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Halo news back Thursday, August 19, 2004 Halo news forward

Big-Screen Halo
Wow - a movie theater in Logan, Utah has set up a permanent weekly Halo tourney, making good use of their giant screens for some sweet gameplay. Not a bad way to bring in a little extra money! Thanks to Team Overkill (w00t! Halo 2 is coming, they're visible again!) for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 22:07:30 UTC) (permalink)


Shakeycam gameplay pics
Yesterday, Art Vandelay pointed out some shakeycam photos taken at the X04 Canada event in Toronto, during Halo 2 multiplay. (There are 54 shots in all.) Apparently, they were originally taken by "Biff Sasquatch" of GameFAQs. Extra mirrors for some (or all) of the shots can be found in this TeamXbox thread. Before everyone gets all hot and bothered - most of these are really terrible; blurry, weird angles, whatever. And they're all showing the same E3-based Zanzibar build you saw pics of several months ago. That said, gameplay is gameplay, and you get some new views here. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 22:02:08 UTC) (permalink)


Lowbrow and Grunt in the same sentence... whoda thunk?
It's that Bungie-special Episode 77 over at Calvin and Halo - and Blackstar takes a shot at the... hmm. Someone. (Louis Wu 17:48:10 UTC) (permalink)


It's Thursday, it must be FF
The Fan Fiction section grows by another 13 pieces today, including a poem AND a song. Give it a look-see. (Louis Wu 15:23:03 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Paintings are Cool.
Wow. Nice Halo painting - 20x30 acrylic on canvas. Pointed out by its creator, Stinogatron. He mentions that there are a couple of other Halo pieces in his DeviantArt gallery. (One of them is already in our Wallpaper section...) (Louis Wu 13:01:44 UTC) (permalink)


The PR onslaught begins... with a whimper
Hmm... Alex Cross got his hands on the long-awaited OXM Holiday Preview Guide... and he was disappointed. Yes, there's a large spread on Halo 2 - but to him, it seemed like a rehash of existing info, and there weren't any new screenshots. (The leaked shots currently making the rounds will likely show up in the October issue, due on newsstands on September 7.) It's got plenty of information, and if you're looking for a mag that compares the various games due out for Christmas, this would be a great buy (it is, after all the Holiday Preview Guide) - but if you're specifically looking for Halo 2 info, it looks like you won't find it here. Go read Alex's post for more details. (Louis Wu 12:13:46 UTC) (permalink)


Peter Moore talks to Gamespot
As we mentioned yesterday, Microsoft was recently in Toronto for X04 Canada, a press-only event at which Halo 2 was present, and playable. Gamespot was there, and snuck in an interview with Peter Moore, Microsoft's VP of marketing for Xbox International. Moore was enthusiastic across the board... but had some pretty amazing things to say about the Halo 2 release.

"...there is no doubt in my mind that the first 24 hours of Halo 2 will be bigger than the first 24 hours of any movie at box office or music CD. They will pale in comparison. Halo 2 will be the biggest 24 hours in entertainment retail history."

Go read the rest of the interview - get pumped up. (Louis Wu 11:37:01 UTC) (permalink)


RvB Set Pieces IV.5
Hawaiian Pig fixed a small typo in his recently-posted Red vs Blue Season 3 poster - and added two new styles, and a new set piece. Pictures, and explanations, can be found in this forum post. (Louis Wu 11:22:38 UTC) (permalink)


A whole new kind of megabattle
Mintz08 decided to try the Megabattle technique (fixed camera, multiple composited shots) with Halo action figures, rather than ingame - interesting results. Plasmanator tossed in his own offering. A new creative option? (Louis Wu 11:05:48 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

The Name of the Game
Megabattle Tourney Matches
When They Say 'Close' Combat...
Yet again - Leak Policy at HBO
Laughing Llama
Realism in Halo, Part II
Cortana as a Role Model

Tuesday's news in brief:

Halo 2 ad - high quality
Pancake Talk
European Halo 2 Box Art
The State of Halo CE
Autumn Slay - Panoramically
What to do when you're bored
We've Come To Pump You Up
Get high, stay high.
Japan vs the US
P S Who?
Zoe Says Goodbye

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HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
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Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
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Bad Cyborg Movies
