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Halo news back Thursday, January 20, 2005 Halo news forward

Blowing Stuff Up
GIjoe2 points out his new vid Special Fred, a tribute to grenades and fusion cores, set to Stephen Lynch's eponymic song. WMP9 format, a bit under 5 megs. Funny stuff! (Louis Wu 22:39:37 UTC) (permalink)


EGM vs Bungie - ouch!
It's not up at Bungie.net yet... but it looks like Bungie took another lickin' in this week's Halo Humpday Challenge from the guys at Electronic Gaming Monthly. Dan Hsu, known as Shoe in Clan EGM, and a participant in last night's game, wrote up a short post on the activities. This one wasn't even close. Thanks to Ryan Croson for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 22:20:59 UTC) (permalink)


Sucking out the will to live a normal life
Wow. There've been articles out there before about how wives and girlfriends are 'widowed' by Halo... but I've never seen one like this. Well-written... but FULL of stereotypes. Originally in the New York Observer, now a cover story for the Charlotte Creative Loafing. It'll either amuse you, or anger you... but it's a fun read. Thanks, Rich Cutter. (Louis Wu 22:03:09 UTC) (permalink)


I see dead people.
Joshua Rennert posted a note on our forum about a sequel he and the Tricking IT crew are working on; working title is Beach of the Dead 2, though that won't be the release title. The trailer, made by ipushmycar, is short (48 seconds) but pretty sweet; high and low resolutin WMP9 links are in the original forum posts, and we've added high (5.3 mb) and low (2.2 mb) resolution QuickTime versions, as well. This looks like something to watch for! (Louis Wu 18:32:23 UTC) (permalink)


Best of Both Worlds
Blackstar's sent along another Calvin and Halo for your entertainment today - having dealt with exactly this sort of kid logic myself, I was tickled. Check it out. (Louis Wu 18:13:10 UTC) (permalink)


Sales slowdown
According to this Reuters article, Halo 2 hit 6.4 million in sales worldwide today. (This seems silly; the article was posted at 4:30 am PT Thursday, and states that Microsoft 'said [this] on Thursday' - hopefully they meant Wednesday, or MS PR folks are working REALLY odd hours.) If this number is accurate, it means that in the two weeks since the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas (where Bill Gates touted the 6.3 million units sold at THAT point), only 100,000 units have been sold worldwide... a significant drop in sales rate. Bah. All these numbers are silly. Let's look again in March, or something. (Louis Wu 14:15:25 UTC) (permalink)


Discussing the Back End
Gossip tossed us a link to the Amazon Web Services Blog, and an interview with Eric Neustadter, of the Xbox Live team, at the Amazon DevCon. Gossip characterized this as 'dry' - I'd have to agree. There ARE some interesting facts in it, though - Xbox Live increased some of its systems by a factor of 10 to accomodate the Halo 2 launch, and bought an additional 32 terabytes of disk space to handle the new stats system. (They're not using it all yet... but that's a LOT of space.) There's also a question about Halo 2 for the PC - Neustadter was asked if there were plans for a PC version that could play with the Xbox version, and his answer was negative:

The security model can't be expanded to the PC, so it's unlikely. Nobody has yet to figure out how to do it without punishing existing customers.

(A quick note about that - while we here at bungie.org believe pretty strongly that it's unlikely that there will ever be a version of Halo 2 for the PC - that's not what this question was about; this was about the interoperability of a potential PC version and the existing Xbox version. Nobody at Microsoft, or Bungie, has ever made a definitive statement, either way, about the future possibilities for a PC version.) (Louis Wu 11:05:30 UTC) (permalink)


Skinning Steam
Apparently, you can look at the Master Chief while preparing to play Half-Life 2 - there's a Halo 2 skin for Steam. (A screenshot is here.) Thanks, Samir Patel. (Louis Wu 10:55:02 UTC) (permalink)


Stuntmutt - even on Thursday
Stuntmutt has put up a new batch of Guest One One Se7en strips on his blog - if you feel like you're not getting enough corn with the 3-a-week diet here, go visit and see what others are creating! (He also whipped out a nice 'thank-you' post to Zzombie13, the guest artist who helped out with Monday's strip. I'd agree with him about the man's talent.) (Louis Wu 10:49:32 UTC) (permalink)


I'm SURE I've seen that before...
Whoa. Greg Hill and his brothers were visiting Detroit recently, staying close to the Canadian side of town (Windsor Canada is right on the other side of the river). He saw a building he HAD to take a picture of. Look familiar? (He made it easy for you, just in case it's not ringing any bells.) (Louis Wu 00:13:47 UTC) (permalink)


Them Geezers - they write a lot
3Suns noticed a whole bunch of content over at the Geezer Gamers' site, related to the recent Halo Humpday Challenge they participated in. They're all linked from the current front page, but in case things change, here's what we've got:

Go read, go watch - good stuff all around! Update Whoops! almost before I got the thing posted, the video's been pulled. :( Sorry, folks. Go read the rest of the stuff. (Louis Wu 00:04:39 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

Halo 2 High in Rentals
UK gives Halo 2 another look
Online Halo 2 Tourneys
Dance a Halo
They'll Eat Your Bones.
If You Can't Beat 'Em...
Nylund at the Science Fiction Museum
Wednesday's Word Collection
IGN readers speak up
2004 Game Sales, By the Numbers
Master Chief in NYC
Halo Combat Miniaturized
How to Snipe
Meet the Family - now in QuickTime
Tribute to Burial Mounds

Tuesday's news in brief:

Game with Incubus
Pete Parsons - Game Designer of the Year?
The Sleeping Princess Awakes
Meet the Family
Big cash at CeBIT
Just another face at Zanzibar
The Dangers of Console Modding
Ranking Done Right
TalkXbox Talks Halo
Movies for everyone

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
