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Halo news back Tuesday, January 18, 2005 Halo news forward

Game with Incubus
Another one of theose 'Game with Fame' events - this time, you have a shot to play online with Incubus. Visit their web page and register for a shot at 100 slots to play online on January 24. (There are also 10 runner-up prizes of their new DVD.) Thanks, DailyGame. (Louis Wu 20:01:02 UTC) (permalink)


Pete Parsons - Game Designer of the Year?
Wired Magazine has announced their nominees for the Sixth Annual Wired Rave Awards - Pete Parsons has picked up a nomination for 'Game Designer' for his work on Halo 2 (hehe). The Wired site itself hasn't been updated yet; it's still showing last year's awards. Thanks, ICDedPpl. (Louis Wu 16:50:34 UTC) (permalink)


The Sleeping Princess Awakes
There's a great interview with Kristen Rutherford, the actress who played Melissa (and several others) in last summer's I Love Bees ARG, over at TVG. Give it a read to see where the CREW was coming from. Thanks, Dolbex. (Louis Wu 16:24:30 UTC) (permalink)


Meet the Family
Machinima marches on - Stryke Force HQ, a series started up a month ago, has posted episode 2 on their video page. Lots of backstory, mixed with clean filmmaking technique - absolutely worth a watch! (This episode is WMP9-only at the moment, but I'm working on a QT version... the only issue is bandwidth.) 17.6 mb - go grab it! (Feenix started a thread about this in our forum - don't forget to shoot them some feedback!) (Louis Wu 13:48:16 UTC) (permalink)


Big cash at CeBIT
The World Cyber Games are coming to Europe March 10-13. Prize money on the line - 150,000 € (nothing to sneeze at). One of the tourney games: Halo 2, 1v1. Thanks to Marc, of Halo Universe, for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 12:16:41 UTC) (permalink)


Just another face at Zanzibar
Gavin Miller dropped us a note to let us know that the machinima series Them vs Us (first mentioned a couple of weeks ago) has a new website, a new forum, and two new vids up... with their first actual episode coming later this week. Go check 'em out! (Louis Wu 12:12:46 UTC) (permalink)


The Dangers of Console Modding
Lothar Hex writes to let us know that Halo gets a brief mention in today's Exterminatus Now webcomic. (Louis Wu 12:07:19 UTC) (permalink)


Ranking Done Right
Over on Xbox.com, Alex McLain writes about Xbox Live multiplay - and what makes it work. Halo 2's ranking system is held up as a model for other games. (Splinter Cell's stealth adn Itagaki's tournament play are also highlighted.) Thanks to Wolfy for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 11:48:08 UTC) (permalink)


TalkXbox Talks Halo
Two more Halo-related pieces over at TalkXbox - there's the second third of the Halo 2 vs MechAssault 2 comparison (we mentioned part 1 last week), and there's another strategy guide - Beaver Creek CTF. The first compares graphics and multiplayer features between the two titans (Halo 2 loses the former and wins the latter, according to TalkXbox), the second looks at a generalized form of HBO's favorite gametype (no-shields shotties on that map). Thanks again to 3Suns for both of these. (Louis Wu 11:42:05 UTC) (permalink)


Movies for everyone
Boatloads of movie tidbits today... but there's lots of stuff, so we'll take it as it comes. First up: mirrors. Richard Bentley added another mirror for the Team Sexy Release Night vid (I think there's enough bandwidth for that now :) )... and so did That Weasel - who ALSO mirrored all the rest of our Cutscene Library in his HBO Mirror section, as well as putting up a boatload of exclusive films in the Halo Exclusives section - stop by for your fill of Halo video goodness. (Louis Wu 11:32:20 UTC) (permalink)


Monday's news in brief:

Talking to the Tricksters
Video game sales end 2004 on a low point
Up, Up, and Away!
More bandwidth for Team Sexy
Wallpaper to cover the cracks

Sunday's news in brief:

Happy to be here!
Release Night in Erie, PA
Sarge - full upper-body coverage
Misunderstood and over-blamed
Bob the Engineer
Back - with RPGs

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
