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Halo news back Thursday, September 5, 2002 Halo news forward

MPEG2, anybody?
customsex has converted the WMP9 video to MPEG2 format... and it's gorgeous under QT6. It's huge, though... and he had a bit of trouble with the aspect ratio, so if you grab it, be sure to reset the width to 600 pixels (keeping the height at 360). You'll find the link on our Mirrors page. This is considerably larger than the large QT version... but almost the same image quality. Be warned, though - if you don't have an MPEG2 decoder on your computer, you won't be able to watch it, so don't bother downloading it. Update: the aspect problem has been fixed. This one seems to be popular, though - mirrors are badly needed! (Louis Wu 19:29:44 UTC) (permalink)


No watch - read
Take a break from the trailer madness to read a little Fan Fiction:

We should stop posting now, so the page doesn't take too long to load... (Louis Wu 18:39:31 UTC) (permalink)


Movies outside the US
Two new international mirrors - Juegos Alkon, an Argentinian games site with a very fast connection (mirroring the large QT version) and DeadSwitch, a fast UK connection (mirroring the WMP9 version). Go get 'em! (They've been added to the Mirrors page.) (Louis Wu 18:00:42 UTC) (permalink)


MPEG version, more QT mirrors
Assassin, from Computer Games in Romania, has sent word that they've re-encoded the high-quality QT version as an MPEG. Screensize is the same, filesize is 25.5 mb... quality is quite good. If you're having trouble with QuickTime, but can't get WMP9 to run on your system, this might be the way to go! (Server speed was quite impressive for me, too.) Also, Fileplanet added the two QuickTime versions this morning. All of these links are listed on the Mirrors page. (Louis Wu 16:37:52 UTC) (permalink)


Old vs. New
Jeff Lofland has turned in another very nice desktop image - take a look in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 13:08:28 UTC) (permalink)


Wha... US only?
This is bizarre - Gamesurf.de, a German gaming site, has put up a note on their Halo trailer announcement page stating that someone from Microsoft phoned them and told them they couldn't mirror the trailer, because the content is not for foreign markets. What's up with that? (Louis Wu 12:14:58 UTC) (permalink)


Dialogue Transcript, final form
The fans do it again. We've added a full transcript of the trailer dialogue to our Miscellaneous section (well, it's not actually listed there yet, but it will be soon), thanks to the contributors of this thread on our forum (and a tiny bit of tweaking from me). There are two alternatives I've seen - one can be found on the Battleground: Halo forums, done by Rixor, and the other (done by Narcogen and the Rampancy.net Hotline server crowd, with some help from ferrex, of Bungie) can be found on Rampancy.net. Enjoy. (Louis Wu 09:06:22 UTC) (permalink)


It goes to 11
Blackstar decided that 480x288 just wasn't big enough... so he re-encoded to get to 600x340. We've added his 32.7 mb QuickTime version to the mirror list. (You'll find it near the bottom, in the 'unofficial sizes' area.) Since the last update, there have also been two European mirrors added - one in France, one in Germany. Have I said thank you to all the mirror sites yet? You guys are great. (Louis Wu 08:29:04 UTC) (permalink)


It's Raining Halo!
Halo 2 Trailer everywhere... but on G4 tonight, it was Randy Glass' Warthog Jump and the E3 trailer! Thanks to Lorraine Reyes-McLees for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 03:18:18 UTC) (permalink)


WMP7 version, more mirrors
XboxManiak has recompressed the movie in WMP7 format, at 320x240 resolution - for those on a slower connection, it's not bad. (If you can handle the larger/newer versions, definitely get them, it's hard to express how impressive they are...) Also, several new mirrors have come online - if one doesn't work for you (or works slowly), try another. Main mirror list is here - mirror list mirror is here. (Louis Wu 03:03:51 UTC) (permalink)


Trailer Transcribed
ElectricSheep has tossed up a transcription of the trailer dialogue. If you're having trouble picking it all up... read this post (and the resultant thread)! (Louis Wu 02:36:51 UTC) (permalink)


Mirror for mirror list
Guh. HBO's connections are pegged at 120 simultaneous ones - so we've added a mirror for our Halo 2 Trailer Mirror list. (I'm guessing that's pretty much the only thing people want tonight...) You can find it here:


These will be updated simultaneously, so if you can't reach one, grab the other. (Louis Wu 02:21:39 UTC) (permalink)


More mirrors
Mr. Zarquon and GamingHorizon have both added mirrors - .wmv and QT for the former, .wmv for the latter. (Gaming Horizon also has a news article about it.) Find the new links on our Mirrors page. (A french mirror is coming soon.) (Louis Wu 01:42:30 UTC) (permalink)


Too.. much... to... do...
Extremely cool writeup on the making of the trailer, at Bungie.net. Go read. (Louis Wu 01:19:24 UTC) (permalink)


It's HERE!
And the chase is on! The Halo 2 trailer has been released - you can find it at Xbox.com... and thanks to a kind soul, you can also get it in QT6 format from a variety of fan mirrors. All links (and any new ones we hear about) are listed on the Halo 2 Trailer Mirrors page. And anyone who WANTS to mirror... please, let us know. Go get it! It'll blow you away. (Louis Wu 01:10:12 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Words before pictures
G4 highlights on the web, someday
Gameplay movie released
Potential Spoilers
Trailer release time set
Things we needed
One Step Back, Two Steps Forward
Chiron for UT

Tuesday's news in brief:

Pinning down those dates...
Light Tuesday Reading
G4 film date

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
