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Halo news back Saturday, August 21, 2004 Halo news forward

More German Shakeycam Stuff
Demden, from Halo Orbit, sends word of another shakeycam vid from the Leipzig gaming event, this time filmed (and hosted) by Game7. Again, screen glare is a major problem, but they did a decent job of showing many of the options available in this build (as well as showing off some spectacularly bad gameplay in the second half). WMP9 format, almost 5 minutes long, 27 mb large. Give it a look! (Louis Wu 22:41:57 UTC) (permalink)


Action Figures can be fun.
The recent Action Figure Megabattle pics have spawned a NEW type of submission - one I want to discourage, because the potential for total picture overload is super-high... but there were a couple of shots that made me laugh, so I thought I'd share. Nedus took some pics of his own action figures; these aren't composites, they're regular photos. (Please - again, we do NOT have the time or space to host hundreds of these - do NOT send us your own posed shots. Really.) Two of 'em - 'Hold Me' and 'Prepare to Die' - got a chuckle out of me. (Hold me might be considered by some to be spoiler-containing. Sort of.) (Louis Wu 16:16:29 UTC) (permalink)


Now all we need is a wolf.
Ducain continues his 'I'm-gonna-get-hogs-EVERYWHERE-on-SC' campaign, with a movie showing how he managed to get three (THREE!) warthogs across the Shaft in Silent Cartographer - along with himself and a marine. WOW. (He started, nicely, with a teaser, letting people guess how he took the pic - but I wasn't around until the entire shebang was finished.) For those who don't like WMP9 (linked in the forum post above), I've made a QuickTime version as well. (Louis Wu 15:53:00 UTC) (permalink)


Now that's a LOTTA guys.
Falcon Zero made another megabattle pic, this time using the New Mombassa map... and if you ask me, he might have gone a little overboard. Just a little. (Louis Wu 15:18:26 UTC) (permalink)


German Halo 2 Hands-on from IGN
IGN has posted a writeup from the Leipzig Halo 2 playfest yesterday - there's nothing really new in it, but it does make you want to play... thanks to LaMuerte for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 15:07:17 UTC) (permalink)


Peeing in Supermarkets
Frankie's back, and so is the traditional Bungie Weekly Update - interesting mix; on the one hand, stuff is getting finished at phenomenal paces, on the other, folks are working absurdly long hours and see no end in sight (well, other than the obvious one, of course). Great read, though. So go do it. It's over at the 7th Revolution this week. Apparently, it's on our forum, as well, for those not up for registering for another forum. (Louis Wu 02:24:26 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

Shishka's gonna be mad.
Wun Dum Guy.
What REALLY Happened.
And all with one figure. Wow.
The FTC CTF School
Shakeycam vid from the Leipzig show floor
Oh, if Boeing had moved...
I get the planet!
Cartographically Challenged

Thursday's news in brief:

Big-Screen Halo
Shakeycam gameplay pics
Lowbrow and Grunt in the same sentence... whoda thunk?
It's Thursday, it must be FF
Halo Paintings are Cool.
The PR onslaught begins... with a whimper
Peter Moore talks to Gamespot
RvB Set Pieces IV.5
A whole new kind of megabattle

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