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Halo news back Wednesday, June 25, 2003 Halo news forward

The countdown is on
Anonyme points out that the Halo Action Figures are available for pre-order at at least one online store. (It's doubtful these are sanctioned by Joyride or Microsoft; they're still using the images released when the figures were first announced, and as we've seen from the Bungie Webcam, the figures have changed quite a bit since then... but the fact remains, SOME are gearing up already for this sale!) (Louis Wu 19:12:13 UTC) (permalink)


Ninjas On Fire
The way-cool 2003 Bungie Fanfest T-Shirt is now available for purchase at the Bungie Store; $12 buys you flaming ninja goodness. (Another, closer view of this can be found here - it's the black shirt in the lower left.) Thanks to SketchFactor for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 18:49:40 UTC) (permalink)


Looking back
Couple of updates; one I missed a few days ago (oops), the other new today. A week ago, we mentioned a tournament in Athens, GA - but the reported website didn't work. Here's the right one. And Halo Source, a website we mentioned about a month and a half ago, is now back online, and ready for visitors. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 18:27:47 UTC) (permalink)


Look at the paintings and then blow crap up!

The Pillar of Art Gallery showing will take place in next Saturday, July 5th, in lovely New York City. It'll be open from 12PM onwards. At some point, we'll then switch over to Halo LAN mode... put away the entries and then start to blow ourselves up. I'm trying to get 4 projectors and all the rest of the equipment lined up so we'll have a really good time.

The Chelsea Studio Gallery is located at 515 W. 19th st, right off 10th Avenue. Come see all the entries, including the top 3 prizewinners, of the Pillar of Art contest. Bring a camera and get a pic of yourself holding the cool Battle Rifle or the MC's Pistol.

As it stands, this will be the only public showing of all these pieces in one room! Stand in awe of all the mighty talent displayed!

The Gallery is open to one and all, but the LAN party is going to be handled differently, I'm sorry to say. Since we can't accomodate 75 players, I have to limit it to a much smaller crowd. So if you're interested in attending, send me an email with all your info and I'll let you know if there's space available.

We'll do our best to take pics and videos of the event. :)

(Ding 15:25:00 UTC) (permalink)


The Sidewinder Saga Begins
Halogamers.com has put up a new version of their introduction episode of 'The Sidewinder Saga', a Red vs Blue-inspired project that has enormous potential. If you missed the mention in our forum yesterday... now's your chance! It's a 400x300 QuickTime5 film, weighing in at 5.9 mb. (Hosting help is always appreciated - just let us know, and we'll let the HBO community know.) Update: Atomi, from Bungie.de, writes to say that they've mirrored this - if you're in Europe, this is your best bet! Thanks, Atomi! (Louis Wu 13:34:54 UTC) (permalink)


Gaming as Art
Narcogen, over at Rampancy.net, has written an opinion piece on the future of interactive gaming. Give it a read! (Louis Wu 13:28:33 UTC) (permalink)


One One Se7en takes potshots at Metroid Prime's shortcomings... check it out. (Louis Wu 12:28:49 UTC) (permalink)


They just won't quit.
These guys STILL don't have the hang of the Series field in the database (6 of these 11 Fan Fiction entries had the series set incorrectly)... but we love 'em anyway.

Go read. (Louis Wu 11:51:36 UTC) (permalink)


Missing Artwork... back!
Yesterday, I said that the art queues had been cleared out, and if your work hadn't been posted, it was because we either rejected it, or couldn't tell who it was from. Well, there was a third possibliity - I could have just missed the piece. :( There were three - two Wallpapers and one Miscellaneous Art - that escaped me. They're up now. Sorry about that! (Louis Wu 11:35:11 UTC) (permalink)


Halo for cash in VA
Live in Virginia? Like Halo? There's gonna be a tournament on August 9 in Virginia Beach. There's a site with almost no info... but you'll find some more details on our forum. (Louis Wu 10:43:49 UTC) (permalink)


Arnie to buy 50 Warthog-humvees
Hehe - a LAN party site wrote up a list of predictions about what would happen after Halo 2 is released. It's pretty funny. Thanks to The Friendly Greek for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 10:10:12 UTC) (permalink)


Flag Distance 190 Meters
More awesome movie content. MaverickJ has put together Part II of CTF Flag Getting 101... and man, your jaw's gonna drop when you see some of these. (Try 'em on XBC - your opponents will tell you you're cheating.) It's available in two formats; a 11 mb WMP9 file and a 29 mb MPEG. For now, it's just available at the Project Spartan forums (registration required) - but as soon as we get bandwidth back, this is in the queue. Maverick says a FAQ is coming, so hold your questions for a bit. (Louis Wu 01:57:44 UTC) (permalink)


It's in that sub-cockle area...
Sometimes, you just gotta grin. (Louis Wu 01:39:03 UTC) (permalink)


Too Many Vehicles
Darksage (aka Benjamin Jacobs on our forum) put together a little video for a contest over at the Red vs Blue forums. It was nicely done - enough so that we thought it would be worth the effort to reduce the filesize by about half. (It's now 17 mb, zipped, in QuickTime format.) If you didn't download it yesterday, when he mentioned it on our forum, grab it now. Bandwidth is very tight these days, due to Mythica's downtime... so any mirrors for this would be appreciated. And if you enjoy it, let him know in our forum - and wish him a Happy Birthday, while you're at it! (Louis Wu 00:35:09 UTC) (permalink)


Halo PC, Halo 2 info at UGO
Thanks to Dan Chosich, who pointed out that UGO has put up a Halo PC preview with a set of 'exclusive PC screenshots' (there are three of them, but the third one has been out for a while), and a Halo 2 preview. He found this info over at the Junkyard. Good stuff! (Louis Wu 00:25:44 UTC) (permalink)


What? Surfing? Lake of Fire? What?
Finn says he's put up a little Halo Story Page update. Yeah... and the Hulk is a little bit green. Good stuff in this one... (Louis Wu 00:02:03 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Wallpaper goes up, too
Logos, too.
Banners Section Updated
Lots and lots of pictures...
Halo Movie Starter Guide

Monday's news in brief:

Customizing Multiplayer
All the colors of the rainbow - and then some
Jen autographed your WHAT?
What do YOU want to see in a Strategy Guide?
Simpsons/Halo wallpaper
Nasty Way To Go.
It's just words, man.
Girl, don't even tell me you've been on this thing all day!

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
