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Halo news back Tuesday, August 17, 2004 Halo news forward

Halo 2 ad - high quality
Dan Chosich ripped another copy of the second Halo 2 ad to hit print mags; it's not new, but it's new at this quality. If you're interested in digital versions of the Halo 2 print ads, grab this! (Louis Wu 18:20:48 UTC) (permalink)


Pancake Talk
Whoa. Bentllama adds his name to the (relatively small) group of Halo dev team members with public weblogs. Check out Bentllama.com for his first news post today. Thanks, evilSnip3r. (Louis Wu 16:39:20 UTC) (permalink)


European Halo 2 Box Art
Microsoft has released the final box art for the European edition of Halo 2 - and I gotta say, it's pretty nice. You can see pictures of it over at TeamXbox (including a hi-res, 1314x1866 version). Thanks, Carlo. (Louis Wu 16:18:53 UTC) (permalink)


The State of Halo CE
Merecatfish, of CustomEdition.org, has interviewed Zaskoda, the new Community Manager at Gearbox Software. Zaskoda believes that due to disorganization in the community, and the gearing up for Halo 2, that fewer and fewer people will play Halo Custom Edition, and that it's unlikely that Gearbox will issue new patches for the game. This is really disappointing - the potential of Halo CE is huge. However, I can't deny that the number of people actually PLAYING it isn't very high... and it's clearly true that the community is fractured. (Recently, two nearly identical websites opened up - instead of the content providers working together to make one SOLID site, there are now two competing sites, in a community that shrinks by the day.) Thanks to Narcogen, at Rampancy.net, for noticing this one. (Louis Wu 15:56:13 UTC) (permalink)


Autumn Slay - Panoramically
ON-X made a panoramic shot of Autumn Slay, a relatively new map by akmassassin. Nice views! If you want the map itself, you can see pictures of it at Halomods, or download it from Halo World. (Louis Wu 15:27:13 UTC) (permalink)


What to do when you're bored
scottisonfire pointed out a thread at halomods containing a useless but entertaining trick - a couple of guys lined up 50 hogs in a row, and fired a rocket through the window gaps of all 50. The rocket was slowed down enough that an obvserver, riding along on a ghost, could follow it. The biggest problem? It's huge. It's a 33.5 mb MPEG-encoded vid - even compressed in .rar format, it's over 20 mb. I re-encoded it as a QuickTime vid; it's only 10 mb now, and at that size, we're willing to host it. So you can grab the smaller (filesize-wise, not screensize-wise) version at mythica.org, or the original (as long as its bandwidth holds out) from the Chaos Legion server (link is in the Halomods thread). (Louis Wu 15:09:46 UTC) (permalink)


We've Come To Pump You Up
Mondo J. Gecko points out some DeviantArt he created - an extreme makeover for One One Se7en's MC. I think Cortana might take him a bit more seriously... (Louis Wu 13:54:47 UTC) (permalink)


Get high, stay high.
There's a little less than two weeks remaining in High Impact Halo's Three Towers contest - be the one with the most stuff on top of the beam towers, and win cool schwag! Go reaquaint yourself with the rules, make sure you understand the point system, and get your entry in before September 1! (Louis Wu 13:34:37 UTC) (permalink)


Japan vs the US
It's interesting, sometimes, to look at the differences in gaming markets around the world. In the west, almost every 'Most Wanted' list of upcoming games has Halo 2 at the very top - first or second position. North America, Europe, Australia... they're all waiting for this shooter with barely contained excitement. In Japan, however, it's a different story. The Magic Box has a list of the Top 30 Most Wanted Console Games in Japan - and Halo 2 is number 28. It's one of only TWO Xbox games on the entire list - a list where Devil May Cry 3 is 16 positions higher than Halo 2. (Given how poorly Devil May Cry 2 was received, this surprises me.) I watched the Olympic Men's Gymnastics Finals last night, in which Japan beat the US for the gold, and watching the competitors OFF the floor, they seemed just like people around here. Gaming likes and dislikes, though, are worlds apart. Thanks to kinggun for pointing this out. (Louis Wu 13:30:08 UTC) (permalink)


P S Who?
That Weasel writes to point out that the next installment in 'Grunts are People Too!!!' has been posted. It's called 'P S Who?', and it takes a LOT of shots - literally - at the PS2. Available in both WMP9 format (4.1 mb) and QuickTime format (7.2 mb). (Louis Wu 13:13:30 UTC) (permalink)


Zoe Says Goodbye
There's a spectacular new wallpaper creation by Zoe, Bungie's Contract Artist whose time is wrapping up, over in the Bungie.net Wallpaper section. The story of how it came to be (and how it's NOT a Halo 2 screenshot, but a concept art piece created by Zoe's masterful hand) can be found on the B.net front page. It's gorgeous, and it's available in everything from 800x600 up to a doublewide 3200x1200. Check it out! We're gonna miss you, Zoe. Thanks to all who pointed it out - looks like Shaun Goo was first. (Louis Wu 12:58:51 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Strike the Pose
Back in my day, we didn't HAVE grav lifts...
Perfect or Handel's Water Music
Monday Musings
RvB Set Pieces IV
German Gaming Poll

Sunday's news in brief:

Virtual Water Cooler
Halo Orbit Redesign
Halo tourney in NJ
Dead Babies on Film
Toyfare highlights Halo 2

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
