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Halo news back Wednesday, August 18, 2004 Halo news forward

The Name of the Game
Bestmasterchief posted a link to a vid hosted by Halo Babies - bouncing warthogs off dropships. It's 5 mb, WMP9 format. The last one's nicely timed. (Louis Wu 18:30:34 UTC) (permalink)


Megabattle Tourney Matches
Dolbex has been playing with the Megabattle picture technique (search our news if this doesn't mean anything to you), and has recreated a few key moments from MLG games. There are four static shots, and one panoramic. Pretty slick! (Registration - free - required to see the pics.) (Louis Wu 15:17:25 UTC) (permalink)


When They Say 'Close' Combat...
So, in the novels, it's made clear that Elites are MUCH taller than humans. How should this REALLY affect gameplay? One One Se7en takes a stab. Well, a shot. Sort of. (Louis Wu 11:59:40 UTC) (permalink)


Yet again - Leak Policy at HBO
To the folks sending us links to the Halo 2 screenshots currently making their way around the net: these are leaked shots, not meant to be shown to the public yet. We understand that it's really, really hard to put the genie back in the bottle... but (as has always been the case here) we're going to respect the wishes of the property owners on this one; we will show no picture before its time. (Those of you who remember Orson Welles, raise your hands.) We will not be posting the pictures, or links to the pictures, until they're SUPPOSED to be out, and we will be removing links we find in our forum. We're not trying to make your life miserable, or kill your buzz - Bungie didn't want these images out in the public yet, so we're respecting that. If you really MUST see them, they're out there - just don't ask us where. Thanks! (Louis Wu 11:54:23 UTC) (permalink)


Laughing Llama
Hehe - a late afternoon post by bentllama on his recently-unveiled blog points out a thread on the CGTalk forums in which a Toronto resident explained how to get into a press-only Halo 2 showing. (The event ended yesterday, so don't bother going down now.) Goes to show... hang around in the right crowd, you might get wind of stuff that's pretty interesting... (Louis Wu 11:00:52 UTC) (permalink)


Realism in Halo, Part II
Mhaddy, of the Junkyard, points out the second installment of their realism-in-Halo interview with a US Marine pilot. In today's article, the interview focuses on the level Halo, and what a current-day Marine would have done in some of the situations that arise in the game. An interesting read! (Louis Wu 10:45:20 UTC) (permalink)


Cortana as a Role Model
Pallor found a Halo reference in Jane, a magazine aimed at 'the twenty-to-thirty-something female generation'. In the September issue, in the Play Tech section, is a small picture of Cortana and the MC, with the caption 'Tough-chick Cortana is calling all the shots.' Great to see a game like Halo 2 being marketed, sort of, at this totally new audience! More details can be found in Pallor's Subnova news post. (Louis Wu 10:37:20 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Halo 2 ad - high quality
Pancake Talk
European Halo 2 Box Art
The State of Halo CE
Autumn Slay - Panoramically
What to do when you're bored
We've Come To Pump You Up
Get high, stay high.
Japan vs the US
P S Who?
Zoe Says Goodbye

Monday's news in brief:

Strike the Pose
Back in my day, we didn't HAVE grav lifts...
Perfect or Handel's Water Music
Monday Musings
RvB Set Pieces IV
German Gaming Poll

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
