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Halo news back Wednesday, September 4, 2002 Halo news forward

Words before pictures
A bit of Fan Fiction to hold you over until the trailer is released this evening:

This marks the end of the Rise to Honor series. Shadow has asked for specific feedback on whether he should write another series - let him know what you think! (Louis Wu 18:27:48 UTC) (permalink)


G4 highlights on the web, someday
Whoa, very cool - Jester, over at psyjnir.com, contacted G4 Media, the folks who filmed the Halo National Championship finals... and G4 is intending to release a highlights film on the web, at some point. Nice! (Louis Wu 17:51:06 UTC) (permalink)


Gameplay movie released
penne dropped us a note about a new movie created by the German Halo clansite HaloPlayers. It's just under 2 minutes long, in WMP format, 9.2 mb zipped. 2 player gameplay on Blood Gulch, with some video effects. You can find it at HaloPlayers' website. (Louis Wu 13:38:46 UTC) (permalink)


The Trickster's Awake
Here we are, coming up on the 10-month anniversary of the release of the Xbox... and major new glitches are STILL being discovered. Frogblast shows how to get to Keyes from the very beginning of the level Keyes... and how to get to the lifepods on the Pillar of Autumn long before you're supposed to. Wow. (Louis Wu 13:31:30 UTC) (permalink)


Trailer release time set
The countdown at Xbox.com has changed to show that the release time of the Halo 2 trailer will be 6 pm Pacific time today. 12 more hours... (Realize that several tens of thousands of people will be trying at the exact same moment to be grabbing that file - so in reality, release (for you) might not be until tomorrow.) (Louis Wu 12:44:57 UTC) (permalink)


Things we needed
Some folks have noticed a bunch of outages at Bungie.net over the course of the day. Well, a new article by Matt Soell points out what was done behind the scenes during these outages. Bungie.net (and all of its subsites) have just become more useful, more flexible, funner to use. Check it out! (Louis Wu 02:03:18 UTC) (permalink)


One Step Back, Two Steps Forward
Dan Chosich's Seven has lost a mirror (the main site is down for excessive use of bandwidth), but Rampancy.net and Appleicious have stepped up to provide more bandwidth. You'll find these links on the Seven mirrors page. One more: Xerxes, from Halo Orbit (in Germany) sent word that they, too, are mirroring the file. (Link is on the mirror list.) (Louis Wu 01:55:46 UTC) (permalink)


Chiron for UT
Mad Cow points out that he's working on a version of the Halo multiplayer map Chiron for Marathon: Resurrection, an Unreal Tournament mod. Check out some screens! (Louis Wu 01:52:31 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Pinning down those dates...
Light Tuesday Reading
G4 film date

Monday's news in brief:

Labor Day Reading
Love that bulletin board...
HJP comes online
Seven sources, concatenated
Seven is Darker

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