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Saturday, July 19, 2003 |
One last movie - and goodbye for a bit One last movie, before I go: This one's from MaverickJ, and it's called Oddball Tactics, part 1. It's 9.9 mb, in QuickTime format. (You can also find it, in WMP9 format, on Maverick's Project Spartan site.) It shows you a bunch of slick tricks you can use to gain the upper hand in a Team Oddball game. Beautiful! As of right now, I'm on vacation, and the site is in the capable hands of Count Zero, mnemesis, and Ding. Any mail sent directly to me will not be seen for a week; if you have info you want posted on HBO, send it to Enjoy yourselves - I certainly plan to! (Louis Wu 11:22:27 UTC) (permalink) 
Sidewinder Saga links - all in one place We've put up a mirror page for the Sidewinder Saga, because it was getting confusing figuring out where (outside of the home site) you could get the various movies. Thanks to Team Ice for their mirroring help - as an aside, Blade has also posted the Halo 2 Announcement trailer and The E3 Demo trailer on their video page. (Louis Wu 10:56:39 UTC) (permalink) 
Does that radio still work? Xbox Ottawa has put up #4 of their FTC vid series. Ex-Special Ops, huh? Current version of this one (3:38 long) is 23.6 mb, in DivX 5 AVI format... but they might have a slightly smaller QuickTime version up in the not-too-distant future. (Louis Wu 10:35:53 UTC) (permalink) 
Very cool coloring job, among other stuff Four Miscellaneous Art pieces for you - there's no one-liner I can think of that describes them all, so just go look. (Louis Wu 10:31:36 UTC) (permalink) 
Wow, that's big. A couple of interesting (and colorful) desktops today in the Wallpaper section. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 10:18:28 UTC) (permalink) 
The Words Keep Coming 11 Fan Fiction bits for you today. - Running Riot- Part 1, by Simon James
- Shadow Spartans, Chatper 4: The Running Prophet, by Agent Shade and Arinoth Koby
- The Homecoming - Part 1, by Tim Ricciardello
- Running Riot-Part 2, by Simon James
- The Fall of Fate: Raid (10), by 'Nosolee
- A Final Shot - Part 2, by James
- Chapter 1: Key to Survival, by Shinai Purugganan
- Oblivion Chapter 5, by Reclaimer
- A Marine's Tale: The First Days, by pj-NYkr90
- Project: Shadow Spartan, Chapter 5, by Agent Shade
- Buried Treasure(4), by Frensa Geran
Read 'em, make the authors happy. (Louis Wu 10:12:17 UTC) (permalink) 
Halo 2 Cover Art - once again After a long span with no entries, we received another submission for the Halo 2 disk cover collection. Good to know folks are still thinking about cover art! (Louis Wu 10:03:35 UTC) (permalink) 
haloevents needs your help Derek Brown is starting up a new site called haloevents - he's hoping to create a database of upcoming Halo events around the nation. Visitors will be able to search this database for events near them. This requires input from you; the more events submitted to this site, the more people who will come to search it for information relevant to them, which will make the pool of event-submitters larger, which will help the database grow, and so on, and so on. In addition to events, there will be reviews of multiplayer gear, suggestions for LAN party hosting, and multiplayer setups. Go visit, and submit content! (Louis Wu 09:47:57 UTC) (permalink) 
The last of IGN's Halo PC week IGN PC wraps up its week-long Halo PC coverage with two new articles; a general one is available to all readers, and gets a few last answers out of Randy Pitchford, and a more specialized, Insider-only one contains a 78 mb, 7:48 video interview with Pitchford. There's a lot of feel-good discussion about Halo, and a bunch of info which has come up elsewhere... but the mod info (which was touched on in the free article) is, once again, really positive. Good news for low bandwidth multiplayer users: 56k modems will definitely be supported, and able to play against LPBs. Thanks to Da Loaph for pointing this out. (Louis Wu 09:37:18 UTC) (permalink) 
The Two Betrayels voX has put up the first of 5 pieces of a new series, called The Two Betrayels (sic) at his site, Halo2. The trailer is quite short (33 seconds), but sets the stage for another nicely filmed movie. (5.3 mb, DivX 4 avi) I've gotta say, I really appreciate what Red vs Blue has done for the Halo moviemaking community - all this storytelling is fantastic. (Louis Wu 09:26:47 UTC) (permalink) 
Xbox vs PC Jake 'Evergreen98' Billo, over at the Junkyard, is taking a pretty close look at the PC version of Halo, comparing what's in it to what's in the Xbox version, and helping you decide where YOU want to be playing once it's out. It's a three part article - Part one is up right now. Thanks to vector40 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 09:02:19 UTC) (permalink) 
NoFF tourney trailer Never got a movie up at Mythica yesterday, and dang, if the bandwidth usage didn't drop below 7 Mbit/sec. The inside of the pipe's gonna start feeling lonely - not enough bits passing through! Next up is a movie we should have posted a while ago; it seems to have gotten slightly lost. This film is a trailer for the Ninjas on Fire Forum Exclusive XBC Tournament. Nothing in the documentation sent with the movie (or at the NoFF Tournament website) gives an actual date (or dates) for this gathering... but the vid is nicely put together. It's only 6.4 mb, in WMP7 format. I'm a little surprised at some of the misses... but hey, everybody's got off days, right? This was submitted by zhakahunterDARK, and more information can be found at the Ninja Tournament website. (Louis Wu 03:58:02 UTC) (permalink) 
Halo at 3 days? Hell, yeah! We don't do this very much... but then, staffers don't have babies that often. Lophan hasn't been around much in the past year... but this is one of the things he's been working on. Brandon Jennings was born on Wednesday morning, in Doylestown, PA - and Loph is already looking for an S-controller that might fit him! (Louis Wu 03:32:23 UTC) (permalink) 
New dialogue surfaces These came in yesterday, but life got busy. Owm88 submitted three new dialogue snippets for the Dialogue Databank; I actually haven't heard any of these in-game. I'm not sure how submissions are going to work in the next week; I'm on vacation, and I'm not sure I've made a decent-enough interface for the other guys to be willing to add stuff... so if you submit files, and they don't get added right away, please be patient. We're gonna be doing our best! (Louis Wu 01:06:59 UTC) (permalink) 
Friday's news in brief:
Thursday's news in brief: