killing covies...
Awards, again.
The Hornet - in action
eBay of Pigs
Halo 2 morsels at TXB
Aqua Chiefs Hunger Corps
Hit and Run
Halo 2 Tourney in Seattle!
Just a Movie
Before anyone freaks...

Saturday's news in brief:

More German Shakeycam Stuff
Action Figures can be fun.
Now all we need is a wolf.
Now that's a LOTTA guys.
German Halo 2 Hands-on from IGN
Peeing in Supermarkets

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
