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Halo news back Sunday, August 14, 2005 Halo news forward

MLG Las Vegas
If you head over to MLGPro.com, you'll find lots of results from MLG Las Vegas - looks like TmG Zyos won the free-for-all and TmG (Trademark Gamers, the newest iteration of Str8 Rippin) is set up against IgameSpot in the finals for the Winners bracket. (Team 3D, coming off their Philly loss, went to a World Cyber Games event this weekend instead.) There's tons more info - here's a full list of tidbits. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 20:29:04 UTC) (permalink)


Nephrons - Minus Six
Chairleg Productions came out of - well, pretty much nowhere a couple of days ago with their well-received Tale of Two Countries. Today, they're back, with another MPRRS-approved film, this one called 'Nephrons - Minus Six'. It's not yet Episode One, and indeed you will one day have the opportunity to meet a real-life Nephron... in the meantime, get acquainted with Jimmy, and the rest of the cast! WMP9 format (31 mb) or QuickTime format (28.4 mb). (Louis Wu 16:49:11 UTC) (permalink)


Burger Time? Eep.
MasterToad points out another Halo-related comic - the latest episode of Hypercombofinish looks at games in our future. (Louis Wu 15:28:30 UTC) (permalink)


A Sniper Shot Me
Patriarch917 has submitted what he thinks might be his final parody (at least for the time being) - he and his wife just had a second baby (check out the pic of Lily on his music page), and law school starts today. This one is called 'A Sniper Shot Me', and is a parody of Audio Adrenaline's Christian rock anthem 'Some kind of Zombie'. 6.6 mb, in MP3 format. Check it out! (Louis Wu 15:16:05 UTC) (permalink)


Lost Stratosphere Ep 1: The Fall of Eagle Base
Midnight Carnage, of the Final Supremacy team, submitted Lost Stratosphere Episode 1 to our Movie Peer Review Rating System a couple of days ago - they liked it... a lot. Go grab The Fall of Eagle Base, the first chapter in a Cov vs Human conflict machinima, in either WMP9 (50.9 mb) or Quicktime (50.7 mb) formats. (Louis Wu 14:24:21 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's PvP pointed out one of the more annoying types of Halo players - thanks, Rota Jota. (Louis Wu 14:20:17 UTC) (permalink)


Halo2Gametypes.com is now online
This went live a few days ago, but the primary domain name hadn't resolved when LordGideon pointed it out, so I decided to wait - then I forgot. Thanks to Manual, of PraetoriaGuard, for reminding me. Swing by Halo2Gametypes.com, a new website from the PraetoriaGuard clan (you can access their family of sites from their webring). This site is another storage repository for Halo 2 Gametypes (as the name might suggest) - the interface matches what you get when you're setting up a gametype in Halo 2, and the existing types can be rated by visitors. Use it to inspire you! (Louis Wu 13:54:18 UTC) (permalink)


Problems in Iraq - Halo addiction?
The New York Times has an article on how life is more cushy than expected for some GIs in Iraq - and Halo figures prominently. (Free registration required - or use bugmenot.com) Thanks, OP4 Trajan. (Louis Wu 13:45:05 UTC) (permalink)


Halo for the Age of Kings
Wonga. Took the day off yesterday... and the mailbox is flooded. Let's see what we can get through. First up: ZKP writes to say that he and a group of friends are making a Halo mod for Age of Kings: The Conquerers. You can find basic info on their website - I'm sure more info will be forthcoming. Halo - it's everywhere! (Louis Wu 13:40:15 UTC) (permalink)


Saturday's news in brief:

The End of All Things
The Squadron Ep 2: Check
Mister Chief's on vacation

Friday's news in brief:

Some Kind Of Java Game?
Friday's Fan Fic
A Tale of Two Countries
Over-Rated Games
MLG Philly Postmortem
Illinois Halo 2 Tourney
Pound for pound?
The Eric Heiden Effect?
Halo Home Shopping
Fan-made RvB Season 4 Posters

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
