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Halo news back Friday, February 25, 2005 Halo news forward

GSJ Rocks.
MrJukes has been busy - there are two more Jump Sessions and a pretty fun flag cap on his Trick Jumping site. Some pretty cool stuff in that new one... go start downloading! Update: oops - I should have reminded people that we've mirrored the entire site - if you have trouble getting to the original (like, say, now, when rabid fans like you have brought it to its knees), you can grab files from us. (Louis Wu 23:25:28 UTC) (permalink)


The Bungie Weekly What's Update is up, and boy is Frankie mad. Steaming mad. Luckily for us, however, he put aside his boiling rage long enough for another peek into the vast intellectual emptiness that is his mailbox, some answers to some questions, and an old-skool Mister Chief, simple-style. (mnemesis 23:01:32 UTC) (permalink)


G4 broadcasts 3 Doors Down GwF
A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned the Game with Fame event with 3 Doors Down - a couple of Los Angelenos got the chance to play, and G4 filmed it. It was broadcast yesterday on the show Screen Savers for the first time - sorry about the short notice. Never fear, though - it's on again on Sunday, February 27, at 12am ET/9 pm PT, or your can watch it online (Flash video format) at G4's website. Check out 3 Doors Down getting schooled by 23-year-old Katrina L. Thanks, TriXie! (Louis Wu 22:57:34 UTC) (permalink)


BBQ (and more)
Mr Smiley has interviewed CJ Cowan, Cinematic Designer on the Halo 2 team. Where he came from, what he does, what's tough and what's not. Meaty - go read, and get inside the head of a Bungie cinematographer! Update: credit for the interview goes to cmwak1, not mr smiley. (Louis Wu 19:24:42 UTC) (permalink)


Store Stocks Sufficient Swag! Spend Simoleons!
The Bungie Store has re-stocked some of their supplies, so if you're in the mood for a tall, cool drink in a Legendary Beer Stein while wearing the stylish Bucket Hat, go to it. Also available (finally), Drone, MC, White Spartan, and Warthog action figures! Woo! (mnemesis 18:52:19 UTC) (permalink)


They'll Never Find Me Now.
Hiding... in plain sight? Don't try it, says Stuntmutt in today's One One Se7en. Hmm... Maybe the HBO Helljumpers ARE moving forward... (Louis Wu 18:11:44 UTC) (permalink)


Brian Jarrard Interview
Singapore news site The Electric New Paper has an interview with Brian Jarrard, Bungie's Community Guy. Will the Master Chief stop the Covenant? Will there be a Halo 3? A Halo movie? Check it out, and see for yourself! (Heh, not that there are many answers, mind you, but there might be a few hints... ;) Thanks to danbrennan.org for the heads-up. Update: Drat, mnemesis got to this before me... I wanted to also point out a discrepancy in one of their 'did you know?' facts. There's a claim that Halo 2 has sold 15 million copies to date; given that as of January 20 (just over a month ago), they'd sold 6.4 million copies worldwide, this number seems a tad unlikely. I suppose as a TOTAL of all Halo-franchise titles it makes sense (they were at 12 million last month)... [-lwu] (mnemesis 17:05:39 UTC) (permalink)


Movies, movies, MOVIES
Wow... lots of vids posted to our forum while I was gone. I'm taking them at their word and assuming there's enough bandwidth to go around. (We have a bunch of stuff in the queue, hopefully that I can get to soon - we're going to have to let these stand or fall on their own.)

  • CollaterHalo - the club scene from the movie Collateral, reproduced on Midship/Headlong. Hosted by Vypers.net. WMP9 format, 22.3 mb.
  • Monkeys Gone Wild - a tour of all the trees in Halo 2 multiplayer maps (and how to get into them). Hosted by vypers.net. WMP9 format, 17.9 mb.
  • Anti-Cheating PSA - from Rampant Stupidity Productions, a look at cheaters and why they suck. It's in AVI format, but recorded with the WMV3 codec, so it won't play on a mac. 12 mb, hosted by Rampant Stupidity. (Update: And here's a 15.3 mb .mp4 file, thanks to Chester)
  • Devin's GreenRoomEffect - another Devin Olsen montage. Nice work. WMP9 format, 33 mb. Hosted by syeren.
  • WaLKa's Montage - some pretty amazing sniping, and general gameplay. WMP9 format, 24.7 mb. Extra mirrors can be found in this thread on the MLG forums.
  • Outpost 2 - the second episode of Outpost: Coagulation. Covenant politics... or something. WMP9 format, 21.2 mb, ALSO hosted by vypers.net. (Here's hoping they hold up... that's a lot of vids.)

