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Halo news back Wednesday, March 22, 2006 Halo news forward

OSTv2 Track Listing
Over at the Sumthing Distribution site, you can find a track listing for the Halo 2 Original Soundtrack Volume 2. As far as I know, nobody else has published this yet. I'm drooling already! Update: Mintz pointed out that Bungie themselves published the track listing more than three months ago. (Louis Wu 20:11:01 UTC) (permalink)


Last week, Gryphonosiris asked for slogan ideas for T-shirts with ODST themes. Today, Stuntmutt puts up a few in the current One One Se7en. Um... (Louis Wu 15:54:46 UTC) (permalink)


PwnCast Problems Fixed
We got word from Bluestrike2, at MLG PwnCast, that there was a problem with the enhanced version of Episode 6, released yesterday, that affected a small number of people, that has now been fixed. If you tried to get the iTunes version and failed yesterday, you should try again. (Louis Wu 14:31:20 UTC) (permalink)


Procrastination can be good.
Luke McKay wanted to be working on some art projects last night - but he couldn't concentrate, so what came out instead was another RvB vignette. Ah, memories! (Louis Wu 14:21:58 UTC) (permalink)


Cynics Take Two
The Halo Movie Cynics Database has been quite popular since its inception back in December. If you haven't seen it, I urge you to visit. However, not all the submissions have been exactly in line with what we envisioned. So with the help of uber-cool Cybrfrk, the database's home page has been revamped, calling out three great examples of what we're looking for - and three examples that don't really make the grade. So if you were thinking of submitting something, check them out! (Ding 13:07:58 UTC) (permalink)


Monster Forum Roundup
There were a large number of intriguing forum posts last night - here's a quick roundup.

  • Jason Jones and Alex Seropian both made it onto Next Generation's list of 'The Hot 100 Game Developers'. Interestingly, Randy Pitchford is on the list as well, but Halo PC is not mentioned in the paragraph explaining his contributions. Thanks, GhaleonEB.
  • Joyride has posted pics of the Halo 2 Series 7 action figures - Zattack89 thoughtfully provides links.
  • 3Suns found an article which isn't really Halo-related - except in its depiction of a product nicely described by Eric Nylund in the Halo novels. Scientists in Hong Kong have developed a solution that acts like Nylund's biofoam - healing wounds with astounding speed (and in many cases in ways that were once impossible).
  • Chris Butcher, speaking at the Game Developers Conference this week, discussed C# as a development environment, and how it's helped Bungie with its latest projects - thanks, 3Suns. (Other Bungie speakers include Marty O'Donnell and Jay Weinland, helping with Audio Boot Camp. There might be more; a quick review of the speakers didn't turn 'em up.)
  • gijake mentions that Chris Burke, of This Spartan Life, is interviewed in the April edition of Wired magazine. (It's part of a large article on 'The New World of Games', a collection of pieces looking at how games are transforming our culture.) This isn't online yet - but it will be on March 27.
  • Gamasutra has an article about how to put more emotion into gameplay - and Halo is held up as a powerful example - thanks again, 3Suns.

Whew! Are you burned out yet? (Louis Wu 11:49:14 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 Vista Info
There's an article on Bungie.net in which Frankie sits down with a couple of the people working on Halo 2 Vista, and gets some details on the project - what's coming, how they're planning to bring Halo 2 to PCs, why they went Vista-only. There's a little bit of info about a map editor, being handled by an outside team, with a promise of more information in the not-too-distant future. (Good news for content creators!) Worth a read, if you're anticipating this upcoming product. First heads-up goes to Spartan Jag, on our forum. In related news, Joystiq has a bit about a delay for Windows Vista (until after the Christmas season) - will this also mean a delay in Halo 2 Vista? (Louis Wu 11:17:02 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Gameplay May Change During Online Play
Stealing Sucks. Really.
New Art from Luke McKay and Elnea
Podtacular Ep 54
Halo 2 tourney in Ohio
The MLG PwnCast Episode 6
You Do Not Talk About Tied The Leader.
The Valley of the Forerunners: Part 4
Default Owns Boxer
Keeping Your Cool

Monday's news in brief:

Halo Case Mod
Stay warm, Halo-style.
Halo 2 Soundtrack Volume 2 - FINALLY!
True Believer.
VGL Meet and Greet in San Jose
Misc Art Queue Reduction: Step One
Halo CE on Live Arcade?
DropShock Ep 13
Halo Mathness Demo

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H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
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