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March 21, 2006 Link to this post

Stealing Sucks. Really.
I wish this sort of thing never needed to be written - but I HATE theft of intellectual property. A week and a half ago, Tony Muzzatti dropped by our forum to announce a casting call for a new TV pilot he was going to film. It included links to a promo video. A few days later, he stopped by again, with more details. A week after that, a movie was submitted to the MPRRS, by Zach Larson, of Team ZCZ, otherwise known as ClanFSR. (You might remember ClanFSR; they were in our news a month ago for stealing other people's videos and claiming them for their own.) The video submitted by Zach used the same music, the same dialogue, the same action as Tony's promo vid; the biggest difference was that it had been refilmed on Headlong, where Tony's was filmed on Coagulation. It's one thing to hear someone's idea, say "hey, I can do that better", and beat them to market... it's another thing entirely to rip them off outright and claim their work as your own. Once again, ClanFSR/ClanZCZ/ClanWhatever has shown that they have zero morals, and about that much creativity. Here's a warning to steer clear. (And if you DO happen to run into one of 'em, keep your hand on your wallet.) (Louis Wu 21:45:24 UTC)

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