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Halo news back Saturday, January 26, 2002 Halo news forward

Random Vector comes online
Triplex Virus writes to let us know that a new Halo site has come online - Random Vector is devoted to tricks, hacks, and wishes for the mythical Halo 1.5. Check 'em out for some fun pics! (Louis Wu 22:22:57 UTC) (permalink)


Second Halo music video mirrored some more
Thanks to Brian Towne, who has mirrored both the large version (33 MB) and the small version (16 MB) of Phear X's Halo music video (this is the Silent Cartographer film, set to Rob Zombie's Dragula) at Mythica.org. Check 'em out, if you didn't get 'em via Hotline! (Louis Wu 22:18:59 UTC) (permalink)


Get a Banshee... fast
Another Gameplay Tip - it's common knowledge that the pair of Banshees on the natural bridge on the Assault on the Control Room level are worth grabbing... but now you have access to a short video showing you what is probably the fastest CONSISTENT way of doing so. (Yes, you can run out there and grab it under the noses of the Elites... but every once in a while, you'll be outrun, and boom, down you go.) Mark Levin has created a Banshee Boost video - check it out on the Gameplay Tricks page of our Tips and Tricks section. (Louis Wu 17:02:38 UTC) (permalink)


The Fan Fiction continues to pour in
Another pair of stories have found their way into our mailbox - Albino Joe sends us an interesting viewpoint on a contentious portion of the Halo story (don't read this if you're not up for spoilers), and Gasmask sends in part 4 of his Strange Tale saga. Check 'em both out (along with almost 250 other pieces) in our Fan Fiction section! (Louis Wu 16:36:42 UTC) (permalink)


Halo walkthroughs at GameFAQs
Walkthroughs: Neogamer has updated his Halo FAQ/Walkthrough to version 0.9 (it'll be bumped to v1.0 when he finishes his Multiplayer stuff) - it's available at GameFAQs, among other places. Also at GameFAQs (same URL, even) is a new Walkthrough by R.K. Raja - it contains most of the info from the Halo manual, plus a walkthrough/strategy guide. The element both of these are missing (in fact, that every guide I've seen so far is missing) is a discussion about the different strategies that work on different difficulty levels - most walkthroughs seemed to be aimed at those playing on Normal. While this makes sense - most folks LOOKING for a walkthrough are playing on Normal - it would be really nice to see an in-depth, well written guide showing how to get through certain areas on Legendary, for example. Ah, well - one can dream, can't one? (Louis Wu 12:04:28 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

Another music video looks for homes
Joypad Halo review posted
Story Speculation Rampant
The French love Halo
Numbers, numbers, everywhere...
The Psyjnir Complex adds HL
An old series gets revived
New poll at bungie.net
FAQ overhauled
More video mirrors
Going where no tank has gone before...
First Music Video Mirrors up

Thursday's news in brief:

Cool video looking for mirrors
Halo in France
A grim future, indeed...

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
