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Halo news back Wednesday, February 15, 2006 Halo news forward

HEH - for CS
DKN2 found a new version of Hang 'em High, built for Counter-Strike (the original, not Source). Check it out! (Louis Wu 22:27:16 UTC) (permalink)


The 2006 Winter Halolympics
Wonga. Over at Tied The Leader, XerxdeeJ has a story up about the Halolympics, a multi-game Halo tournament being conducted online right now. (CobaltNova has even set up a website for it all - 19 days of gaming, and you can join in!) Thanks to 3Suns for letting us know this morning - too bad it's been such a busy day! Update: Eep - turns out the invitation to participate is for clanmembers only; you're welcome to join their clan, I suppose, but you can't sign up for the games unless you're a Gunslinger. Thanks to CobaltNova for the clarification. (Louis Wu 22:24:11 UTC) (permalink)


Music To My Ears.
It's Wednesday, so it must be bad pun day... yep, check One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 22:05:40 UTC) (permalink)


ARE Videogames really death trainers?
Wow. For a few years, I've been openly scornful of the attitudes of Jack Thompson, the lawyer who's made his career suing videogame companies for wrongful death; I've felt that his arguments are specious at best, and maliciously deceptive most of the time. Well, the guy just got a helping hand from a surprising source - the Washington Post. (Don't forget that bugmenot.com will help you read that, if you don't have an account.) It's an article in which both soldiers, and those who train them, state plainly that the videogames they play help them both in battlefield tactics, and in breaking down the barriers to shooting another person. Yeah, there are a couple of paragraphs in the story devoted to soldiers who were NOT made insensitive to death by video games - but it feels like a tacked-on afterthought in an attempt at 'balanced coverage' to me. Any way you cut it - you can be sure this article will turn up in court, in Jack's briefcase. Lots of people pointed this out to us - looks like Paul Marsh was first. And while Snowy_Duck was 10 hours behind Paul, he did start the first forum thread on the topic. Go discuss. Update: Same article is available without a login at msnbc.com - thanks, Dry Ice. (Louis Wu 12:40:07 UTC) (permalink)


Who needs paintball? I want the shirt!
Robomonkey found a pretty cool-looking paintball jersey - not available for purchase yet, but maybe soon - which will put the Mjolnir armor on your body, at least in cloth form, while you try to paint your opponents. Check it out! (Louis Wu 12:33:23 UTC) (permalink)


That Crazy Frog
The whole 'Crazy Frog' fad was way bigger in Europe last year than it was in the US - but most people have seen (or at least heard) it before; lithuanian x pointed out a video on Google that sets it up in Halo. Decent cinematography, nice use of mods. I wish the download link worked better, because watching it in a Flash window is less than ideal... but sometimes, you take what you can get. (Louis Wu 12:32:02 UTC) (permalink)


Stubbs: A Substantive Guy
Narcogen continues his defense of Stubbs the Zombie by dissecting a short review, and by contrasting Stubbs to analogous parts of Halo 2. This entry is a bit more strident than the last two... almost petulant in places. Still a good read. (Louis Wu 12:31:15 UTC) (permalink)


German Elites Analysis
A couple of days ago, NavSpecWarrior pointed out an article at Halo Orbit (a German site) devoted to Elites - their culture, their homeworld, anatomy... the works. I didn't post anything because I was busy... but also because the article is written in German, and the majority of our audience doesn't READ German. Oliver, from Halo Orbit, reminded me yesterday that a hundred and fifty million people out there DO read it - so what the heck; if you're one of 'em, swing by and check out this article. (If you're not, use Google to translate it for you; not perfect, but you should get the gist.) (Louis Wu 12:29:27 UTC) (permalink)


Three years ago
It was three years ago that a good friend and worthy Bungie/Halo fan, Brian Morden aka ∗Ar-Isildur, passed away after battling Ewing's Sarcoma. The recent passing of That Weasel makes it all the more important to remember just how fragile life can be. Who was Brian Morden? (Ding 07:03:08 UTC) (permalink)


Kittenz. Not just for dinner any more.
We didn't do anything for you for Valentine's Day - but Bungie did. Frankie put together a huge list of Halo lovin'... go read, and find a site or three you've never seen (but should have!). He even gives props to Stuntmutt (though I'm surprised the list of qualifiers on the compliment didn't come with "pages with a double 't' in them"...). (Louis Wu 03:54:49 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

It's Rated Mature.
Computer Dating.
In Amber Clad... half a meter long
MLG Goodness
Digital Pencils
Heretics and Heroes Ep 1

Monday's news in brief:

It Doesn't Remind Me
...And 'Frankie' A Biography by...
The Marty Army Music
Del Toro - in? Or out?
Get a Leg Up.
Chaos on the Creek

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