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Halo news back Saturday, March 30, 2002 Halo news forward

Locked doors? Pshaw!
There's a pretty big backup in the Gameplay Tricks queue, but time is short this weekend. I'm putting up a recent exploration by Frogblast - it stands alone, unlike some of the other entries. Check it out for some freaky behavior in Two Betrayals! (Louis Wu 21:44:41 UTC) (permalink)


Japanese Halo championship, explained
Yesterday, we mentioned some changes to the Japanese Halo site - protexts has been kind enough to translate the news item associated with the dogtags (he calls it a paraphrase/translation):

They are having a Halo tournament 3/31 in two shops in Nagoya: Nagoya Toys Paradise and Miraiyabuusu. The players will purchase first time limited dog tags (comes with rubber silencer (literal translation) along with a case and a logo on it). The dog tags are the tickets to the tournament.

So, if you're going to be anywhere near Nagoya in the next couple of days, you might want to visit one of these shops! (Louis Wu 10:56:51 UTC) (permalink)


New Wallpaper
Two new desktops for you - one, from Joel Day, was created some time ago, but only submitted recently. The other, from Loren Judah, is new. You can find both in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 10:52:16 UTC) (permalink)


BotB interview at 7th Column
Nice. (It's an accompaniment to this article at the Seventh Column, Bungie's community site, about an upcoming (TOMORROW!) lanfest with an expected 50 participants. Wowzers!) (Louis Wu 03:21:50 UTC) (permalink)


Friday night reading
Four new Fan Fiction entries:

You'll find 'em all in our Fan Fiction section. (Louis Wu 03:15:12 UTC) (permalink)


Driving Drunk can be fun
How many different ways can you screw up in a Warthog? Parias and Mr. Zig put that question to the test, with Driving Drunk, a new Halo vid. Currently, there are three sites you can grab this at:

The slight music glitch at the very end is my fault - don't blame Parias. Overall, a pretty funny flick! (You can read his description of it on our forum.) The movie is 2:38 long, and about 9 megs big, in QT5 format. Give it a shot! (Louis Wu 02:24:52 UTC) (permalink)


PS and Xbox Hardcore rates Halo
PS2 and Xbox Hardcore have posted their Halo review - and while it glows, there are a few odd things about it. They list a 60hz mode for PAL for it, though for the past week or so, that's been just about the biggest gripe on our forum (the LACK of a useful 60hz PAL mode)... they list 4 players in the info box (though the review itself correctly states that up to 16 can play), and they give it an overall rating of 91%, though their individual scores are all much higher (graphics: 94%; sound: 96%; playability: 94%). It's a good read, though - check it out. (We've added it to our Reviews Database - currently at 108 reviews, average 94.8%.) (Louis Wu 00:54:46 UTC) (permalink)


Tip 4: Think Different, or Die
Drunkgamers.com has put up part 4 of their multiplayer tips series - this one contains a 2.4 mb, 15 second film showing how knowing the patterns can help teammates work nicely together. (It'll put a smile on your face... unless you've been in Blade's position.) Take a look! (Louis Wu 00:42:34 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

Japanese Halo site updated
Fanfic page now explicit about length rule
It's all fuzzy, ma!
Potential Spoilers

Thursday's news in brief:

Potential Spoilers
Shadow Droid pics
Down in a swamp
Cool new Misc Art

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
