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Halo news back Tuesday, April 2, 2002 Halo news forward

You okay?
Okay, enough with the hate mail - here's the dang movie. (There are at least 2 more mirrors coming soon, and quite possibly a couple of other formats/sizes for the film - so if you have trouble with a 27 mb .mov, be patient.) This is Brian Josselyn's nod to Final Fantasy... and to Halo as a cinematic spectacle. It's good. It's very, very good. Watch it. (It's only 2 minutes... it's a 'movie trailer'.) The mirror list currently contains 3 websites and 2 hotline servers - we'll add new ones as we get 'em. Update: Thanks to Reaper7, of Battleground: Halo, who just sent along the FilePlanet URL for this movie - it adds two public server links and two Personal Server links. (It's been added to the mirror list.) More still coming! (Louis Wu 19:17:45 UTC) (permalink)


Two new Fan Fiction bits - Jehkoh has written another poem, and Vector40 has written... well, an ode. (An uplifting one, even.) Read 'em both in our Fan Fiction section. (Louis Wu 19:08:46 UTC) (permalink)


Halo: The Movie (it COULD be...)
Brian Josselyn, of Blackstar Productions, has created a new Halo vid - it's a trailer for Halo, the Movie. (Okay, it's a trailer for Aliens, mostly - but let's not nitpick.) Masterful use of existing Halo footage (including some fantastic inclusions from older stuff), topnotch moviemaking skills, and high-quality sound make this a film to see. Downside? It's sorta big. 27 megs big, to be exact. This is one we want a few mirrors for before it goes live. Mythica.org is a given... but so as not to crush Brian's connection, if you can manage this puppy, drop us a line, we'll get you a copy. Once the mirror list is big enough, we'll let you know where to grab it from. Update: CYBRFRK points out that it's not Aliens... it's Final Fantasy. Oops... (Louis Wu 09:25:01 UTC) (permalink)


Cover that desktop, SIR!
Whoa - six, count 'em, six new desktop images submitted in the last day or two - go take your pick in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 03:23:37 UTC) (permalink)


They never stop writing
Four more stories for you:

These, and many, many more are in our Fan Fiction section... (Louis Wu 02:59:24 UTC) (permalink)


So, are they making it or not?
Heh - Peter Marks, Bungie Troublemaker Extraordinaire, points out an article at MacGamer which might make some long-time visitors chuckle. Apparently, though... not Matt Soell. Ah, well... can't please everyone. (Louis Wu 01:23:23 UTC) (permalink)


Getting to places Bungie never thought you'd go
Due to an amazingly boneheaded mistake I made over a month ago, every Gameplay Trick uploaded since late February has taken twice as long to load on your computer than it should have. (Maybe more than twice.) The problem has been fixed, finally... and we've added three new ones - okay, three parts of a longer exploration by Frogblast. There are still half a dozen tricks in the queue, as well as a passel of one-shots... soon, I'll be caught up. Soon. Meanwhile, check out Froggy's latest work and be amazed! (Louis Wu 00:02:36 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Warthog Jumps for Cash
Going, going... gone!
Ten Thousand Strong... and Shooting

Saturday's news in brief:

Locked doors? Pshaw!
Japanese Halo championship, explained
New Wallpaper
BotB interview at 7th Column
Friday night reading
Driving Drunk can be fun
PS and Xbox Hardcore rates Halo
Tip 4: Think Different, or Die

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
