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August 22, 2004 Link to this post

eBay of Pigs
Wow. I've seen sleazy before, but this is pretty audacious. Some slimeball on eBay was selling a digital copy of Zoe's farewell wallpaper; he removed Zoe's signature from it (though not the bungie.net watermark), and was selling it (in DIGITAL FORM, it's not even a print) as his own work. (He cancelled the auction this morning, 'because of an error in the listing' - but it's still online.) In case it gets pulled, we've put up a local, static (no working links) copy here at HBO. Remember that you can get this for free (from the legitimate artist) over at Bungie.net. Make a note of the seller's name, and be really, really careful what you buy from him. Thanks to Fluffmiester for finding this. (Louis Wu 14:32:04 UTC)

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