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Thursday, June 26, 2003 |
Ooh, that weasel... he's got movies! DOH! We're short on bandwidth, and I STILL miss notes alleviating the problem. :( That Weasel (who'd love it if you visited his 5-year-old site wrote to say that two recent movies have been mirrored: - The Sidewinder Saga (400x300, QuickTime5, 5.9 MB)
- Too Many Vehicles ( 17 mb, zipped, QuickTime)
If you've missed these, go over and join in the poundage of the HBO Mirror page of! (Louis Wu 22:37:26 UTC) (permalink) 
So THAT'S how he did that... MaverickJ has posted a followup video (in first-person view) to his recent CTF2 vid (the new one is WMP9-only at the moment), as well as a text-based FAQ explaining all the tricks in that first one. You'll need to be registered at the Project Spartan forums to see it. Nice tricks - I don't think I ever knew flags would go through walls. (Louis Wu 09:43:08 UTC) (permalink) 
Hey, someone grab that! SleekShadow has tossed a flag 300 meters in Blood Gulch - and caught it on tape. (Apparently, there's an explanation coming soon.) Visit his site for details and movies. (Louis Wu 09:30:04 UTC) (permalink) 
Help wanted - no, NEEDED Hehe - there's a Help Wanted notice up over at; they want someone who can help build the next iteration of Ironically, the link to the Jobs page doesn't work... because the Web Developer description isn't up yet. Guess they need a web developer to post it, so that... hmm. Anyway, if you're interested, visit the Jobs page; I'm sure there'll be something there soon. (Louis Wu 02:27:34 UTC) (permalink) 
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