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Halo news back Friday, January 25, 2002 Halo news forward

Another music video looks for homes
Phear X has created another music video, and is looking for hosting, as well. It's pretty standard Halo gameplay (there's some fun stuff at the end) set to Rob Zombie's 'Dragula'. While I'm loath to discourage new creative material, this video has a few issues;

  1. It's pretty big (there are two flavors, a 33 meg version and a 16 meg version - it's 3 and a half minutes long)
  2. Unfortunately for Phear, the subject material has been done - a LOT; it concentrates on the beach scene of Silent Cartographer, and there are literally dozens of movies that came out of E3 using similar footage
  3. It's not very high-quality video (this is due to the capture source, a digital camcorder - it's acceptable, but nowhere near crisp)

All that said, we'd be happy to facilitate the mirroring for anyone who wants to help out. Drop us a line if you're able to help, and we'll get you the movie. (Part of the reason for elaborating here was to make it clear that if you want to make a movie for the community, you should consider finding a niche. Aaron Suhr did that admirably - his footage was fantastic, in terms of its novelty. Video is too big, and bandwidth costs too much, for folks to want to host a lot of the same-old, same-old.) Update: Both flavors (well, the big one right now, the small one very shortly) have found their first mirror on the Psyjnir Complex Hotline server. Go take a look! (Louis Wu 23:26:59 UTC) (permalink)


Joypad Halo review posted
Another shout-out to genohunter - he's dropped off a pretty positive 6-page Halo review from the January 2002 issue of Joypad, a French Console mag. Yes, it's in French. Check it out in our (soon to be finished... hopefully) Press Scans section. (Okay, it's true - it's the only article in the new format. They're coming - really!) (Louis Wu 23:02:16 UTC) (permalink)


Story Speculation Rampant
For those who haven't noticed, the Halo Story page has finally kicked into high gear. (Blame me - they were waiting on some scripting work.) The submissions have been piling up,but they're beginning to pare down that backlog! Check it out, and add your own speculation! (Louis Wu 22:42:40 UTC) (permalink)


The French love Halo
genohunter points out a pair of French Halo reviews - one from Consoles-France.com (posted on Christmas day, of all days), the other from GameTeam Xbox. Both were quite positive - 95% and 9.5/10, respectively. These have been added to our Reviews database. (Louis Wu 22:38:10 UTC) (permalink)


Numbers, numbers, everywhere...
Fanatic drops off a swirly, digital image for your desktop - you'll find it in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 21:31:38 UTC) (permalink)


The Psyjnir Complex adds HL
Psyrixx writes to let us know that The Psyjnir Complex has a new hotline server - you can find it at No login/password needed... check it out! Update: Geez, guess I should read ALL my mail. The Halo Music Video released yesterday can now be found on this Hotline server - if the other mirrors are not giving you joy, try this one! (Louis Wu 21:24:35 UTC) (permalink)


An old series gets revived
After a few months of waiting for new artwork, Chris Cox has decided to submit the next two chapters of his 'The Wanderers' series - you can read them separately, here and here, or you can read the whole series in one shot. Don't forget to leave him feedback! The Fan Fiction page continues to grow... (Louis Wu 21:10:30 UTC) (permalink)


New poll at bungie.net
Eep - new poll at Bungie.net, and we missed the start! 'What is your favorite section of the Halo Tru7h and Recon site?' Go vote! (Only 100 folks have, so far...) (Louis Wu 08:19:36 UTC) (permalink)


FAQ overhauled
Thanks to Mark Levin, who's overhauled our FAQ - there are still a few questions to add, but the info, by and large, is very up-to-date. You'll also find that there's quite a difference between the spoiler and non-spoiler versions of the FAQ - for those who haven't played Halo, and want to experience it without the taint of knowing what's coming, the FAQ contains general information, but nothing that will ruin the game for you. For those who've already played through Halo, there's quite a bit more info; gameplay tips, extra info, and so on. Check it out! (Louis Wu 08:10:09 UTC) (permalink)


More video mirrors
More mirrors for the music video (this one's definitely worth watching):

I love you guys... (Louis Wu 06:23:50 UTC) (permalink)


Going where no tank has gone before...
A few days ago, Cal sent in a number of pretty nifty shots taken on Sidewinder. Some of 'em just make you go 'hmm...' Well, they got lost in the shuffle... but we unburied them. Check 'em out! They've been added to the rapidly growing Tricks page... which is going to need a better navigation system, and soon. (The backlog of tricks submissions is currently running in double digits... apologies. For those in the queue - be happy you're not in the Gameplay Tips queue, which is even longer! I gotta find some serious updating time...) (Louis Wu 03:30:58 UTC) (permalink)


First Music Video Mirrors up
The first mirrors for Aaron Suhr's music video are up - they'll get swamped fast, due to their alone-ness, but there should be more coming. (If you can help, write us.) Thanks to Beorn, who provided two different mac.com download sites (Site 1 and Site 2). Enjoy! (Louis Wu 01:42:07 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Cool video looking for mirrors
Halo in France
A grim future, indeed...

Wednesday's news in brief:

The Fun Stuff... again
When editors go awfully wrong
7 new wallpapers
Halo Update-a-thon

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
