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Halo news back Saturday, February 26, 2005 Halo news forward

Unintended Consequences
Dennis Powers dropped us a note to let us know that Episode 6 of the Halo CE Chronicles has been released - 3:49, 4.2 mb, in Flash video format. The Spartan takes on the Covenant troops that killed his friend, and finds he's not just a killing machine. Update: Dennis writes to say bandwidth might be limited at the start; if the stream is slow, try again later. Thanks! (Louis Wu 21:27:31 UTC) (permalink)


MC Suit Progress
Not long ago, we put up a page detailing the progress Alan James has been making with a new MC suit he's building. He just sent us a couple of shots of the gun he's building to go with it - we've added them to the page. Great start! (Louis Wu 19:05:59 UTC) (permalink)


Brain Ninjas
FugitiveSoldier and some buddies played a marathon game of Zombies, and the resultant film is pretty funny; Brain Ninjas is just under 5 minutes of Benny Hill-type humor (complete with soundtrack), zombies chasing a poor living spartan. Latest thread for this can be found here on our forum; the movie is WMP9 format, 20.6 mb. adrenaline786 has tossed up a mirror, and we added a pair more - both for the original WMP9 (mythica.org | bungie.org), and for a QuickTime version (20.7 mb, mythica.org | bungie.org). Update: Chester the Destroyer has mirrored the WMP9 version, as well. (Louis Wu 18:08:08 UTC) (permalink)


Stop Motion Reload
KillR posted a small Battle Rifle Functions video in our forum - stop-motion footage of a White MC action figure and his Battle Rifle. Pretty nice work! I've tossed up both the original WMP9 version (1.5 mb) and a QuickTime version (1.9 mb) on local servers, in case his bandwidth runs out. (Louis Wu 17:28:10 UTC) (permalink)


A power shift
After War episode 14 has been posted over at Black Arts Studios; the story's getting a bit difficult to understand, but hang in there. Thanks, Kevin. (Louis Wu 17:21:32 UTC) (permalink)


Saturday Stories
Small buildup of Fan Fiction pieces during the time I was gone; 26 new items added today. (There was some talk on the forum about starting to call it Fan Literature, so that searches for Fan Fiction in the news wouldn't return more than the 777 items written before today... but no, we'll stick with what works. Consider this the first post in the SECOND batch of 777 fan-fiction-related news posts.) (Louis Wu 16:07:00 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

GSJ Rocks.
G4 broadcasts 3 Doors Down GwF
BBQ (and more)
Store Stocks Sufficient Swag! Spend Simoleons!
They'll Never Find Me Now.
Brian Jarrard Interview
Movies, movies, MOVIES
Photoshop contest - now with a bonus round
Real Marines Wear Pink
Big Floaty Thing Talks
The death of 1v1
Fragging MCs for flood relief
Real Life Gamers, Part 1
Halo news around the net
Mjolnir Mix, Tabbed
Broken, Again
Artwork at the Baby Place
Another Accolade

Thursday's news in brief:

What, you can make movies with this thing?
The Old Multi-Blind, Running Slide Sequence
Charity Down Under
An auspicious beginning

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
