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Halo news back Monday, August 15, 2005 Halo news forward

The next chapter of the Halo CE Chronicles, Episode 15, Conflict, has been posted over at the HCEC website. The action heats up - an extraction goes bad, and the Spartan is left to fend for himself. As usual, it's available in WMP9, QuickTime, and streaming Flash formats. Go watch! (Louis Wu 21:22:39 UTC) (permalink)


What makes a great player?
Over at H2Wiki, there's a nice article from LegendaryMark entitled 'What makes a great Halo 2 Multiplayer Gamer?' As you might expect from the title, it looks at some of the things that make good gamers great - and points out why you might be stuck where you are, level-wise, until you rethink your gameplay strategies. Go read! (Louis Wu 20:30:05 UTC) (permalink)


A fan map pack review
ST stopped by our forum to point out an article on his blog about the Map Pack. The beautiful thing about the internet is the variety of perspectives... I was reading through his reasons for liking (or not liking) the maps, and I couldn't find a single one I fully agreed with. However, he did a great job of explaining WHY he holds the opinions he does - and it's clear to me that we just have very, very, VERY different playstyles (and likes). Go check it out - and give him your own opinions! (Louis Wu 19:09:24 UTC) (permalink)


New Threads.
Stuntmutt takes aim at the newest wearables in the Bungie Store in today's One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 15:27:56 UTC) (permalink)


Fiction Writers Quiet Over Weekend
Just six new entries in the Fan Fiction collection today - go see what's there! (Louis Wu 13:28:57 UTC) (permalink)


Stubbs - Coming Along!
Chris Remo, of Shacknews, got a chance to play a new iteration of Stubbs The Zombie, Wideload's Halo-engined undead romp, at QuakeCon this weekend. He'd been worried - he played it at GDC a few months ago, and had been disappointed. This time around, though, he had a lot of fun - go read why. Good to hear! Thanks to Rampancy.net for noticing this. (Louis Wu 11:32:57 UTC) (permalink)


Twenty Five Plus Outside... Fourteen Inside
The 2old2play LAN party we mentioned last month went down this past weekend - and by all accounts, it was a blast. (I ran into Doodi on XBL last night, and there should be some fun footage coming from it in the not-too-distant future.) XerxDeej was one of the attendees... and you can check out HIS experience on his Tied the Leader blog. (Louis Wu 11:19:33 UTC) (permalink)


TweakedDev goes a-huntin'
Another piece of Tina Leyk art surfaces - this one was a birthday present for a friend - his furry avatar, clothed in spartan armor. Fun! Check it out on her fan art page. (Louis Wu 02:03:17 UTC) (permalink)


Boy Scout Patches - Redux
A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned Halo patches from the Boy Scout National Jamboree - thanks to contractor, from Red vs Blue, who had a complete set, you can see what all three looked like. Nice! Update: DOH! I forgot to actually link to them. Sorry. (Louis Wu 00:34:17 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

MLG Las Vegas
Nephrons - Minus Six
Burger Time? Eep.
A Sniper Shot Me
Lost Stratosphere Ep 1: The Fall of Eagle Base
Halo2Gametypes.com is now online
Problems in Iraq - Halo addiction?
Halo for the Age of Kings

Saturday's news in brief:

The End of All Things
The Squadron Ep 2: Check
Mister Chief's on vacation

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