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Halo news back Wednesday, February 2, 2005 Halo news forward

Ripp0n's vid... with lots of BW
Okay, that's it. We killed another account with Ripp0n's Montage... so I'm doing what I should have done at the start... and putting up a BitTorrent seed for it. If you wanted to get this earlier today, and couldn't... get it now. Update: Even easier - a direct download link (50mb). (Louis Wu 23:22:46 UTC) (permalink)


On the internet, EVERYONE knows you're a dog.
Bizarre. SirDougOfUsbek made a film in which one of his party members just... fell asleep during gameplay. Proximity voice let everyone nearby hear the guy snoring... they messed with him for a while. Mantis posted a link on our forum; nof has mirrored a director's cut (somewhat longer). Take this as a warning; fall asleep during a game, you WILL be ridiculed, publicly. (6500 people have downloaded this film from putfile.com; I don't know how many mirror downloads there've been.) (Louis Wu 14:06:44 UTC) (permalink)


Quickie: NJ Tournament
Tourney in Wayne, NJ, this coming Saturday; 2v2 Team Slayer, $500 cash prize. Details in this forum post. (Louis Wu 13:55:54 UTC) (permalink)


Ripp0n's Montage
Holy... so there are tons of skill vids out there, and as I've said before, there's ALWAYS someone better than you... but this was pretty amazing. Ripp0n posted a link to a montage vid he put together from his XBC (Halo 1) gameplay, and man... that guy can stick. There are some grenade throws that will make your jaw drop. Vid quality is... well, crappy. Certainly good enough to see what's going on, though. Vid is 6:23 long, 50 mb, WMP9 format. Hosts are (apparently) spotty. (I had no trouble grabbing the file from the first mirror, but someone else in the thread last night mentioned they were both down.) Composition is quite good; the whole thing suffers only from low video quality. This is certainly Halo gameplay at the peak of its form. (It's a fantastic example of why n00bs don't really enjoy playing on XBC... guys like Ripp0n make you feel really... inadequate.) Update: Bah, that was quick. Vid is down again. If anyone's got a chunk of bandwidth they want to devote to this, drop us a line. (It's a big video, and it's making the rounds, sitewise, so if you've got less than 50 or 100 GB of bandwidth to offer, it's probably not worth it.) Thanks! Update: Thanks a million to linus, who's provided another mirror for this file. Get it while it's hot! (Louis Wu 13:26:29 UTC) (permalink)


Now THAT'S a full plate.
Whoa - more awards possibilities. The Game Audio Network Guild is hosting the 3rd Annual G.A.N.G. Awards, to be held this year on March 10 during the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. Halo 2 is up for:

  • Audio Of The Year
  • Best Cinematic/Cut-Scene Audio
  • Music Of The Year
  • Best Live Performance Recording
  • Best Interactive Score
  • Best Original Instrumental Song (for "Earth City")
  • Best Original Vocal Song - Choral (for "Ghosts Of Reach")
  • Best Original Soundtrack Album
  • Sound Design Of The Year
  • Best Dialogue

WOW! Thanks to Music 4 Games for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 11:31:53 UTC) (permalink)


Helljumper Hangout Art Contest
Randomhero has started an Art contest; entries can be almost anything (as long as they haven't been seen before), and you've got until Feburary 28 to submit. Full details, including a prize list, can be found at his 7th Column Group. (Louis Wu 11:24:38 UTC) (permalink)


Mop-Up Movie Action
We mentioned a couple of movies yesterday that have updates in availability... lessee. DementedPuppy has posted a QuickTime version of Vehicular Pwnage; it's about 17 mb. (The WMP9 version is, of course, still available.) And HALOChat has put up a copy of the DivX version of the Codex Trailer - it's always good to have extra help with hosting! If you missed either of these yesterday, go grab 'em now. (Louis Wu 11:21:44 UTC) (permalink)


AIAS Ceremony Goes Well for Halo 2
A week or so ago, we mentioned the Interactive Achievement Awards - they were given out yesterday. Halo brought home 4 of them; of the 6 it was nominated for, it missed only Game of the Year (to Half-Life 2) and Outstanding Achievement in Game Design (to Katamari Damacy). Not too shabby! (Louis Wu 11:14:23 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

The Codex - up again
On the Outskirts of New Mombasa
Another side to the game violence issue
Vehicular Pwnage
Return to Sender - remixed
Results from DC and TN
More stat tools
Playing for cash and causes
Of Arks and Sevens
The Codex - coming soon

Monday's news in brief:

What the Halo?
The choices for stats just keep going up
A mop and some blood remover
The Shape of Things to Come?
Cracking the Egg

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
