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Halo news back Wednesday, April 3, 2002 Halo news forward

Fairly Full Fiction Favors
Five new writing bits for you:

It's coming in almost faster than I can read it - are the rest of you keeping up? Keep your eyes on the Fan Fiction section! (Louis Wu 21:31:00 UTC) (permalink)


Rocket Dancing Goodness - now in more places!
Two more mirrors for the Rocket Dance vid (high-res only):

I'll compile a full list soon - thanks, guys! (Louis Wu 19:47:59 UTC) (permalink)


More Movie Mirrors Redux
More mirror links! Jop Peters has graciously agreed to host the .wmv version of 'Halo: The Movie' (his space on endoria.net was already home to both .mov versions), and MFG Angel, of Bungie.de, has put up all three versions, as well. Finally, Narcogen has put up a larger iteration of the re-encoded version of the movie (first made available in small form last night) at Rampancy.net (it's 21 mb). You'll find all the new links on our mirrors page. If you find a mirror is too slow for you - stop the download and try another one. Minimize the bandwidth pain! (Louis Wu 15:53:43 UTC) (permalink)


More mirrors, multiple movies
More movie info - Rampancy.net (now at rampancy.synfibers.com, since the dns is still hosed) has put up a 9 mb, 480x320 version of 'Halo: The Movie' - it's actually 240x180 doubled, but the compression's decent, and it looks good. Nice choice for limited bandwidth users. It's been added to the mirrors page. Also, Brian Towne has added both the large and small versions of the Rocket Dance movie to mythica.org's bottomless bandwidth well. (Louis Wu 07:29:42 UTC) (permalink)


Too bad it wouldn't stay put...
Three more tricks for you in the Gameplay Tricks section - pete_the_duck does some exploring on Halo and Silent Cartographer. More coming soon! (Louis Wu 07:18:22 UTC) (permalink)


Grey is good
LaZ_EyE has submitted another pair of desktop images - this time in muted greys. Check 'em out in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 03:18:19 UTC) (permalink)


Man, those look nice
StormSinger turns in another great render - this time it's pistol ammo. You'll find it in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 03:14:10 UTC) (permalink)


Do the Rocket Dance!
When it rains, it pours... we've got another one, and this one's worth watching, too! It's a gameplay vid, not a cinematic piece... but it's got some laugh-out-loud footage in it. It was recorded by Ian Haddock during last weekend's Battle of the Bay... and man, now I wanna play 16-player rockets-only on Blood Gulch! There are two versions: A 10 meg, 320x240 version and a 6 meg, 160x120 version. The originals can be found on Ian's mac.com filespace - and we've started the ball rolling with one mirror each; b.org is handling the large version, and Mythica is handling the small one. More mirrors are, of course, seriously welcome - we know how tight space is right now, with Halo: The Movie making the rounds. (Louis Wu 02:54:00 UTC) (permalink)


More mirrors, formats for Halo: The Movie
Mirror, mirror, everywhere... if the 27 mb version of 'Halo: The Movie' is too much for you, we've added a 9.4 mb version that's just a bit more compressed. (Still pretty good to watch.) In addition, CYBRFRK has re-encoded it to .wmv format - this one's only 5.6 mb, and is probably the way to go for Windows users. All current mirrors can be found on our Mirrors page, and of course we're always happy to add new links. (Louis Wu 02:51:13 UTC) (permalink)


France gets a movie mirror
Another The Halo Movie mirror - this time in France. Thanks, Firfin, of Halo-game.com! (We've added it to the mirror page.) (Louis Wu 00:04:10 UTC) (permalink)


Goodbye, Rep...
The (temporary) End of an Era. Vector40 announced that The Repertory is down, until the silliness invoked by his web host can be fixed. It'll be back... but in these times of high-bandwidth-need... we'll miss her. (Louis Wu 00:01:59 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

You okay?
Halo: The Movie (it COULD be...)
Cover that desktop, SIR!
They never stop writing
So, are they making it or not?
Getting to places Bungie never thought you'd go

Monday's news in brief:

Warthog Jumps for Cash
Going, going... gone!
Ten Thousand Strong... and Shooting

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H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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