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Halo news back Thursday, February 3, 2005 Halo news forward

(More) MLG News
Dolbex, in an attempt to coopt our front page, sends along the THIRD piece of MLG news for the day; The MLG Houston tournament dates have changed (it will now take place on March 11-13, with registration opening soon), and the MLG San Francisco event (February 26th and 27th) has opened its doors for registration. Go read! (Louis Wu 19:33:51 UTC) (permalink)


An Abandoned Plea, Revisited
Whoa. A month ago ZexGX posted a bunch of sounds collected on Outskirts; public service announcements, playing on loudspeakers in Swahili. He was asking for translation help. (He wasn't the first to find these - but as far as I know, this was the first time they were made available as recordings.) Nobody was able to help, and the thread died. Today, Frankie dropped into that thread with a suggestion that translating might be worth our while... so does anyone know any Swahili? (Louis Wu 19:15:44 UTC) (permalink)


Follow Tab
The Se7enth Prophet found a tab for Incubus' Follow on powertabs.net, and transcribed it on our forum. (The original is a Power Tab Editor file.) If you're a guitar player, give this a shot! Update: He's added the Halo and Halo 2 themes, and Blow Me Away from Breaking Benjamin. (Louis Wu 18:10:48 UTC) (permalink)


Dialogue, Dialogue, and more Dialogue
Yesterday, Captain Spark released 44 new dialogue snippets on his website; it's a 2 mb zip download to get them all. A day before that, we got mail from KaworuNagisa, containing 19 new snippets of his own - most of them from the Prophet Regret (including his sermon, in pieces). Some really good stuff here; both groups are full of interesting things. You can peruse the entire new batch in our Dialogue Databank, or just look at KaworuNagisa's stuff, or just look at Captain Spark's stuff. Oh, the choices you have! (Louis Wu 17:54:26 UTC) (permalink)


Zanzibar Tips
Jumping vids seem to be all the rage these days. Synide's put together a nice one for MLGPro.com; if you're a Video On Demand subscriber, you can watch a direct stream of this, and if you're not, just connect to MLG-TV and wait for it to come around in the rotation. (It's not ALL jumping; it's a general Zanzibar Tips vid, with suggestions to improve your gameplay. Check out the death-by-coconuts bit at the end!) (Louis Wu 16:51:07 UTC) (permalink)


When given the choice...
Today's Calvin and Halo takes a look at the more mature gamer... and what might happen occasionally on XBL. (Louis Wu 16:40:28 UTC) (permalink)


Jump Session 6
Thanks to Cody Cress, who pointed out that there is a new jump session at http://www.jukesbox.com/. This one focuses on slide jumping... wow. 9.5 mb, WMP9 format. Go watch. And come back to this news post later today. (Louis Wu 15:47:04 UTC) (permalink)


Power - at your fingertips
The stats analysis options continue to improve - Tom Mathews has upgraded his Halo 2 Statistics Browser (screenshots show how powerful this is - here and here). (Louis Wu 14:53:09 UTC) (permalink)


Cheaper goodies at the Bungie Store
Black Six pointed out that the Bungie Store is having a closeout sale on a number of items - visit if you want stuff at reduced prices. (The Titanium Eclipse Tumbler is under $10 now. Not bad!) (Louis Wu 14:46:39 UTC) (permalink)


My Little pwny.
GRAH! I'm an idiot. Yesterday's One One Se7en followed Tuesday's Outskirts on Legendary Walkthrough release SO beautifully... but I forgot to post it on time. Wow - it's been a while since i screwed THAT up. Go read it now, though. It's funny. (Louis Wu 14:38:32 UTC) (permalink)


News Roundup
There's a bunch of Halo 2 news that popped up last night, too... again, I doubt this is a comprehensive list, but it should lighten the mailbox just a little.

  • MLG posted a writeup of the DC event that took place last weekend; thanks to Dyslexia for the text, and Dolbex for the heads-up. This contains a very nice counter-argument to the folks who yell that Halo 2 is for noobs... and lots and lots of great pics. Full bracket standings are also there.
  • G4TechTV has posted a 'Halo 2 Tips, Tricks, and Strategies' article, a somewhat random collection of stuff. Fun read.
  • TalkXbox has posted Week Twelve of their Strategy series - Burial Grounds Team Slayer. (Thanks, TricKy.)
  • Another bit over at MLGPro.com - Grudge Matches Begin. This is sort of like Bungie's Halo Humpday Challenges... except it's 1v1, and the COMMUNITY decides who fights, not the players. Go read about it.
  • Arizona State University's school paper has a story about how it's not a contradiction for a church group to organize a gathering around Halo 2. (This one turned up on Google, but ICDedPpl found the same thing at a different link.)

Again, there's probably plenty more out there today... but this makes a dent. (Louis Wu 14:27:33 UTC) (permalink)


More Movie Stuff
Man... you can't take a night off around here, things just move too fast. Okay, while I was sleeping (and other stuff), we heard:

  • Ripp0n's Montage got another pair of direct download mirrors; a bunch of you have gotten it via BitTorrent, but for those who can't, HALOChat has put it up via HTTP, and there's another copy at That Weasel Television. Check yesterday's news if you don't know what this is about.
  • Sharkface217 created a Halo PC Tribute Video, and released it at the Gamers Alliance. I'm not sure I get it, completely... but there it is. 31.5 mb, WMP9 format. (For me, personally... if I were a new HaloPC player and this was the first thing I saw... I'd probably pick a different game.)
  • Devin Olsen released his own Halo 2 Montage vid - just under 19 mb, WMP9 format. Lots of Killtaculars and above. (Some good footage showing the potency of the plasma pistol/magnum combination... I love the Colossus 'attack while in the air, kill before you land' kill.) Update: this one, too, is having trouble - Devin asks for mirrors. If you can help him out, drop him a line! Update 2: Yayap to the rescue!
  • Craven47 posted a short (43 second) 'Dance Movie' (3 Spartans jumping around on Lockout) on Putfile. Just over 5 mb, WMP9 format.
  • That Weasel, always around to help, has mirrored a whole bunch of OTHER recent movies, besides Ripp0n's - The Codex Trailer, Vehicular Pwnage, and the Sleeping player are all there now.

I'm sure there are/will be more over the course of the day - but I'll make a new post later. And the bandwidth just keeps going up, up, up, up... (none of this is ours, though.) (Louis Wu 14:08:41 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Ripp0n's vid... with lots of BW
On the internet, EVERYONE knows you're a dog.
Quickie: NJ Tournament
Ripp0n's Montage
Now THAT'S a full plate.
Helljumper Hangout Art Contest
Mop-Up Movie Action
AIAS Ceremony Goes Well for Halo 2

Tuesday's news in brief:

The Codex - up again
On the Outskirts of New Mombasa
Another side to the game violence issue
Vehicular Pwnage
Return to Sender - remixed
Results from DC and TN
More stat tools
Playing for cash and causes
Of Arks and Sevens
The Codex - coming soon

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