Wow... will that keep you busy for a few minutes? (Please - if you try one of these links, and it's dead... you don't need to mail us. There's not much we can do about other people's bandwidth.) (Louis Wu 16:03:12 UTC) (permalink)


Photoshop contest - now with a bonus round
ICDedPpl has started a bonus round for his Halo Photoshop contest; entries are due by Sunday night, voting will be up for 3 days. The winner will get a full year of webhosting with free domain registration or transfer. The catch? Your photo must include a cartoon character. Go read the site for more details! (Louis Wu 14:53:23 UTC) (permalink)


Real Marines Wear Pink
New strip up over at Halo Babies; Baby Sarge is a little... mature for his age, I guess. (There's also a nice concept sketch of the newest character - check it out!) (Louis Wu 13:30:18 UTC) (permalink)


Big Floaty Thing Talks
Ducain, over at High Impact Halo, has interviewed FrogBlast, trickster extraordinaire, about what drives him to do the stuff he does. Great read - thanks to both of them! (Ducain pointed it out in our forum.) (Louis Wu 12:33:47 UTC) (permalink)


The death of 1v1
Interesting article over at MLGPro.com - Brick Shoemaker lays out why he thinks Halo 2 is no good for 1v1 battles. The main argument is a solid one; Halo 2's multiplayer focus is geared more towards teamwork and cooperation than solo heroics. Go read. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 12:16:02 UTC) (permalink)


Fragging MCs for flood relief
Thanks to Frankie, for pointing out a writeup at Aussie Xbox of a charity bash they hosted to benefit the tsunami relief effort. Great pics - that's a lot of people playing Halo 2! Update: Gah - looks like mnemesis got to this one already; you'd think I'd be more careful reading existing news... (Louis Wu 11:21:22 UTC) (permalink)


Real Life Gamers, Part 1
Bungie has put up an interview with BlAcKjAk, a high-ranking XBL player (he's currently number 2 in the Rumble Pit stats). It's just a quick 'what do you like/dislike about XBL/Halo 2?' piece - but it might make some people feel better to know that the folks at the top of the leaderboards are complaining about the same things that the common folks complain about. (Louis Wu 11:17:17 UTC) (permalink)


Halo news around the net
There were a few news bits recently that might be of interest to Halo fans...

  • Business Week has an article about the big-business aspect of the current videogame market - and Halo/Halo 2 play a pretty big role.
  • The Oregon Daily Emerald looks at Halo's ability to suck in and keep players.
  • Pantagraph.com focuses on Steve Scott, a native of Central Illinois and a member of the Halo 2 dev team.

I'm slowly cleaning out the inboxes that mnemesis and CZ didn't have access to... (Louis Wu 11:08:02 UTC) (permalink)


Mjolnir Mix, Tabbed
Eternity 117 sent along a tabbed version of the Halo 2 theme, Mjolnir Mix, as played by Steve Vai. Go play! (Louis Wu 01:09:58 UTC) (permalink)


Broken, Again
We mentioned a vid called 'Broken' a few days ago; one of the mirrors came from HaloImpulse. Wasn't until just now that I saw the actual link to the mirror... if you still haven't gotten this, you can grab it here (12.7 mb, .rar format). (Louis Wu 00:45:43 UTC) (permalink)


Artwork at the Baby Place
Another hefty art update over at Halo Babies; some really, really cool stuff. (If you like the 'Ambush' piece by tanqexe, be sure you've seen his other Halo-related work in our Misc Art section.) Thanks to mrsmiley, who sent this along a few days ago - sorry I wasn't here to pass it along to someone who could post it then. (Louis Wu 00:31:17 UTC) (permalink)


Another Accolade
Dzejms writes to point out that "Pete Parsons & the Bungie Crew" have won the Wired Rave award mentioned here recently. (mnemesis 00:07:43 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

What, you can make movies with this thing?
The Old Multi-Blind, Running Slide Sequence
Charity Down Under
An auspicious beginning

Wednesday's news in brief:

The Numb Skull.
Please Stand By

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