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Halo news back Tuesday, August 16, 2005 Halo news forward

Podtacular! Ep 4
Podtacular! Episode 4 has been posted - this one's an hour and 15 minutes, so be sure you have a bit of free time for listening. They're currently 30th in iTunes' Top 100 Podcasts... pretty impressive! 26 mb, MP3 format. (Louis Wu 21:00:31 UTC) (permalink)


Machinima as a Money Machine
CNN has an article on machinima, and its potential as a new medium for Hollywood - Red vs Blue gets prominent mention. It's clear that many in Hollywood still don't get it:

"Hollywood looks to all kinds of places for a fan base and given the enormous success of video games, that's a natural place to look," said Jon Richmond, managing director of media and entertainment at Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin. "But 'Final Fantasy' was a movie based on video game technology and that was a whopping failure."

Excuse the banging noise - that's the sound of my head hitting the desk, over and over. Thanks to Germain Couët for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 20:25:24 UTC) (permalink)


What she does on her off-time...
Kelli 'Pinkuh' Washburn, one of our featured artists (you can find a link to her work in the short 'Hot Pages' menu to the right), whipped up a... somewhat risqué interpretation of Cortana yesterday - it's nothing you haven't seen on, say, Superbowl halftime shows, but it's definitely no longer G-rated. You can find this on her page here (it's currently the last image in the 'Completed Works' section), or at her DeviantART site. (The description there might explain where she was coming from on this one. Or then again... it might not.) (Louis Wu 16:27:36 UTC) (permalink)


Enough with the Killing...
Se7en found a fun little Flash animation by TheWax at DeviantART - a fusion of the Master Chief and Sonic the Hedgehog. (The Voice of God seems to be going soft...) (Louis Wu 15:28:52 UTC) (permalink)


The family that slays together, stays home
Hehe - Andras Ostrom found a tidbit at IMDB.com, blaming Halo 2 (and Netflix, but this is a Halo site, so we'll focus on that) for the downturn in moviegoing this summer. Darn that Bungie - keeping people at home! Update: Eep - Gregory Prill found the same info (but more fleshed out) in the Chicago Sun-Times. In fact - that's where imdb got it. (Louis Wu 13:42:36 UTC) (permalink)


Weezer notices a fan vid
A couple of weeks ago, a story circulated that the RIAA had shut down a site hosting fan-made videos because the music in them was unlicensed. It turned out that the cease-and-desist letter was forged... but in case anyone was really worried, you should check out Weezer's site; in a news post from a few days ago, they point out imSuck's Beverly Hills video (hosted here) - nice when the band whose music you're paying tribute to actually notices! Thanks to Ducain for pointing out Phantom's news post at High Impact Halo. (Louis Wu 01:11:02 UTC) (permalink)


What do I need to save against Brutes?
Remember that Microsoft survey we mentioned last week? In the latest Rumor Control article, Gamespot uses it as a jumping-off spot for wild speculation that Microsoft might be considering a 'strategy-based simulation game' centered on Halo. (Yeah, they say 'it's bogus' - but who came up with in the first place? THEY DID.) Thanks, KP. (Louis Wu 01:01:44 UTC) (permalink)


I need a bucket.
Okay, people do lots of things to get on the news page here... but the latest episode of Resolute is just... wrong. You should tell ÜberChief that. (Louis Wu 00:57:33 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

What makes a great player?
A fan map pack review
New Threads.
Fiction Writers Quiet Over Weekend
Stubbs - Coming Along!
Twenty Five Plus Outside... Fourteen Inside
TweakedDev goes a-huntin'
Boy Scout Patches - Redux

Sunday's news in brief:

MLG Las Vegas
Nephrons - Minus Six
Burger Time? Eep.
A Sniper Shot Me
Lost Stratosphere Ep 1: The Fall of Eagle Base
Halo2Gametypes.com is now online
Problems in Iraq - Halo addiction?
Halo for the Age of Kings

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
