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Halo news back Tuesday, February 1, 2005 Halo news forward

The Codex - up again
Last night, we posted links to a trailer for The Codex, a new machinima production. Their server melted. They moved to a new host, and the links are back online, with smaller downloads (which means more people can view them)... and to make sure it doesn't happen again, we've tossed up mirrors on mythica.org and files.bungie.org.

Go grab 'em! (Louis Wu 21:28:53 UTC) (permalink)


On the Outskirts of New Mombasa
For those waiting breathlessly... it's Tuesday, so it's time for another chapter of Mike Miller's Legendary Walkthrough. This one looks at Outskirts... and the bane of Legendary in general - jackal snipers. Go read, go watch. (8 new movies.) (Louis Wu 17:58:53 UTC) (permalink)


Another side to the game violence issue
There's another interesting article linked from Rampancy.net over on TheHollywoodReporter.com - it's an interview with Henry Jenkins, a professor at MIT and a gamer. It brings up some pretty salient points about video game violence, and why we as a society seem to target it as a cure for our ills... and why this might not be very effective. A solid, thoughtful read, one that anyone affected by the hype over game violence should look at. (Louis Wu 17:55:57 UTC) (permalink)


Vehicular Pwnage
Verdafolio posted a note on our forum a few days ago about a movie called 'Vehicular Pwnage' - it's almost 20 mb, in WMP9 format, hosted over at DementedPuppy.com (thanks also to WhoKnew). This shows footage of the HBO Lekgolos doing some... well, check the title. A QuickTime version should be coming soon. (Louis Wu 17:37:48 UTC) (permalink)


Return to Sender - remixed
A couple of days ago, Xboxter posted a note on our forum - the links in that first post are funky, but the concept is there: he remixed the Last Spartan track off the Halo 2 Soundtrack to recreate the music you hear in the Return to Sender cutscene. I think he did a pretty nice job; you can download his remix from our server (mp3, 2.8 mb), and you can download a version of the cutscene that USES his music, to compare to the original, from his own website (WMP9 format, RAR-compressed, 7.6 mb). Give it a listen! (Louis Wu 16:32:17 UTC) (permalink)


Results from DC and TN
The MLGPro website was having a bit of trouble yesterday... this news isn't on their front page anywhere yet, but Gonzo sent us the details of last weekend's MLG DC event; looks like OGRE 2 took the FFA competition, StK was first in the 4v4, and Walshy and OGRE 2 teamed up to win the 2v2 Halo Side Game. I'm assuming a full writeup will be available on MLGPro.com soon. (Gonzo also mentioned that last week's AGP/LoJo event held last week in Knoxville, TN ended up with first prize in the $8500 tourney going to Team Pony, and the FFA title was taken by KillerN (of Team Pony).) (Louis Wu 14:17:31 UTC) (permalink)


More stat tools
And still more stats tools come on the scene. LunarShadow posted v1.06 of his Halo 2 Online (H2O) Stats reader - details and links are on our forum. (I couldn't get it to work, but I didn't check and make sure I had the latest versions of Microsoft's Visual Basic stuff.) And Todd Houser pointed out Query Spree, another downloadable program. (I haven't tested this one; it said it couldn't continue because 'some system files were out of date' and did I want to let Query Spree update them?) The field continues to expand... Update: Just saw this post on our forum; Aymeric has another online option for you. (Louis Wu 14:00:37 UTC) (permalink)


Playing for cash and causes
New tourneys - Slothboy mentioned one in Oregon; the Frag Fiesta will be taking place in Newberg (south of Portland) on February 12... and Kin Hulamm wrote to us about a 4v4 tourney to benefit UNICEF coming up in Greenbelt, Maryland on February 16; no website, but you can email him for details. (Louis Wu 13:55:05 UTC) (permalink)


Of Arks and Sevens
Jillybean let us know that there are a couple of small updates on the Halo Story page (one that mnemesis put up a few days ago, but we missed, another she posted last night)... go read the latest! (Louis Wu 13:37:46 UTC) (permalink)


The Codex - coming soon
New video to watch - a preview of things to come. The project is called 'The Codex', and the trailer is a bit over 3 minutes of tight camera work, beautiful edits, and great coordination with the soundtrack. Hard to tell yet how the plot will hold up... but the trailer certainly leaves you wanting more! Visit their Videos page for download links for QuickTime and DivX formats. A thread was started up on our forum, as well... be sure to leave 'em some feedback! Update: As many, many of you have noticed, the Codex website is offline for going over their bandwidth limits. I'll see what we can do about getting local versions up here to help 'em out. (Louis Wu 02:15:43 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

What the Halo?
The choices for stats just keep going up
A mop and some blood remover
The Shape of Things to Come?
Cracking the Egg

Sunday's news in brief:

UK LAN event in February
Sponsored by Poor Mel
Introduction to Destruction
Halo 2 clips: now at 594, total
4v4 tourney in Iowa
Sunday Reading
Links update
After War 11
Halo Revisited
Music for Pretty Vids
Stats apps recap

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
