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Halo news back Thursday, February 16, 2006 Halo news forward

MLG 2006 Season Official Announcement
MLG kicks off the 2006 season with a huge, detailed announcement full of tour and event details, rules, and a mess of other stuff. Check it out, and thanks to Derek for the heads-up on the forum. (mnemesis 22:28:08 UTC) (permalink)


Major Nelson Live
DJ Voltage Spike of MMORadio.com drops by the forum to announce that Major Nelson will be their live guest tonight on the Gametime Radio Show. The show starts at 6 pm PST, so listen in to hear what the Major has to say about... Xbox Live stuff. They'll also have a toll-free number and a Skype account, so you can call in your questions. (mnemesis 22:08:21 UTC) (permalink)


HBO humpday barbeque pinktacular Gunslinger style
For the last several weeks, the HBO Admin team has been playing online building our skills and having a considerable amount of fun. Last Wednesday, we were challenged by the Gunslingers of Tied the Leader. Xerxdeej did a far better job explaining than we could have; with video to boot. Update: This is a bit of narration to why we got together, and how you can challenge them. Be warned, these are not your typical gamers with teen angst, they are mature gamers with respect for their counterparts. (Cybrfrk 14:58:57 UTC) (permalink)


Thus begins the coup
The World Cyber Games released the list of titles they will use in official events for the upcoming season. Notably absent from the list is Halo 2, which the WCG had featured up until this year. Thanks to 3Suns for the note. (KP 06:24:07 UTC) (permalink)


G'night... finally.
And THAT ends my posting spree. Why the rush? Well, because in less than 4 hours, I get in a car and drive to the airport, and fly to a place that's far, far away. (Where we're going... there are no roads. Wait, that's wrong.) For the next 8 days, you're in the capable hands of the REST of the HBO staff - I MAY pop in now and then, IF I can find a net connection, and IF I get bored of drinking mai-tais on the beach... but likely, not too much. What does this mean for news submitters? Send your news to halo@bungie.org - or be prepared to wait a week for it to be posted. (Heh. I bet I get a news item sent to lwu@bungie.org in the next 15 minutes.) Enjoy yourselves, behave, and don't rattle the Count's cage. I'll send a postcard! (Louis Wu 05:35:21 UTC) (permalink)


Friday Fanfic - on Thursday
Fan Fiction update comes early this week (see above for why) - 10 pieces for you tonight. Go read. Next update will be on Friday, the 24th. (Louis Wu 05:34:17 UTC) (permalink)


Live at the Hollywood Boll
I lied. There are some tasty morsels at Rampancy.net - you should read them before I'm through tonight. Uwe Boll (filmmaker extraordinaire, you betcha) has predicted that the Halo movie will be a failure (and you should read this, too, for a laugh)... and Narcogen has taken it upon himself to try and explain why Boll continues to make movies. (If you really want to be cynical, there's always Stuart Woods' theory...) What does all of this add up to? For me - it's that SOMEONE was smart enough to keep that man FAR away from the Halo script. UPDATE: Son Goharotto points out an article at 1UP where Boll calls it quits for videogame movies. (Louis Wu 05:27:11 UTC) (permalink)


Expanding the List
Last quickie: Frankie posted a short news item on Bungie.net pointing out a few Halo websites that didn't get mentioned in yesterday's Valentine update. (I'm sure he's getting all sorts of hatemail from sites that didn't make EITHER list... but hey, sometimes you just gotta roll with it.) (Louis Wu 05:15:08 UTC) (permalink)


50L1D G0LD 1337 D4NC4RS!
There's a new module posted at This Spartan Life - it's the end of Episode 2, and it focuses on the Solid Gold Elite Dancers. And maybe suggests why you shouldn't get on their bad side. QuickTime is up now, WMP9 coming soon. (Louis Wu 05:12:26 UTC) (permalink)


The Halouvre: v2.0
Continuing: prometheus writes that the Halouvre has been totally overhauled, and augmented with lots of new artwork; go check it out! (The HUDless image galleries of Xbox7887 and Major.Dump contain some pretty astounding new pics, for example.) (Louis Wu 05:08:46 UTC) (permalink)


Elites - Culture and Religion
Next, DarkJohn117 points out that the second segment of the German-language Elite Analysis has been posted - swing by and read (or translate) it. (Louis Wu 05:02:50 UTC) (permalink)


Uncharted Territory
A few rapid posts: we'll start with a piece on MLGPro.com that takes a look back at the 2005 season - nice memories! Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 05:00:20 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

HEH - for CS
The 2006 Winter Halolympics
Music To My Ears.
ARE Videogames really death trainers?
Who needs paintball? I want the shirt!
That Crazy Frog
Stubbs: A Substantive Guy
German Elites Analysis
Three years ago
Kittenz. Not just for dinner any more.

Tuesday's news in brief:

It's Rated Mature.
Computer Dating.
In Amber Clad... half a meter long
MLG Goodness
Digital Pencils
Heretics and Heroes Ep 1

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
