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The Rise and Fall of the Flood Chapter 12
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 20 October 2003, 3:02 AM
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It just couldn't be happening, Ty didn't know if he was even alive anymore...there wasn't any way he cloud LIVE without Tri...as much as he had fought to hide things, Tri had basiclly taken over the father figure role in his life. Now, he was dead, a smoking hole in his chest serving as an ugly reminder that he wasn't ever going to do anything again. Ty howled like a wounded animal, tears spilling down his face as he sunk to his knees, and then to his face, unable to do anything but bawl in the pain that stabbed through his chest like an energy knife. His fists slammed into the ground as he screamed at the world, a scream of rebellion. But soon, the horrible pain was replaced by fury...a blood lust slammed into place, and Ty decided then and there that he would avenge Tri, no matter what the cost. With a sniffle, he spun a gleaming white long sword into his hands. They would pay, and they would pay dearly. Every single person wearing those black powered armors would die. Ty turned and sprinted for the compound.
He made it to the fence, and leapt a good thirty feet over it, landing smoothly and leaping again, smashing through a window on the seventh floor. Guards could be heard running to investigate, and they froze, aiming at him, unsure of wether to fire or not. Ty grinned evily, and rasied his free hand to them, bolts of white lightning arcing out to electrocute them to death. Ty blurred into motion again, his blade slicing each of their bodies into halves, but he was surprised the their armor's gave him considerable resistance. He took note of it and charged down the hall, pleased that an alarm sounded when he darted by a camera. The men in armor would be coming for him, and he would be sure not to dissapoint them. The first three came tearing around the corner, and Ty spun like a whirlwind, decapitating the three of them in one spin. The bodies, and their oversized weapons fell with loud metallic clangs to the floor. Five more men came from behind, Ty ducking just in time to be missed by a particle blast, and he then parried the rest as he charged the men down. With a short leap, he landed behind their small line, and with one broad sweep of the blade, he bisected every single one of them. More men came running, and one damn near scored a hit on him. They appeared on his right, down another corridor, particle cannons blowing gaping holes in the walls. One shot grazed his shoulder, and he winced as pain lanced down through his right side. Ty raised his hand, and a fan of white lightning crashed into them...sending them all flying backwards, and putting them all THROUGH the bulkhead. Ty snickered as a few more came into view, and he zapped them too. As soon as the first standard soldier came out firing, he retreated, leaping out the window, and once again over the perimiter wall. ***
The overlord could tell that the group of battleships was onto him. He couldn't really move, and the dragons that could protect him could do very little against such large ships. Of course, he had his own defenses that COULD, but the forerunner would need to be deprived of their shielding before that would work. The battle group was closing on him at what was probablly their maximum speed. He had sent every dragon he could to intercept them, but forerunner fighters would dispose of the relativly small, snake like creatures that spat spores of corrosive acid. Even now, the fighters were beginning to carve up the dragons, heavy beam lasers and particle cannons slicing them into little more of flash frozen pecies of green gore. The cruisers and destoryers were apparently charging their main weapons, he could sense the energy build up. It would take much time for such a small group to kill him, but it was inevitable. The dragons were done for within minutes, and the fleet was advancing. The Overlord made ready to defend himself, incredibly long, massive, heavy tentacles emerging from all over his massive body. The fighters came into weapon range, and missiles pricked his sides, causing him little pain, until they detonated, blowing chunks out of his armor like carapace. The last stand of the flood had begun. ***
The ground forces move steadily forward, every now and then taking out a flood or two with some quick shots, there was little resistance left...or so they thought. High command believed that the flood had been to strained to fight the forerunner on so many fronts, and with battle group omega soon to be assualting the overlord its self, there wasn't much time left for the flood. The ground forces were cautious, following armor units, and soon they became bored. That was until flood began to appear more freqeuntly, and then out of nowhere, they were upon the forerunner in all directions. It didn't take long to get a confirmed number from orbital surveliance. Over one million combat forms, backed up by countless infection forms. Beam rifles were firing everywhere, as well as light particle cannons, and tank mounted weapons. But no matter how many they mowed down there were always three more to back it up. Slowly, casualties began to mount. And what was once a full on, cautious advance, was now an ass hauling, fighting retreat. The lines began to break, and it became increasingly difficult to plug holes in the forerunner lines...until finally, they broke through, pouring through the gap like water through an open faucet. It maybe the flood's last stand...but it looked like it was turning into the forerunners last stand as well. ***
Ty had been jogging slowly for hours, donning standard combat gear he had stolen from a sentry at the hospital's main gate, and he had to admit, it was calming to be in uniform with a beam rifle in his hands, instead of in some thin medical robes. He was heading for the front lines, wich weren't to far from the hospital the army had set up nearby, and as far as he knew, the war was almost over...he thought it was true until a flood appeard in his periphiral vision, running at him with it's arms in the air. Ty turned with amazing speed and trap shot the thing in the face, incinerating the head and brain, dropping the creature. He knew something wasn't right, when the thing got back up, its head regenerating. Two blades of energy emerged from it's hands...and Ty knew he was dealing with an infected Acolyte. He dropped the beam rifle, and the long sword was in his hand in an instant as the being leapt. Ty roared in defiance and lept forward to meet his enemy.