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Monday, October 20, 2003 |
Seeing black in your sniper scope? Just noticed this on the Gearbox technical forum, it's a bug that's bitten me, I figured it could use wider dissemination. Eternal (a Gearbox programmer) explained the 'night vision black patch' problem that Radeon users with the Catalyst 3.8 drivers are experiencing; it's a driver issue, and something that will require a new driver patch from ATI to fix. Eternal suggests a couple of workarounds while you wait. (Louis Wu 20:54:27 UTC) (permalink)
Reviews? Did someone say reviews? Well, it's been a whole 48 hours since our last Review roundup... guess it's time to look again. GameOver, JIVE Magazine, YiYas (in German), and 3DAvenue. Comments ranged from 'mind-bendingly, stultifyingly, dull and repetitious' (GameOver) to 'one all-around tight package' (JIVE magazine). Blue's News found these for me. (Louis Wu 19:56:27 UTC) (permalink)
WCG Tourney taken by TDT member Gah. I gotta get a better junk filter. The MLG press releases get filtered right into my Junk folder, when they'd be far better off on HBO's front page... Major League Gaming announced on Friday that Matt "Zyos" Leto, a member of The Dream Team (a group MLG sponsors), walked away with top Halo honors at the World Cyber Games tourney in Seoul, Korea last week. (He pocketed $20,000.) Streaming video of the event is available on this page... you're looking for 'Leto vs Hebbada'. (The blow-by-blow is rather bizarre.) Go check it out! (Louis Wu 19:30:37 UTC) (permalink), offline for a bit Got word from Steve Campbell that and will be offline for several days, as they migrate to new servers. This affects our Great Halo Scavenger Hunt... but hopefully, the downtime won't be too long. Update: Apparently, the downtime was measured in minutes, not days. They're back up. :) (Why is a Star Trek movie ringing in my brain?) (Louis Wu 18:48:31 UTC) (permalink)
SeeMePlayMe tourney tonight Just a reminder - there's a 4v4 Halo PC tournament over at SeeMePlayMe this evening; 7 pm Central time. Grab the SeeMePlayMe client, jump into the Halo lobby, and you're off! (There's at least one HBO-related team playing tonight.) Top prize is a SeeMePlayMe Gold account (which, among other things, allows you to create on-the-fly HaloPC servers all the time, instead of just when they've made them free to all.) Details on SeeMePlayMe, for those who missed them last week, can be found here. (Louis Wu 16:31:54 UTC) (permalink)
ediuG ygetartS One One Se7en contemplates the frightening possibility that the the internet has spread quite a bit by the 26th century...
Cyborgs Have Laws, Too Today's Halo: Resolution looks at the little things that fortunately don't get in your way while playing... (Louis Wu 11:11:57 UTC) (permalink)
Stories 10 Fan Fiction stories for you today: - Kirk's Odysee, by Gasman
- Chapter 6: The Trap, by Ace
- Chapter 7: Defeat and Capture, by Ace
- A pilot's life: Chapter 2 Fallen Angel, by Captain Rasc
- Countdown Earth: Hour Eight, by Mainevent
- Plasma Burns and Bullet shells-chapter 4, by Myth
- Spartan III's, Part 5: The discovery , by FOrunnER
- Halo: A Troubled Galaxy Ch. 3, by Ghost
- Plasma Burns and Bullet Shells-chapter 5, by Myth
- The Rise and Fall of the Flood Chapter 12, by BlackValkyire
There were many more, but one was a potentially offensive poem, and 6 others were reposted from May; the beauty of our Series link is that you don't NEED to repost stories you're returning to six months later... folks can STILL read them as a unit. (Louis Wu 11:03:26 UTC) (permalink)
Game Guide at GameSpot GameSpot has posted a Halo Game Guide; it requires basic registration (free) for the web version, and paid registration for the downloadable Acrobat version. Lots of interesting information for Halo newcomers, and 27 new screenshots. Thanks to Scimitarex for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 10:35:00 UTC) (permalink)
Unintended Consequences Mat Noguchi's blog answers another niggling question about why a certain glitch occurs. You may have noticed that the Scorpion tank can be used as a catapult, of sorts; if you're standing on an upside-down one, and flip it ('Press X to flip'), you'll be launched pretty darn high. (This was first noticed about 2 months after the Xbox was released.) Now we know why. (This phenomenon has ALSO been exploited for some of the coolest high-jumps out there that use a Warthog; Dark Helmet discovered that if he climbed to the top level of the Blue Beam towers, then launched a Warthog with grenades on the ground below him, he could use the 'Press X to flip' temporary invincibility to get the hog to bump HIM into the sky. This can be seen in several released films - here's one.) Thanks to Sir Fragula for noticing the article. (Louis Wu 10:08:37 UTC) (permalink)
Too Much Time Team Sexy has been working on a new movie called Damnation - but it's been delayed, for technical reasons. To tide you over, they've created a movie called 'Too Much Time', which parodies most of the gameplay movies out there (their own included). To get it, simply register on their forum, then download it from the Too Much Time thread. To help out on bandwidth, we're mirroring this for a day; you can also find a copy on, until tomorrow. It's 28.8 mb, and encoded in DivX format. (Louis Wu 09:42:53 UTC) (permalink)
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