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March 22, 2006 Link to this post

Halo 2 Vista Info
There's an article on Bungie.net in which Frankie sits down with a couple of the people working on Halo 2 Vista, and gets some details on the project - what's coming, how they're planning to bring Halo 2 to PCs, why they went Vista-only. There's a little bit of info about a map editor, being handled by an outside team, with a promise of more information in the not-too-distant future. (Good news for content creators!) Worth a read, if you're anticipating this upcoming product. First heads-up goes to Spartan Jag, on our forum. In related news, Joystiq has a bit about a delay for Windows Vista (until after the Christmas season) - will this also mean a delay in Halo 2 Vista? (Louis Wu 11:17:02 UTC)

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